Deleted for line feed code correction

cubism-dev 2018-10-25 17:05:42 +09:00
parent 9d8bf296d8
commit 197f7b3779
53 changed files with 0 additions and 16628 deletions

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@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
* @brief ID<br>
* <br>
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
// パーツID
export const HitAreaPrefix: string = "HitArea";
export const HitAreaHead: string = "Head";
export const HitAreaBody: string = "Body";
export const PartsIdCore: string = "Parts01Core";
export const PartsArmPrefix: string = "Parts01Arm_";
export const PartsArmLPrefix: string = "Parts01ArmL_";
export const PartsArmRPrefix: string = "Parts01ArmR_";
// パラメータID
export const ParamAngleX: string = "ParamAngleX";
export const ParamAngleY: string = "ParamAngleY";
export const ParamAngleZ: string = "ParamAngleZ";
export const ParamEyeLOpen: string = "ParamEyeLOpen";
export const ParamEyeLSmile: string = "ParamEyeLSmile";
export const ParamEyeROpen: string = "ParamEyeROpen";
export const ParamEyeRSmile: string = "ParamEyeRSmile";
export const ParamEyeBallX: string = "ParamEyeBallX";
export const ParamEyeBallY: string = "ParamEyeBallY";
export const ParamEyeBallForm: string = "ParamEyeBallForm";
export const ParamBrowLY: string = "ParamBrowLY";
export const ParamBrowRY: string = "ParamBrowRY";
export const ParamBrowLX: string = "ParamBrowLX";
export const ParamBrowRX: string = "ParamBrowRX";
export const ParamBrowLAngle: string = "ParamBrowLAngle";
export const ParamBrowRAngle: string = "ParamBrowRAngle";
export const ParamBrowLForm: string = "ParamBrowLForm";
export const ParamBrowRForm: string = "ParamBrowRForm";
export const ParamMouthForm: string = "ParamMouthForm";
export const ParamMouthOpenY: string = "ParamMouthOpenY";
export const ParamCheek: string = "ParamCheek";
export const ParamBodyAngleX: string = "ParamBodyAngleX";
export const ParamBodyAngleY: string = "ParamBodyAngleY";
export const ParamBodyAngleZ: string = "ParamBodyAngleZ";
export const ParamBreath: string = "ParamBreath";
export const ParamArmLA: string = "ParamArmLA";
export const ParamArmRA: string = "ParamArmRA";
export const ParamArmLB: string = "ParamArmLB";
export const ParamArmRB: string = "ParamArmRB";
export const ParamHandL: string = "ParamHandL";
export const ParamHandR: string = "ParamHandR";
export const ParamHairFront: string = "ParamHairFront";
export const ParamHairSide: string = "ParamHairSide";
export const ParamHairBack: string = "ParamHairBack";
export const ParamHairFluffy: string = "ParamHairFluffy";
export const ParamShoulderY: string = "ParamShoulderY";
export const ParamBustX: string = "ParamBustX";
export const ParamBustY: string = "ParamBustY";
export const ParamBaseX: string = "ParamBaseX";
export const ParamBaseY: string = "ParamBaseY";
export const ParamNONE: string = "NONE:";

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@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
// ログ出力関数の設定
//---------- ログ出力レベル 選択項目 定義 ----------
/// 詳細ログ出力設定
export const CSM_LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE: number = 0;
/// デバッグログ出力設定
export const CSM_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG: number = 1;
/// Infoログ出力設定
export const CSM_LOG_LEVEL_INFO: number = 2;
/// 警告ログ出力設定
export const CSM_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING: number = 3;
/// エラーログ出力設定
export const CSM_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR: number = 4;
/// ログ出力オフ設定
export const CSM_LOG_LEVEL_OFF: number = 5;
export const CSM_LOG_LEVEL: number = CSM_LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE;

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@ -1,681 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismframework} from "./live2dcubismframework";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as icubismmodelsetting} from "./icubismmodelsetting";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismid} from "./id/cubismid";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismjson} from "./utils/cubismjson";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmmap} from"./type/csmmap";
import csmMap = csmmap.csmMap;
import CubismFramework = cubismframework.CubismFramework;
import CubismIdHandle = cubismid.CubismIdHandle;
import CubismJson = cubismjson.CubismJson;
import Value = cubismjson.Value;
import ICubismModelSetting = icubismmodelsetting.ICubismModelSetting;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
* Model3Json
// JSON Keys
const Version: string = "Version";
const FileReferences: string = "FileReferences";
const Groups: string = "Groups";
const Layout: string = "Layout";
const HitAreas: string = "HitAreas";
const Moc: string = "Moc";
const Textures: string = "Textures";
const Physics: string = "Physics";
const Pose: string = "Pose";
const Expressions: string = "Expressions";
const Motions: string = "Motions";
const UserData: string = "UserData";
const Name: string = "Name";
const FilePath: string = "File";
const Id: string = "Id";
const Ids: string = "Ids";
const Target: string = "Target";
// Motions
const Idle: string = "Idle";
const TapBody: string = "TapBody";
const PinchIn: string = "PinchIn";
const PinchOut: string = "PinchOut";
const Shake: string = "Shake";
const FlickHead: string = "FlickHead";
const Parameter: string = "Parameter";
const SoundPath: string = "Sound";
const FadeInTime: string = "FadeInTime";
const FadeOutTime: string = "FadeOutTime";
// Layout
const CenterX: string = "CenterX";
const CenterY: string = "CenterY";
const X: string = "X";
const Y: string = "Y";
const Width: string = "Width";
const Height: string = "Height";
const LipSync: string = "LipSync";
const EyeBlink: string = "EyeBlink";
const InitParameter: string = "init_param";
const InitPartsVisible: string = "init_parts_visible";
const Val: string = "val";
* Model3Json
* model3.json
export class CubismModelSettingJson extends ICubismModelSetting
* @param buffer Model3Json
* @param size Model3Json
public constructor(buffer: ArrayBuffer, size: number)
this._json = CubismJson.create(buffer, size);
public release(): void
* CubismJson
* @return CubismJson
public GetJson(): CubismJson
return this._json;
* Moc
* @return Moc
public getModelFileName(): string
return "";
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().getValue(Moc).getRawString();
* 使
public getTextureCount(): number
return 0;
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().getValue(Textures).getSize();
* @return
public getTextureDirectory(): string
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().getValue(Textures).getRawString();
* 使
* @param index
* @return
public getTextureFileName(index: number): string
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().getValue(Textures).getVector().at(index).getRawString();
* @return
public getHitAreasCount(): number
return 0;
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(HitAreas).getSize();
* ID
* @param index index
* @return ID
public getHitAreaId(index: number): CubismIdHandle
return CubismFramework.getIdManager().getId(this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(HitAreas).getVector().at(index).getMap().getValue(Id).getRawString());
* @param index
* @return
public getHitAreaName(index: number): string
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(HitAreas).getVector().at(index).getMap().getValue(Name).getRawString();
* @return
public getPhysicsFileName(): string
return "";
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().getValue(Physics).getRawString();
* @return
public getPoseFileName(): string
return "";
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().getValue(Pose).getRawString();
* @return
public getExpressionCount(): number
return 0;
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().getValue(Expressions).getSize();
* @param index
* @return
public getExpressionName(index: number): string
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().getValue(Expressions).getVector().at(index).getMap().getValue(Name).getRawString();
* @param index
* @return
public getExpressionFileName(index: number): string
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().getValue(Expressions).getVector().at(index).getMap().getValue(FilePath).getRawString();
* @return
public getMotionGroupCount(): number
return 0;
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().getValue(Motions).getMap().getSize();
* @param index
* @return
public getMotionGroupName(index: number): string
return null;
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().getValue(Motions).getKeys().at(index);
* @param groupName
* @return
public getMotionCount(groupName: string): number
return 0;
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().getValue(Motions).getMap().getValue(groupName).getSize();
* @param groupName
* @param index
* @return
public getMotionFileName(groupName: string, index: number): string
return "";
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().getValue(Motions).getMap().getValue(groupName).getVector().at(index).getMap().getValue(FilePath).getRawString();
* @param groupName
* @param index
* @return
public getMotionSoundFileName(groupName: string, index: number): string
if(!this.isExistMotionSoundFile(groupName, index))
return "";
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().getValue(Motions).getMap().getValue(groupName).getVector().at(index).getMap().getValue(SoundPath).getRawString();
* @param groupName
* @param index
* @return []
public getMotionFadeInTimeValue(groupName: string, index: number): number
if(!this.isExistMotionFadeIn(groupName, index))
return -1.0;
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().getValue(Motions).getMap().getValue(groupName).getVector().at(index).getMap().getValue(FadeInTime).toFloat();
* @param groupName
* @param index
* @return []
public getMotionFadeOutTimeValue(groupName: string, index: number): number
if(!this.isExistMotionFadeOut(groupName, index))
return -1.0;
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().getValue(Motions).getMap().getValue(groupName).getVector().at(index).getMap().getValue(FadeOutTime).toFloat();
* @return
public getUserDataFile(): string
return "";
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().getValue(UserData).getRawString();
* @param outLayoutMap csmMap
* @return true
* @return false
public getLayoutMap(outLayoutMap: csmMap<string, number>): boolean
// 存在しない要素にアクセスするとエラーになるためValueがnullの場合はnullを代入する
let map: csmMap<string, Value> = (this._json.getRoot().getMap().isExist(Layout))
? this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Layout).getMap()
: null;
if(map == null)
return false;
let ret: boolean = false;
for(const ite: csmMap.iterator<string, Value> = map.begin(); ite.notEqual(map.end()); ite.preIncrement())
outLayoutMap.setValue(ite.ptr().first, ite.ptr().second.toFloat());
ret = true;
return ret;
* @return
public getEyeBlinkParameterCount(): number
if (!this.isExistEyeBlinkParameters())
return 0;
let num: number = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Groups).getSize(); i++)
if (this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Groups).getVector().at(i).getMap().getValue(Name).getRawString() == EyeBlink)
num = this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Groups).getVector().at(i).getMap().getValue(Ids).getVector().getSize();
return num;
* ID
* @param index
* @return ID
public getEyeBlinkParameterId(index: number): CubismIdHandle
if (!this.isExistEyeBlinkParameters())
return null;
for (let i = 0; i < this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Groups).getSize(); i++)
if (this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Groups).getVector().at(i).getMap().getValue(Name).getRawString() == EyeBlink)
return CubismFramework.getIdManager().getId(this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Groups).getVector().at(i).getMap().getValue(Ids).getVector().at(index).getRawString());
return null;
* @return
public getLipSyncParameterCount(): number
if (!this.isExistLipSyncParameters())
return 0;
let num: number = 0;
for (let i: number = 0; i < this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Groups).getSize(); i++)
if (this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Groups).getVector().at(i).getMap().getValue(Name).getRawString() == LipSync)
num = this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Groups).getVector().at(i).getMap().getValue(Ids).getVector().getSize();
return num;
* @param index
* @return ID
public getLipSyncParameterId(index: number): CubismIdHandle
if (!this.isExistLipSyncParameters())
return null;
for (let i: number = 0; i < this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Groups).getSize(); i++)
if (this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Groups).getVector().at(i).getMap().getValue(Name).getRawString() == LipSync)
return CubismFramework.getIdManager().getId(this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Groups).getVector().at(i).getMap().getValue(Ids).getVector().at(index).getRawString());
return null;
* @return true
* @return false
private isExistModelFile(): boolean
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().isExist(Moc);
* @return true
* @return false
private isExistTextureFiles(): boolean
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().isExist(Textures);
* @return true
* @return false
private isExistHitAreas(): boolean
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().isExist(HitAreas);
* @return true
* @return false
private isExistPhysicsFile(): boolean
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().isExist(Physics);
* @return true
* @return false
private isExistPoseFile(): boolean
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().isExist(Pose);
* @return true
* @return false
private isExistExpressionFile(): boolean
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().isExist(Expressions);
* @return true
* @return false
private isExistMotionGroups(): boolean
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().isExist(Motions);
* @param groupName
* @return true
* @return false
private isExistMotionGroupName(groupName: string): boolean
return false;
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().getValue(Motions).getMap().isExist(groupName);
* @param groupName
* @param index
* @return true
* @return false
private isExistMotionSoundFile(groupName: string, index: number): boolean
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().getValue(Motions).getMap().getValue(groupName).getVector().at(index).getMap().isExist(SoundPath);
* @param groupName
* @param index
* @return true
* @return false
private isExistMotionFadeIn(groupName: string, index: number): boolean
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().getValue(Motions).getMap().getValue(groupName).getVector().at(index).getMap().isExist(FadeInTime);
* @param groupName
* @param index
* @return true
* @return false
private isExistMotionFadeOut(groupName: string, index: number): boolean
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().getValue(Motions).getMap().getValue(groupName).getVector().at(index).getMap().isExist(FadeOutTime);
* UserData
* @return true
* @return false
private isExistUserDataFile(): boolean
return false;
return !this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(FileReferences).getMap().getValue(UserData).isNull();
* @return true
* @return false
private isExistEyeBlinkParameters(): boolean
return false;
for (let i: number = 0; i < this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Groups).getSize(); ++i)
if (this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Groups).getVector().at(i).getMap().getValue(Name).getRawString() == EyeBlink)
return true;
return false;
* @return true
* @return false
private isExistLipSyncParameters(): boolean
return false;
for (let i: number = 0; i < this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Groups).getSize(); ++i)
if (this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Groups).getVector().at(i).getMap().getValue(Name).getRawString() == LipSync)
return true;
return false;
private _json: CubismJson;

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@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmvector} from "../type/csmvector";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmodel} from "../model/cubismmodel";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismid} from "../id/cubismid";
import CubismIdHandle = cubismid.CubismIdHandle;
import CubismModel = cubismmodel.CubismModel;
import csmVector = csmvector.csmVector;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
export class CubismBreath
public static create(): CubismBreath
return new CubismBreath();
* @param instance CubismBreath
public static delete(instance: CubismBreath): void
instance = void 0;
instance = null;
* @param breathParameters
public setParameters(breathParameters: csmVector<CubismBreath.BreathParameterData>): void
this._breathParameters = breathParameters;
* @return
public getParameters(): csmVector<CubismBreath.BreathParameterData>
return this._breathParameters;
* @param model
* @param deltaTimeSeconds []
public updateParameters(model: CubismModel, deltaTimeSeconds: number): void
this._currentTime += deltaTimeSeconds;
const t: number = this._currentTime * 2.0 * 3.14159;
for(let i: number = 0; i < this._breathParameters.getSize(); ++i)
let data: CubismBreath.BreathParameterData =;
data.offset + (data.peak * Math.sin(t / data.cycle)),
public constructor()
this._currentTime = 0.0;
_breathParameters: csmVector<CubismBreath.BreathParameterData>; // 呼吸にひもづいているパラメータのリスト
_currentTime: number; // 積算時間[秒]
export namespace CubismBreath
export class BreathParameterData
* @param parameterId ID
* @param offset
* @param peak
* @param cycle
* @param weight
constructor(parameterId?: CubismIdHandle, offset?: number, peak?: number, cycle?: number, weight?: number)
this.parameterId = (parameterId == undefined)
? null
: parameterId;
this.offset = (offset == undefined)
? 0.0
: offset;
this.peak = (peak == undefined)
? 0.0
: peak;
this.cycle = (cycle == undefined)
? 0.0
: cycle;
this.weight = (weight == undefined)
? 0.0
: weight;
parameterId: CubismIdHandle; // 呼吸をひもづけるパラメータID\
offset: number; // 呼吸を正弦波としたときの、波のオフセット
peak: number; // 呼吸を正弦波としたときの、波の高さ
cycle: number; // 呼吸を正弦波としたときの、波の周期
weight: number; // パラメータへの重み

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@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmvector} from "../type/csmvector";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as icubismmodelsetting} from "../icubismmodelsetting";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismid} from "../id/cubismid";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmodel} from "../model/cubismmodel";
import CubismModel = cubismmodel.CubismModel;
import CubismIdHandle = cubismid.CubismIdHandle;
import ICubismModelSetting = icubismmodelsetting.ICubismModelSetting;
import csmVector = csmvector.csmVector;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
export class CubismEyeBlink
* @param modelSetting
* @return
* @note NULLID
public static create(modelSetting: ICubismModelSetting = null): CubismEyeBlink
return new CubismEyeBlink(modelSetting);
* @param eyeBlink CubismEyeBlink
public static delete(eyeBlink: CubismEyeBlink): void
eyeBlink = void 0;
eyeBlink = null;
* @param blinkingInterval []
public setBlinkingInterval(blinkingInterval: number): void
this._blinkingIntervalSeconds = blinkingInterval;
* @param closing []
* @param closed []
* @param opening []
public setBlinkingSetting(closing: number, closed: number, opening: number): void
this._closingSeconds = closing;
this._closedSeconds = closed;
this._openingSeconds = opening;
* ID
* @param parameterIds ID
public setParameterIds(parameterIds: csmVector<CubismIdHandle>): void
this._parameterIds = parameterIds;
* ID
* @return ID
public getParameterIds(): csmVector<CubismIdHandle>
return this._parameterIds;
* @param model
* @param deltaTimeSeconds []
public updateParameters(model: CubismModel, deltaTimeSeconds: number): void
this._userTimeSeconds += deltaTimeSeconds;
let parameterValue: number;
let t: number = 0.0;
case CubismEyeBlink.EyeState.EyeState_Closing:
t = ((this._userTimeSeconds - this._stateStartTimeSeconds) / this._closingSeconds);
if(t >= 1.0)
t = 1.0;
this._blinkingState = CubismEyeBlink.EyeState.EyeState_Closed;
this._stateStartTimeSeconds = this._userTimeSeconds;
parameterValue = 1.0 - t;
case CubismEyeBlink.EyeState.EyeState_Closed:
t = ((this._userTimeSeconds - this._stateStartTimeSeconds) / this._closedSeconds);
if(t >= 1.0)
this._blinkingState = CubismEyeBlink.EyeState.EyeState_Opening;
this._stateStartTimeSeconds = this._userTimeSeconds;
parameterValue = 0.0;
case CubismEyeBlink.EyeState.EyeState_Opening:
t = ((this._userTimeSeconds - this._stateStartTimeSeconds) / this._openingSeconds);
if(t >= 1.0)
t = 1.0;
this._blinkingState = CubismEyeBlink.EyeState.EyeState_Interval;
this._nextBlinkingTime = this.determinNextBlinkingTiming();
parameterValue = t;
case CubismEyeBlink.EyeState.EyeState_Interval:
if(this._nextBlinkingTime < this._userTimeSeconds)
this._blinkingState = CubismEyeBlink.EyeState.EyeState_Closing;
this._stateStartTimeSeconds = this._userTimeSeconds;
parameterValue = 1.0;
case CubismEyeBlink.EyeState.EyeState_First:
this._blinkingState = CubismEyeBlink.EyeState.EyeState_Interval;
this._nextBlinkingTime = this.determinNextBlinkingTiming();
parameterValue = 1.0;
parameterValue = -parameterValue;
for(let i: number = 0; i < this._parameterIds.getSize(); ++i)
model.setParameterValueById(, parameterValue);
* @param modelSetting
public constructor(modelSetting: ICubismModelSetting)
this._blinkingState = CubismEyeBlink.EyeState.EyeState_First;
this._nextBlinkingTime = 0.0;
this._stateStartTimeSeconds = 0.0;
this._blinkingIntervalSeconds = 4.0;
this._closingSeconds = 0.1;
this._closedSeconds = 0.05;
this._openingSeconds = 0.15;
this._userTimeSeconds = 0.0;
this._parameterIds = new csmVector<CubismIdHandle>();
if(modelSetting == null)
for(let i: number = 0; i < modelSetting.getEyeBlinkParameterCount(); ++i)
* @return []
public determinNextBlinkingTiming(): number
const r: number = Math.random();
return this._userTimeSeconds + (r * (2.0 * this._blinkingIntervalSeconds - 1.0));
_blinkingState: number; // 現在の状態
_parameterIds: csmVector<CubismIdHandle>; // 操作対象のパラメータのIDのリスト
_nextBlinkingTime: number; // 次のまばたきの時刻[秒]
_stateStartTimeSeconds: number; // 現在の状態が開始した時刻[秒]
_blinkingIntervalSeconds: number; // まばたきの間隔[秒]
_closingSeconds: number; // まぶたを閉じる動作の所要時間[秒]
_closedSeconds: number; // まぶたを閉じている動作の所要時間[秒]
_openingSeconds: number; // まぶたを開く動作の所要時間[秒]
_userTimeSeconds: number; // デルタ時間の積算値[秒]
export namespace CubismEyeBlink
export enum EyeState
EyeState_First = 0, // 初期状態
EyeState_Interval, // まばたきしていない状態
EyeState_Closing, // まぶたが閉じていく途中の状態
EyeState_Closed, // まぶたが閉じている状態
EyeState_Opening // まぶたが開いていく途中の状態
* ID0 true 1 false
export const CloseIfZero = true;

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@ -1,416 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismid} from "../id/cubismid";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmvector} from "../type/csmvector";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmodel} from "../model/cubismmodel";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismframework} from "../live2dcubismframework";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismjson} from "../utils/cubismjson";
import CubismIdHandle = cubismid.CubismIdHandle;
import csmVector = csmvector.csmVector;
import CubismModel = cubismmodel.CubismModel;
import CubismFramework = cubismframework.CubismFramework;
import CubismJson = cubismjson.CubismJson;
import Value = cubismjson.Value;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
const Epsilon: number = 0.001;
const DefaultFadeInSeconds: number = 0.5;
// Pose.jsonのタグ
const FadeIn: string = "FadeInTime";
const Link: string = "Link";
const Groups: string = "Groups";
const Id: string = "Id";
export class CubismPose
* @param pose3json pose3.json
* @param size pose3.json[byte]
* @return
public static create(pose3json: ArrayBuffer, size: number): CubismPose
let ret: CubismPose = new CubismPose();
let json: CubismJson = CubismJson.create(pose3json, size);
let root: Value = json.getRoot();
// フェード時間の指定
ret._fadeTimeSeconds = root.getMap().getValue(FadeIn).toFloat(DefaultFadeInSeconds);
if(ret._fadeTimeSeconds <= 0.0)
ret._fadeTimeSeconds = DefaultFadeInSeconds;
// パーツグループ
let poseListInfo: Value = root.getMap().getValue(Groups);
const poseCount: number = poseListInfo.getSize();
for(let poseIndex: number = 0; poseIndex < poseCount; ++poseIndex)
let idListInfo: Value = poseListInfo.getVector().at(poseIndex);
const idCount: number = idListInfo.getSize();
let groupCount: number = 0;
for(let groupIndex: number = 0; groupIndex < idCount; ++groupIndex)
let partInfo: Value = idListInfo.getVector().at(groupIndex);
let partData: CubismPose.PartData = new CubismPose.PartData();
const parameterId: CubismIdHandle = CubismFramework.getIdManager().getId(partInfo.getMap().getValue(Id).getRawString());
partData.partId = parameterId;
// リンクするパーツの設定
let linkListInfo: Value = partInfo.getMap().getValue(Link);
const linkCount: number = linkListInfo.getSize();
for(let linkIndex: number = 0; linkIndex < linkCount; ++linkIndex)
let linkPart: CubismPose.PartData = new CubismPose.PartData();
const linkId: CubismIdHandle = CubismFramework.getIdManager().getId(linkListInfo.getVector().at(linkIndex).getString());
linkPart.partId = linkId;;
return ret;
* @param pose CubismPose
public static delete(pose: CubismPose): void
pose = void 0;
pose = null;
* @param model
* @param deltaTimeSeconds []
public updateParameters(model: CubismModel, deltaTimeSeconds: number): void
// 前回のモデルと同じでない場合は初期化が必要
if(model != this._lastModel)
// パラメータインデックスの初期化
this._lastModel = model;
// 設定から時間を変更すると、経過時間がマイナスになる事があるので、経過時間0として対応
if(deltaTimeSeconds < 0.0)
deltaTimeSeconds = 0.0;
let beginIndex: number = 0;
for(let i = 0; i < this._partGroupCounts.getSize(); i++)
const partGroupCount: number =;
this.doFade(model, deltaTimeSeconds, beginIndex, partGroupCount);
beginIndex += partGroupCount;
* @param model
* @note 0
public reset(model: CubismModel): void
let beginIndex: number = 0;
for(let i: number = 0; i < this._partGroupCounts.getSize(); ++i)
const groupCount: number =;
for(let j: number = beginIndex; j < beginIndex + groupCount; ++j)
const partsIndex: number =;
const paramIndex: number =;
if(partsIndex < 0)
model.setPartOpacityByIndex(partsIndex, (j == beginIndex ? 1.0 : 0.0));
model.setParameterValueByIndex(paramIndex, (j == beginIndex ? 1.0: 0.0));
for(let k: number = 0; k <; ++k)
beginIndex += groupCount;
* @param model
public copyPartOpacities(model: CubismModel): void
for(let groupIndex: number = 0; groupIndex < this._partGroups.getSize(); ++groupIndex)
let partData: CubismPose.PartData =;
if( == 0)
continue; // 連動するパラメータはない
const partIndex: number =;
const opacity: number = model.getPartOpacityByIndex(partIndex);
for(let linkIndex: number = 0; linkIndex <; ++linkIndex)
let linkPart: CubismPose.PartData =;
const linkPartIndex: number = linkPart.partIndex;
if(linkPartIndex < 0)
model.setPartOpacityByIndex(linkPartIndex, opacity);
* @param model
* @param deltaTimeSeconds []
* @param beginIndex
* @param partGroupCount
public doFade(model: CubismModel, deltaTimeSeconds: number, beginIndex: number, partGroupCount: number): void
let visiblePartIndex: number = -1;
let newOpacity: number = 1.0;
const phi: number = 0.5;
const backOpacityThreshold: number = 0.15;
// 現在、表示状態になっているパーツを取得
for(let i: number = beginIndex; i < beginIndex + partGroupCount; ++i)
const partIndex: number =;
const paramIndex: number =;
if(model.getParameterValueByIndex(paramIndex) > Epsilon)
if(visiblePartIndex >= 0)
visiblePartIndex = i;
newOpacity = model.getPartOpacityByIndex(partIndex);
// 新しい不透明度を計算
newOpacity += (deltaTimeSeconds / this._fadeTimeSeconds);
if(newOpacity > 1.0)
newOpacity = 1.0;
if(visiblePartIndex < 0)
visiblePartIndex = 0;
newOpacity = 1.0;
// 表示パーツ、非表示パーツの不透明度を設定する
for(let i: number = beginIndex; i < beginIndex + partGroupCount; ++i)
const partsIndex: number =;
// 表示パーツの設定
if(visiblePartIndex == i)
model.setPartOpacityByIndex(partsIndex, newOpacity); // 先に設定
// 非表示パーツの設定
let opacity: number = model.getPartOpacityByIndex(partsIndex);
let a1: number; // 計算によって求められる不透明度
if(newOpacity < phi)
a1 = newOpacity * (phi - 1) / phi + 1.0; // (0,1),(phi,phi)を通る直線式
a1 = (1 - newOpacity) * phi / (1.0 - phi); // (1,0),(phi,phi)を通る直線式
// 背景の見える割合を制限する場合
const backOpacity: number = (1.0 - a1) * (1.0 - newOpacity);
if(backOpacity > backOpacityThreshold)
a1 = 1.0 - backOpacityThreshold / (1.0 - newOpacity);
if(opacity > a1)
opacity = a1; // 計算の不透明度よりも大きければ(濃ければ)不透明度を上げる
model.setPartOpacityByIndex(partsIndex, opacity);
public constructor()
this._fadeTimeSeconds = DefaultFadeInSeconds;
this._lastModel = null;
this._partGroups = new csmVector<CubismPose.PartData>();
this._partGroupCounts = new csmVector<number>();
_partGroups: csmVector<CubismPose.PartData>; // パーツグループ
_partGroupCounts: csmVector<number>; // それぞれのパーツグループの個数
_fadeTimeSeconds: number; // フェード時間[秒]
_lastModel: CubismModel; // 前回操作したモデル
export namespace CubismPose
export class PartData
constructor(v?: PartData)
this.parameterIndex = 0;
this.partIndex = 0; = new csmVector<PartData>();
if(v != undefined)
this.partId = v.partId;
for(const ite: csmVector.iterator<PartData> =; ite.notEqual(; ite.preIncrement())
* =
public assignment(v: PartData): PartData
this.partId = v.partId;
for(const ite: csmVector.iterator<PartData> =; ite.notEqual(; ite.preIncrement())
return this;
* @param model 使
public initialize(model: CubismModel): void
this.parameterIndex = model.getParameterIndex(this.partId);
this.partIndex = model.getPartIndex(this.partId);
model.setParameterValueByIndex(this.parameterIndex, 1);
public clone(): PartData
let clonePartData: PartData = new PartData();
clonePartData.partId = this.partId;
clonePartData.parameterIndex = this.parameterIndex;
clonePartData.partIndex = this.partIndex; = new csmVector<PartData>();
for(let ite: csmVector.iterator<PartData> =; ite.notEqual(; ite.increment())
return clonePartData;
partId: CubismIdHandle; // パーツID
parameterIndex: number; // パラメータのインデックス
partIndex: number; // パーツのインデックス
link: csmVector<PartData>; // 連動するパラメータ

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@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
export abstract class ICubismAllocator
* @param size
* @return '0'
public abstract allocate(size: number): any;
* @param memory
public abstract deallocate(memory: any): void;
* @param size
* @param alignment
* @return '0'
public abstract allocateAligned(size: number, alignment: number): any;
* @param alignedMemory
public abstract deallocateAligned(alignedMemory: any): void;

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@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismid} from './id/cubismid';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmmap} from './type/csmmap';
import csmMap = csmmap.csmMap;
import CubismIdHandle = cubismid.CubismIdHandle;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
export abstract class ICubismModelSetting
* Moc
* @return Moc
public abstract getModelFileName(): string;
* 使
public abstract getTextureCount(): number;
* @return
public abstract getTextureDirectory(): string;
* 使
* @param index
* @return
public abstract getTextureFileName(index: number): string;
* @return
public abstract getHitAreasCount(): number;
* ID
* @param index index
* @return ID
public abstract getHitAreaId(index: number): CubismIdHandle;
* @param index
* @return
public abstract getHitAreaName(index: number): string;
* @return
public abstract getPhysicsFileName(): string;
* @return
public abstract getPoseFileName(): string;
* @return
public abstract getExpressionCount(): number;
* @param index
* @return
public abstract getExpressionName(index: number): string;
* @param index
* @return
public abstract getExpressionFileName(index: number): string;
* @return
public abstract getMotionGroupCount(): number;
* @param index
* @return
public abstract getMotionGroupName(index: number): string;
* @param groupName
* @return
public abstract getMotionCount(groupName: string): number;
* @param groupName
* @param index
* @return
public abstract getMotionFileName(groupName: string, index: number): string;
* @param groupName
* @param index
* @return
public abstract getMotionSoundFileName(groupName: string, index: number): string;
* @param groupName
* @param index
* @return []
public abstract getMotionFadeInTimeValue(groupName: string, index: number): number;
* @param groupName
* @param index
* @return []
public abstract getMotionFadeOutTimeValue(groupName: string, index: number): number;
* @return
public abstract getUserDataFile(): string;
* @param outLayoutMap csmMap
* @return true
* @return false
public abstract getLayoutMap(outLayoutMap: csmMap<string, number>): boolean;
* @return
public abstract getEyeBlinkParameterCount(): number;
* ID
* @param index
* @return ID
public abstract getEyeBlinkParameterId(index: number): CubismIdHandle;
* @return
public abstract getLipSyncParameterCount(): number;
* @param index
* @return ID
public abstract getLipSyncParameterId(index: number): CubismIdHandle;

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@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmstring} from "../type/csmstring";
import csmString = csmstring.csmString;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
* Drawable
* Drawable
export class CubismId
* ID
public getString(): csmString
return this._id;
public constructor(id: string | csmString)
if(typeof(id) === 'string')
this._id = new csmString(id);
this._id = id;
* id
* @param c id
* @return true,false
public isEqual(c: string | csmString | CubismId): boolean
if (typeof(c) === 'string')
return this._id.isEqual(c);
else if (c instanceof csmString)
return this._id.isEqual(c.s);
else if (c instanceof CubismId)
return this._id.isEqual(c._id.s);
return false;
* id
* @param c id
* @return true,false
public isNotEqual(c: string | csmString | CubismId): boolean
if (typeof(c) == 'string')
return !this._id.isEqual(c);
else if (c instanceof csmString)
return !this._id.isEqual(c.s);
else if (c instanceof CubismId)
return !this._id.isEqual(c._id.s);
return false;
private _id: csmString; // ID名
export declare type CubismIdHandle = CubismId;

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@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmvector} from "../type/csmvector";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismid} from "./cubismid";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmstring} from "../type/csmstring";
import csmString = csmstring.csmString;
import CubismId = cubismid.CubismId;
import csmVector = csmvector.csmVector;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
* ID
* ID
export class CubismIdManager
public constructor()
this._ids = new csmVector<CubismId>();
public release(): void
for(let i: number = 0; i < this._ids.getSize(); ++i)
this._ids.set(i, void 0);
this._ids = null;
* ID
* @param ids ID
* @param count ID
public registerIds(ids: string[] | csmString[]): void
for(let i: number = 0; i < ids.length; i++)
* ID
* @param id ID
public registerId(id: string | csmString): CubismId
let result: CubismId = null;
if ('string' == typeof(id))
if ((result = this.findId(id)) != null)
return result;
result = new CubismId(id);
return this.registerId(id.s);
return result;
* @param id ID
public getId(id: csmString | string): CubismId
return this.registerId(id);
* @return true
* @return false
public isExist(id: csmString | string): boolean
if ('string' == typeof(id))
return (this.findId(id) != null);
return this.isExist(id.s);
* @param id ID
* @return IDNULL
private findId(id: string): CubismId
for(let i: number = 0; i < this._ids.getSize(); ++i)
return null;
private _ids: csmVector<CubismId>; // 登録されているIDのリスト

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@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismjson} from "./utils/cubismjson";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismidmanager} from "./id/cubismidmanager";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismrenderer} from "./rendering/cubismrenderer";
import {CubismLogInfo, CubismLogWarning, CSM_ASSERT} from "./utils/cubismdebug";
import Value = cubismjson.Value;
import CubismIdManager = cubismidmanager.CubismIdManager;
import CubismRenderer = cubismrenderer.CubismRenderer;
export function strtod(s: string, endPtr: string[]): number
let index: number = 0;
for(let i: number = 1; ; i++)
let testC: string = s.slice(i - 1, i);
// 指数・マイナスの可能性があるのでスキップする
if(testC=='e' || testC=='-' || testC == 'E')
    // 文字列の範囲を広げていく
let test: string = s.substring(0, i);
let number: number = Number(test);
     // 数値として認識できなくなったので終了
    // 最後に数値としてできたindexを格納しておく
index = i;
let d = parseFloat(s); // パースした数値
     // 数値として認識できなくなったので終了
d = NaN;
endPtr[0] = s.slice(index); // 後続の文字列
return d;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
// ファイルスコープの変数を初期化
let s_isStarted: boolean = false;
let s_isInitialized: boolean = false;
let s_option: Option = null;
let s_cubismIdManager: CubismIdManager = null;
* Framework使
export namespace Constant
export const vertexOffset: number = 0; // メッシュ頂点のオフセット値
export const vertexStep: number = 2; // メッシュ頂点のステップ値
export function csmDelete<T>(address: T): void
address = void 0;
* Live2D Cubism3 Original Workflow SDK
* CubismFramework.initialize()CubismFramework.dispose()
export class CubismFramework
* @brief Cubism FrameworkAPI使<br>
* API<br>
* <br>
* @param allocator ICubismAllocator
* @param option Option
* @return true
public static startUp(option: Option = null): boolean
CubismLogInfo("CubismFramework::StartUp() is already done.");
return s_isStarted;
s_option = option;
if(s_option != null)
// TODO Core::csmSetLogFunction(s_option->LogFunction);
s_isStarted = true;
// Live2D Cubism Coreバージョン情報を表示
const version: number = 1; // TODO Core::csmGetVersion()
const major: number = ((version & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
const minor: number = ((version & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
const patch: number = ((version & 0x0000FFFF));
const versionNumber: number = version;
CubismLogInfo("Live2D Cubism Core version: %02d.%02d.%04d (%d)", major, minor, patch, versionNumber);
CubismLogInfo("CubismFramework::StartUp() is complete.");
return s_isStarted;
* StartUp()CubismFramework
* Dispose()CubismFramework
public static cleanUp(): void
s_isStarted = false;
s_isInitialized = false;
s_option = null;
s_cubismIdManager = null;
* Cubism Framework<br>
* Initialize()Dispose()
public static initialize(): void
CubismLogWarning("CubismFramework is not started.");
// --- s_isInitializedによる連続初期化ガード ---
// 連続してリソース確保が行われないようにする。
// 再度Initialize()するには先にDispose()を実行する必要がある。
if (s_isInitialized)
CubismLogWarning("CubismFramework::Initialize() skipped, already initialized.");
//---- static 初期化 ----
s_cubismIdManager = new CubismIdManager();
s_isInitialized = true;
CubismLogInfo("CubismFramework::Initialize() is complete.");
* Cubism Framework
public static dispose(): void
CubismLogWarning("CubismFramework is not started.");
// --- s_isInitializedによる未初期化解放ガード ---
// dispose()するには先にinitialize()を実行する必要がある。
if(!s_isInitialized) // false...リソース未確保の場合
CubismLogWarning("CubismFramework::Dispose() skipped, not initialized.");
s_cubismIdManager = void 0;
// レンダラの静的リソース(シェーダプログラム他)を解放する
s_isInitialized = false;
CubismLogInfo("CubismFramework::Dispose() is complete.");
* @return
public static getLoggingLevel(): Option.LogLevel
if (s_option != null)
return s_option.loggingLevel;
return Option.LogLevel.LogLevel_Off;
* Cubism FrameworkAPI使
* @return API使true
public static isStarted(): boolean
return s_isStarted;
* Cubism Framework
* @return true
public static isInitialized(): boolean
return s_isInitialized;
* ID
* @return CubismManager
public static getIdManager(): CubismIdManager
return s_cubismIdManager;
* 使
private constructor()
export class Option
loggingLevel: Option.LogLevel; // ログ出力レベルの設定
export namespace Option
export enum LogLevel
LogLevel_Verbose = 0, // 詳細ログ
LogLevel_Debug, // デバッグログ
LogLevel_Info, // Infoログ
LogLevel_Warning, // 警告ログ
LogLevel_Error, // エラーログ
LogLevel_Off // ログ出力無効

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* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismvector2} from "./cubismvector2";
import CubismVector2 = cubismvector2.CubismVector2;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
* 使
export class CubismMath
* @param value
* @param min
* @param max
* @return
static range(value: number, min: number, max: number): number
if (value < min)
value = min;
else if (value > max)
value = max;
return value;
* @param x
* @return sin(x)
static sin(x: number): number
return Math.sin(x);
* @param x ()
* @return cos(x)
static cos(x: number): number
return Math.cos(x);
* @param x
* @return
static abs(x: number): number
return Math.abs(x);
* ()
* @param x ->
* @return
static sqrt(x: number): number
return Math.sqrt(x);
* @param value
* @return
static getEasingSine(value: number): number
if (value < 0.0)
return 0.0;
else if (value > 1.0)
return 1.0;
return 0.5 - 0.5 * this.cos(value * Math.PI);
* @param left
* @param right
* @return
static max(left: number, right: number): number
return (left > right)
? left
: right;
* @param left
* @param right  
* @return
static min(left: number, right: number): number
return (left > right)
? right
: left;
* @param degrees
* @return
static degreesToRadian(degrees: number): number
return (degrees / 180.0) * Math.PI;
* @param radian
* @return
static radianToDegrees(radian: number): number
return (radian * 180.0) / Math.PI;
* @param from
* @param to
* @return
static directionToRadian(from: CubismVector2, to: CubismVector2): number
const q1: number = Math.atan2(to.y, to.x);
const q2: number = Math.atan2(from.y, from.x);
let ret: number = q1 - q2;
while(ret < -Math.PI)
ret += Math.PI * 2.0;
while(ret > Math.PI)
ret -= Math.PI * 2.0;
return ret;
* @param from
* @param to
* @return
static directionToDegrees(from: CubismVector2, to: CubismVector2): number
const radian: number = this.directionToRadian(from, to);
let degree: number = this.radianToDegrees(radian);
if ((to.x - from.x) > 0.0)
degree = -degree;
return degree;
* @param totalAngle
* @return
static radianToDirection(totalAngle: number): CubismVector2
let ret: CubismVector2 = new CubismVector2();
ret.x = this.sin(totalAngle);
ret.y = this.cos(totalAngle);
return ret;
private constructor()

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@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
* 4x4
* 4x4便
export class CubismMatrix44
public constructor()
this._tr = new Float32Array(16); // 4 * 4のサイズ
* @param a a
* @param b b
* @return
public static multiply(a: Float32Array, b: Float32Array, dst: Float32Array): void
let c: Float32Array = new Float32Array(
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
let n: number = 4;
for (let i: number = 0; i < n; ++i)
for(let j: number = 0; j < n; ++j)
for(let k: number = 0; k < n; ++k)
c[j + i * 4] += a[k + i * 4] * b[j + k * 4];
for(let i: number = 0; i < 16; ++i)
dst[i] = c[i];
public loadIdentity(): void
let c: Float32Array = new Float32Array(
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
* @param tr 164x4
public setMatrix(tr: Float32Array): void
for(let i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
this._tr[i] = tr[i];
* @return 164x4
public getArray(): Float32Array
return this._tr;
* X
* @return X
public getScaleX(): number
return this._tr[0];
* Y
* @return Y
public getScaleY(): number
return this._tr[5];
* X
* @return X
public getTranslateX(): number
return this._tr[12];
* Y
* @return Y
public getTranslateY(): number
return this._tr[13];
* X
* @param src X
* @return X
public transformX(src: number): number
return this._tr[0] * src + this._tr[12];
* Y
* @param src Y
* @return Y
public transformY(src: number): number
return this._tr[5] * src + this._tr[13];
* X
public invertTransformX(src: number): number
return (src - this._tr[12]) / this._tr[0];
* Y
public invertTransformY(src: number): number
return (src - this._tr[13]) / this._tr[5];
* @param x X
* @param y Y
public translateRelative(x: number, y: number): void
let tr1: Float32Array = new Float32Array(
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
x, y, 0.0, 1.0
CubismMatrix44.multiply(tr1, this._tr, this._tr);
* @param x X
* @param y y
public translate(x: number, y: number): void
this._tr[12] = x;
this._tr[13] = y;
* X
* @param x X
public translateX(x: number): void
this._tr[12] = x;
* Y
* @param y Y
public translateY(y: number): void
this._tr[13] = y;
* @param x X
* @param y Y
public scaleRelative(x: number, y:number): void
let tr1: Float32Array = new Float32Array(
x, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, y, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
CubismMatrix44.multiply(tr1, this._tr, this._tr);
* @param x X
* @param y Y
public scale(x: number, y: number): void
this._tr[0] = x;
this._tr[5] = y;
* @param m
public multiplyByMatrix(m: CubismMatrix44): void
CubismMatrix44.multiply(m.getArray(), this._tr, this._tr);
protected _tr: Float32Array; // 4x4行列データ

View File

@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmmap} from "../type/csmmap";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmatrix44} from "./cubismmatrix44";
import csmMap = csmmap.csmMap;
import CubismMatrix44 = cubismmatrix44.CubismMatrix44;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
* 4x4
* 4x4
export class CubismModelMatrix extends CubismMatrix44
* @param w
* @param h
constructor(w?: number, h?: number)
this._width = (w !== undefined)
? w
: 0.0;
this._height = (h !== undefined)
? h
: 0.0;
// 原点(0, 0)を中心にして、画面に納まるような大きさで初期化
if (this._width > this._height)
this.setWidth(this._height / this._width);
* @param w
public setWidth(w: number): void
const scaleX: number = w / this._width;
const scaleY: number = scaleX;
this.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
* @param h
public setHeight(h: number): void
const scaleX: number = h / this._height;
const scaleY: number = scaleX;
this.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
* @param x X
* @param y Y
public setPosition(x: number, y: number): void
this.translate(x, y);
* @param x X
* @param y Y
* @note widthheight
public setCenterPosition(x: number, y: number)
* @param y Y
public top(y: number): void
* @param y Y
public bottom(y: number)
const h: number = this._height * this.getScaleY();
this.translateY(y - h);
* @param x X
public left(x: number): void
* @param x X
public right(x: number): void
const w = this._width * this.getScaleX();
this.translateX(x - w);
* X
* @param x X
public centerX(x: number): void
const w = this._width * this.getScaleX();
this.translateX(x - (w / 2.0));
* X
* @param x X
public setX(x: number): void
* Y
* @param y Y
public centerY(y: number): void
const h: number = this._height * this.getScaleY();
this.translateY(y - (h / 2.0));
* Y
* @param y Y
public setY(y: number): void
* @param layout
public setupFromLayout(layout: csmMap<string, number>): void
const keyWidth = "width";
const keyHeight = "height";
const keyX = "x";
const keyY = "y";
const keyCenterX = "center_x";
const keyCenterY = "center_y";
const keyTop = "top";
const keyBottom = "bottom";
const keyLeft = "left";
const keyRight = "right";
for(const ite: csmMap.iterator<string, number> = layout.begin(); ite.notEqual(layout.end()); ite.preIncrement())
const key: string = ite.ptr().first;
const value: number = ite.ptr().second;
if(key == keyWidth)
else if(key == keyHeight)
for(const ite: csmMap.iterator<string, number> = layout.begin(); ite.notEqual(layout.end()); ite.preIncrement())
const key: string = ite.ptr().first;
const value: number = ite.ptr().second;
if(key == keyX)
else if(key == keyY)
else if(key == keyCenterX)
else if(key == keyCenterY)
else if(key == keyTop)
else if(key == keyBottom)
else if(key == keyLeft)
else if(key == keyRight)
private _width: number; // 横幅
private _height: number; // 縦幅

View File

@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmath} from "./cubismmath";
import CubismMath = cubismmath.CubismMath;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
const FrameRate: number = 30;
const Epsilon: number = 0.01;
export class CubismTargetPoint
public constructor()
this._faceTargetX = 0.0;
this._faceTargetY = 0.0;
this._faceX = 0.0;
this._faceY = 0.0;
this._faceVX = 0.0;
this._faceVY = 0.0;
this._lastTimeSeconds = 0.0;
this._userTimeSeconds = 0.0;
public update(deltaTimeSeconds: number): void
// デルタ時間を加算する
this._userTimeSeconds += deltaTimeSeconds;
// 首を中央から左右に振るときの平均的な速さは 秒速度。加速・減速を考慮して、その2倍を最高速度とする
// 顔の振り具合を、中央0.0)から、左右は(+-1.0)とする
const faceParamMaxV: number = 40.0 / 10.0; // 7.5秒間に40分移動(5.3/sc)
const maxV: number = faceParamMaxV * 1.0 / FrameRate; // 1frameあたりに変化できる速度の上限
if(this._lastTimeSeconds == 0.0)
this._lastTimeSeconds = this._userTimeSeconds;
const deltaTimeWeight: number = (this._userTimeSeconds - this._lastTimeSeconds) * FrameRate;
this._lastTimeSeconds = this._userTimeSeconds;
// 最高速度になるまでの時間を
const timeToMaxSpeed: number = 0.15;
const frameToMaxSpeed: number = timeToMaxSpeed * FrameRate; // sec * frame/sec
const maxA: number = deltaTimeWeight * maxV / frameToMaxSpeed; // 1frameあたりの加速度
// 目指す向きは、dx, dy方向のベクトルとなる
const dx: number = this._faceTargetX - this._faceX;
const dy: number = this._faceTargetY - this._faceY;
if(CubismMath.abs(dx) <= Epsilon && CubismMath.abs(dy) <= Epsilon)
return; // 変化なし
// 速度の最大よりも大きい場合は、速度を落とす
const d: number = CubismMath.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
// 進行方向の最大速度ベクトル
const vx: number = maxV * dx / d;
const vy: number = maxV * dy / d;
// 現在の速度から、新規速度への変化(加速度)を求める
let ax: number = vx - this._faceVX;
let ay: number = vy - this._faceVY;
const a: number = CubismMath.sqrt((ax * ax) + (ay * ay));
// 加速のとき
if(a < -maxA || a > maxA)
ax *= maxA / a;
ay *= maxA / a;
// 加速度を元の速度に足して、新速度とする
this._faceVX += ax;
this._faceVY += ay;
// 目的の方向に近づいたとき、滑らかに減速するための処理
// 設定された加速度で止まる事の出来る距離と速度の関係から
// 現在とりうる最高速度を計算し、それ以上の時は速度を落とす
// ※本来、人間は筋力で力(加速度)を調整できるため、より自由度が高いが、簡単な処理で済ませている
// 加速度、速度、距離の関係式。
// 2 6 2 3
// sqrt(a t + 16 a h t - 8 a h) - a t
// v = --------------------------------------
// 2
// 4 t - 2
// (t=1)
// 時刻tは、あらかじめ加速度、速度を1/60(フレームレート、単位なし)で
// 考えているので、tとして消してよい※未検証
const maxV: number = 0.5 * (CubismMath.sqrt((maxA * maxA) + 16.0 * maxA * d - 8.0 * maxA * d) - maxA);
const curV: number = CubismMath.sqrt((this._faceVX * this._faceVX) + (this._faceVY * this._faceVY));
if(curV > maxV)
// 現在の速度 > 最高速度のとき、最高速度まで減速
this._faceVX *= maxV / curV;
this._faceVY *= maxV / curV;
this._faceX += this._faceVX;
this._faceY += this._faceVY;
* X
* @return X-1.0 ~ 1.0
public getX(): number
return this._faceX;
* Y
* @return Y-1.0 ~ 1.0
public getY(): number
return this._faceY;
* @param x X-1.0 ~ 1.0
* @param y Y-1.0 ~ 1.0
public set(x: number, y: number): void
this._faceTargetX = x;
this._faceTargetY = y;
private _faceTargetX: number; // 顔の向きのX目標値この値に近づいていく
private _faceTargetY: number; // 顔の向きのY目標値この値に近づいていく
private _faceX: number; // 顔の向きX-1.0 ~ 1.0
private _faceY: number; // 顔の向きY-1.0 ~ 1.0
private _faceVX: number; // 顔の向きの変化速度X
private _faceVY: number; // 顔の向きの変化速度Y
private _lastTimeSeconds: number; // 最後の実行時間[秒]
private _userTimeSeconds: number; // デルタ時間の積算値[秒]

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@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
* 2
* 2
export class CubismVector2
public constructor(public x?: number, public y?: number)
this.x = (x == undefined)
? 0.0
: x;
this.y = (y == undefined)
? 0.0
: y;
* @param vector2
* @return
public add(vector2: CubismVector2): CubismVector2
let ret: CubismVector2 = new CubismVector2(0.0, 0.0);
ret.x = this.x + vector2.x;
ret.y = this.y + vector2.y;
return ret;
* @param vector2
* @return
public substract(vector2: CubismVector2): CubismVector2
let ret: CubismVector2 = new CubismVector2(0.0, 0.0);
ret.x = this.x - vector2.x;
ret.y = this.y - vector2.y;
return ret;
* @param vector2
* @return  
public multiply(vector2: CubismVector2): CubismVector2
let ret: CubismVector2 = new CubismVector2(0.0, 0.0);
ret.x = this.x * vector2.x;
ret.y = this.y * vector2.y;
return ret;
* ()
* @param scalar
* @return  
public multiplyByScaler(scalar: number): CubismVector2
return this.multiply(new CubismVector2(scalar, scalar));
* @param vector2
* @return  
public division(vector2: CubismVector2): CubismVector2
let ret: CubismVector2 = new CubismVector2(0.0, 0.0);
ret.x = this.x / vector2.x;
ret.y = this.y / vector2.y;
return ret;
* ()
* @param scalar
* @return  
public divisionByScalar(scalar: number): CubismVector2
return this.division(new CubismVector2(scalar, scalar));
* @return
public getLength(): number
return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y);
* @param a
* @return
public getDistanceWith(a: CubismVector2): number
return Math.sqrt(((this.x - a.x) * (this.x - a.x)) + ((this.y - a.y) * (this.y - a.y)));
* @param a
* @return
public dot(a: CubismVector2): number
return (this.x * a.x) + (this.y * a.y);
public normalize(): void
const length: number = Math.pow((this.x * this.x) + (this.y * this.y), 0.5);
this.x = this.x / length;
this.y = this.y / length;
* @param rhs
* @return true
* @return false
public isEqual(rhs: CubismVector2): boolean
return (this.x == rhs.x) && (this.y == rhs.y);
* @param rhs
* @return true
* @return false
public isNotEqual(rhs: CubismVector2): boolean
return !(this.isEqual(rhs));

View File

@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmatrix44} from "./cubismmatrix44";
import CubismMatrix44 = cubismmatrix44.CubismMatrix44;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
* 使便4x4
* 使便4x4
export class CubismViewMatrix extends CubismMatrix44
public constructor()
this._screenLeft = 0.0;
this._screenRight = 0.0;
this._screenTop = 0.0;
this._screenBottom = 0.0;
this._maxLeft = 0.0;
this._maxRight = 0.0;
this._maxTop = 0.0;
this._maxBottom = 0.0;
this._maxScale = 0.0;
this._minScale = 0.0;
* 調
* @param x X
* @param y Y
public adjustTranslate(x: number, y: number): void
if(this._tr[0] * this._maxLeft + (this._tr[12] + x) > this._screenLeft)
x = this._screenLeft - this._tr[0] * this._maxLeft - this._tr[12];
if(this._tr[0] * this._maxRight + (this._tr[12] + x) < this._screenRight)
x = this._screenRight - this._tr[0] * this._maxRight - this._tr[12];
if(this._tr[5] * this._maxTop + (this._tr[13] + y) < this._screenTop)
y = this._screenTop - this._tr[5] * this._maxTop - this._tr[13];
if(this._tr[5] * this._maxBottom + (this._tr[13] + y) > this._screenBottom)
y = this._screenBottom - this._tr[5] * this._maxBottom - this._tr[13];
let tr1: Float32Array = new Float32Array(
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
x, y, 0.0, 1.0
CubismMatrix44.multiply(tr1, this._tr, this._tr);
* 調
* @param cx X
* @param cy Y
* @param scale 
public adjustScale(cx: number, cy: number, scale: number): void
let maxScale: number = this.getMaxScale();
let minScale: number = this.getMinScale();
let targetScale = scale * this._tr[0];
if(targetScale < minScale)
if(this._tr[0] > 0.0)
scale = minScale / this._tr[0];
else if(targetScale > maxScale)
if(this._tr[0] > 0.0)
scale = maxScale / this._tr[0];
let tr1: Float32Array = new Float32Array(
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
cx, cy, 0.0, 1.0
let tr2: Float32Array = new Float32Array(
scale, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, scale, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
let tr3: Float32Array = new Float32Array(
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
-cx, -cy, 0.0, 1.0,
CubismMatrix44.multiply(tr3, this._tr, this._tr);
CubismMatrix44.multiply(tr2, this._tr, this._tr);
CubismMatrix44.multiply(tr1, this._tr, this._tr);
* @param left X
* @param right X
* @param bottom Y
* @param top Y
public setScreenRect(left: number, right: number, bottom: number, top: number): void
this._screenLeft = left;
this._screenRight = right;
this._screenBottom = bottom;
this._screenTop = top;
* @param left X
* @param right X
* @param bottom Y
* @param top Y
public setMaxScreenRect(left: number, right: number, bottom: number, top: number): void
this._maxLeft = left;
this._maxRight = right;
this._maxTop = top;
this._maxBottom = bottom;
* @param maxScale
public setMaxScale(maxScale: number): void
this._maxScale = maxScale;
* @param minScale
public setMinScale(minScale: number): void
this._minScale = minScale;
* @return
public getMaxScale(): number
return this._maxScale;
* @return
public getMinScale(): number
return this._minScale;
* @return true
* @return false
public isMaxScale(): boolean
return this.getScaleX() >= this._maxScale;
* @return true
* @return false
public isMinScale(): boolean
return this.getScaleX() <= this._minScale;
* @return X
public getScreenLeft(): number
return this._screenLeft;
* @return X
public getScreenRight(): number
return this._screenRight;
* Y
* @return Y
public getScreenBottom(): number
return this._screenBottom;
* Y
* @return Y
public getScreenTop(): number
return this._screenTop;
* X
* @return X
public getMaxLeft(): number
return this._maxLeft;
* X
* @return X
public getMaxRight(): number
return this._maxRight;
* Y
* @return Y
public getMaxBottom(): number
return this._maxBottom;
* Y
* @return Y
public getMaxTop(): number
return this._maxTop;
private _screenLeft: number; // デバイスに対応する論理座標上の範囲左辺X軸位置
private _screenRight: number; // デバイスに対応する論理座標上の範囲右辺X軸位置
private _screenTop: number; // デバイスに対応する論理座標上の範囲上辺Y軸位置
private _screenBottom: number; // デバイスに対応する論理座標上の範囲下辺Y軸位置
private _maxLeft: number; // 論理座標上の移動可能範囲左辺X軸位置
private _maxRight: number; // 論理座標上の移動可能範囲右辺X軸位置
private _maxTop: number; // 論理座標上の移動可能範囲上辺Y軸位置
private _maxBottom: number; // 論理座標上の移動可能範囲下辺Y軸位置
private _maxScale: number; // 拡大率の最大値
private _minScale: number; // 拡大率の最小値

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@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmodel} from "./cubismmodel";
import CubismModel = cubismmodel.CubismModel;
import { CSM_ASSERT } from "../utils/cubismdebug";
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
* Moc
* Moc
export class CubismMoc
* Moc
public static create(mocBytes: ArrayBuffer): CubismMoc
let cubismMoc: CubismMoc = null;
let moc: Live2DCubismCore.Moc = Live2DCubismCore.Moc.fromArrayBuffer(mocBytes);
if (moc)
cubismMoc = new CubismMoc(moc);
return cubismMoc;
* Moc
* Moc
public static delete(moc: CubismMoc): void
moc._moc = null;
moc = null;
* @return Moc
createModel(): CubismModel
let cubismModel: CubismModel = null;
let model: Live2DCubismCore.Model = Live2DCubismCore.Model.fromMoc(this._moc);
if (model)
cubismModel = new CubismModel(model);
return cubismModel;
deleteModel(model: CubismModel): void
model = void 0;
private constructor(moc: Live2DCubismCore.Moc)
this._moc = moc;
this._modelCount = 0;
public release(): void
CSM_ASSERT(this._modelCount == 0);
this._moc = null;
_moc: Live2DCubismCore.Moc; ///< Mocデータ
_modelCount: number; ///< Mocデータから作られたモデルの個数

View File

@ -1,803 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
/// <reference path="../../Core/live2dcubismcore" />
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismrenderer} from "../rendering/cubismrenderer";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismid} from "../id/cubismid";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismframework} from "../live2dcubismframework";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmmap} from "../type/csmmap";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmvector} from "../type/csmvector";
import {CSM_ASSERT} from "../utils/cubismdebug";
import CubismFramework = cubismframework.CubismFramework;
import CubismRenderer = cubismrenderer.CubismRenderer;
import csmVector = csmvector.csmVector;
import csmMap = csmmap.csmMap;
import CubismIdHandle = cubismid.CubismIdHandle;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
* Moc
export class CubismModel
public update(): void
// Update model
public getCanvasWidth(): number
if (this._model == null)
return 0.0;
return this._model.canvasinfo.CanvasWidth / this._model.canvasinfo.PixelsPerUnit;
public getCanvasHeight(): number
if (this._model == null)
return 0.0;
return this._model.canvasinfo.CanvasHeight / this._model.canvasinfo.PixelsPerUnit;
public saveParameters(): void
const parameterCount: number = this._model.parameters.count;
const savedParameterCount: number = this._savedParameters.getSize();
for (let i: number = 0; i < parameterCount; ++i)
if (i < savedParameterCount)
this._savedParameters.set(i, this._parameterValues[i]);
public getModel(): Live2DCubismCore.Model
return this._model;
* @param partId ID
* @return
public getPartIndex(partId: CubismIdHandle): number
let partIndex: number;
const partCount: number =;
for(partIndex = 0; partIndex < partCount; ++partIndex)
if(partId ==
return partIndex;
// モデルに存在していない場合、非存在パーツIDリスト内にあるかを検索し、そのインデックスを返す
return this._notExistPartId.getValue(partId);
// 非存在パーツIDリストにない場合、新しく要素を追加する
partIndex = partCount + this._notExistPartId.getSize();
this._notExistPartId.setValue(partId, partIndex);
return partIndex;
* @return
public getPartCount(): number
const partCount: number =;
return partCount;
* (Index)
* @param partIndex
* @param opacity
public setPartOpacityByIndex(partIndex: number, opacity: number): void
// インデックスの範囲内検知
CSM_ASSERT(0 <= partIndex && partIndex < this.getPartCount());
this._partOpacities[partIndex] = opacity;
* (Id)
* @param partId ID
* @param opacity
public setPartOpacityById(partId: CubismIdHandle, opacity: number): void
// 高速化のためにPartIndexを取得できる機構になっているが、外部からの設定の時は呼び出し頻度が低いため不要
const index: number = this.getPartIndex(partId);
if(index < 0)
return; // パーツがないのでスキップ
this.setPartOpacityByIndex(index, opacity);
* (index)
* @param partIndex
* @return
public getPartOpacityByIndex(partIndex: number): number
// モデルに存在しないパーツIDの場合、非存在パーツリストから不透明度を返す。
return this._notExistPartOpacities.getValue(partIndex);
// インデックスの範囲内検知
CSM_ASSERT(0 <= partIndex && partIndex < this.getPartCount());
return this._partOpacities[partIndex];
* (id)
* @param partId
* @return
public getPartOpacityById(partId: CubismIdHandle): number
// 高速化のためにPartIndexを取得できる機構になっているが、外部からの設定の時は呼び出し頻度が低いため不要
const index: number = this.getPartIndex(partId);
if(index < 0)
return 0; // パーツが無いのでスキップ
return this.getPartOpacityByIndex(index);
* @param ID
* @return
public getParameterIndex(parameterId: CubismIdHandle): number
let parameterIndex: number;
const idCount: number = this._model.parameters.count;
for(parameterIndex = 0; parameterIndex < idCount; ++parameterIndex)
if(parameterId !=
return parameterIndex;
// モデルに存在していない場合、非存在パラメータIDリスト内を検索し、そのインデックスを返す
return this._notExistParameterId.getValue(parameterId);
// 非存在パラメータIDリストにない場合新しく要素を追加する
parameterIndex = this._model.parameters.count + this._notExistParameterId.getSize();
this._notExistParameterId.setValue(parameterId, parameterIndex);
return parameterIndex;
* @return
public getParameterCount(): number
return this._model.parameters.count;
* @param parameterIndex
* @return
public getParameterMaximumValue(parameterIndex: number): number
return this._model.parameters.maximumValues[parameterIndex];
* @param parameterIndex
* @return
public getParameterMinimumValue(parameterIndex: number): number
return this._model.parameters.minimumValues[parameterIndex];
* @param parameterIndex
* @return
public getParameterDefaultValue(parameterIndex: number): number
return this._model.parameters.defaultValues[parameterIndex];
* @param parameterIndex
* @return
public getParameterValueByIndex(parameterIndex: number): number
return this._notExistParameterValues.getValue(parameterIndex);
// インデックスの範囲内検知
CSM_ASSERT(0 <= parameterIndex && parameterIndex < this.getParameterCount());
return this._parameterValues[parameterIndex];
* @param parameterId ID
* @return
public getParameterValueById(parameterId: CubismIdHandle): number
// 高速化のためにparameterIndexを取得できる機構になっているが、外部からの設定の時は呼び出し頻度が低いため不要
const parameterIndex: number = this.getParameterIndex(parameterId);
return this.getParameterValueByIndex(parameterIndex);
* @param parameterIndex
* @param value
* @param weight
public setParameterValueByIndex(parameterIndex: number, value: number, weight: number = 1.0): void
(weight == 1)
? value
: (this._notExistParameterValues.getValue(parameterIndex) * (1 - weight)) + (value * weight)
// インデックスの範囲内検知
CSM_ASSERT(0 <= parameterIndex && parameterIndex < this.getParameterCount());
if(this._model.parameters.maximumValues[parameterIndex] < value)
value = this._model.parameters.maximumValues[parameterIndex];
if(this._model.parameters.minimumValues[parameterIndex] > value)
value = this._model.parameters.minimumValues[parameterIndex];
this._parameterValues[parameterIndex] = (weight == 1)
? value
: this._parameterValues[parameterIndex] = (this._parameterValues[parameterIndex] * (1 - weight)) + (value * weight);
* @param parameterId ID
* @param value
* @param weight
public setParameterValueById(parameterId: CubismIdHandle, value: number, weight: number = 1.0): void
const index: number = this.getParameterIndex(parameterId);
this.setParameterValueByIndex(index, value, weight);
* (index)
* @param parameterIndex
* @param value
* @param weight
public addParameterValueByIndex(parameterIndex: number, value: number, weight: number = 1.0): void
this.setParameterValueByIndex(parameterIndex, (this.getParameterValueByIndex(parameterIndex) + (value * weight)));
* (id)
* @param parameterId
* @param value
* @param weight
public addParameterValueById(parameterId: any, value: number, weight: number = 1.0): void
const index: number = this.getParameterIndex(parameterId);
this.addParameterValueByIndex(index, value, weight);
* @param parameterId ID
* @param value
* @param weight
public multiplyParameterValueById(parameterId: CubismIdHandle, value: number, weight: number = 1.0): void
const index: number = this.getParameterIndex(parameterId);
this.multiplyParameterValueByIndex(index, value, weight);
* @param parameterIndex
* @param value 
* @param weight
public multiplyParameterValueByIndex(parameterIndex: number, value: number, weight: number = 1.0): void
this.setParameterValueByIndex(parameterIndex, (this.getParameterValueByIndex(parameterIndex) * (1.0 + (value - 1.0) * weight)));
* Drawable
* @param drawableId DrawableID
* @return Drawable
public getDrawableIndex(drawableId: CubismIdHandle): number
const drawableCount = this._model.drawables.count;
for(let drawableIndex: number = 0; drawableIndex < drawableCount; ++drawableIndex)
if( == drawableId)
return drawableIndex;
return -1;
* Drawable
* @return drawable
public getDrawableCount(): number
const drawableCount = this._model.drawables.count;
return drawableCount;
* DrawableID
* @param drawableIndex Drawable
* @return drawableID
public getDrawableId(drawableIndex: number): CubismIdHandle
const parameterIds: string[] = this._model.drawables.ids;
return CubismFramework.getIdManager().getId(parameterIds[drawableIndex]);
* Drawable
* @return Drawable
public getDrawableRenderOrders(): Int32Array
const renderOrders: Int32Array = this._model.drawables.renderOrders;
return renderOrders;
* Drawable
* @param drawableIndex Drawable
* @return drawable
public getDrawableTextureIndices(drawableIndex: number): number
const textureIndices: Int32Array = this._model.drawables.textureIndices;
return textureIndices[drawableIndex];
* DrawableVertexPositions
* CubismModel.updateDrawable
* @param drawableIndex Drawable
* @retval true DrawableCubismModel.update
* @retval false DrawableCubismModel.update
public getDrawableDynamicFlagVertexPositionsDidChange(drawableIndex: number): boolean
const dynamicFlags: Uint8Array = this._model.drawables.dynamicFlags;
return Live2DCubismCore.Utils.hasVertexPositionsDidChangeBit(dynamicFlags[drawableIndex]);
* Drawable
* @param drawableIndex Drawable
* @return drawable
public getDrawableVertexIndexCount(drawableIndex: number): number
const indexCounts: Int32Array = this._model.drawables.indexCounts;
return indexCounts[drawableIndex];
* Drawable
* @param drawableIndex Drawable
* @return drawable
public getDrawableVertexCount(drawableIndex: number): number
const vertexCounts = this._model.drawables.vertexCounts;
return vertexCounts[drawableIndex];
* Drawable
* @param drawableIndex drawable
* @return drawable
public getDrawableVertices(drawableIndex: number): Float32Array
return this.getDrawableVertexPositions(drawableIndex);
* Drawable
* @param drarableIndex Drawable
* @return drawable
public getDrawableVertexIndices(drawableIndex: number): Uint16Array
const indicesArray: Uint16Array[] = this._model.drawables.indices;
return indicesArray[drawableIndex];
* Drawable
* @param drawableIndex Drawable
* @return drawable
public getDrawableVertexPositions(drawableIndex: number): Float32Array
const verticesArray: Float32Array[] = this._model.drawables.vertexPositions;
return verticesArray[drawableIndex];
* DrawableUV
* @param drawableIndex Drawable
* @return drawableUV
public getDrawableVertexUvs(drawableIndex: number): Float32Array
const uvsArray: Float32Array[] = this._model.drawables.vertexUvs;
return uvsArray[drawableIndex];
* Drawable
* @param drawableIndex Drawable
* @return drawable
public getDrawableOpacity(drawableIndex: number): number
const opacities: Float32Array = this._model.drawables.opacities;
return opacities[drawableIndex];
* Drawable
* @param drawableIndex Drawable
* @return drawable
public getDrawableCulling(drawableIndex: number): boolean
const constantFlags = this._model.drawables.constantFlags;
return !Live2DCubismCore.Utils.hasIsDoubleSidedBit(constantFlags[drawableIndex]);
* Drawable
* @param drawableIndex Drawable
* @return drawable
public getDrawableBlendMode(drawableIndex: number): CubismRenderer.CubismBlendMode
const constantFlags = this._model.drawables.constantFlags;
return (Live2DCubismCore.Utils.hasBlendAdditiveBit(constantFlags[drawableIndex]))
? CubismRenderer.CubismBlendMode.CubismBlendMode_Additive
: (Live2DCubismCore.Utils.hasBlendMultiplicativeBit(constantFlags[drawableIndex]))
? CubismRenderer.CubismBlendMode.CubismBlendMode_Multiplicative
: CubismRenderer.CubismBlendMode.CubismBlendMode_Normal;
* Drawable
* @return Drawable
public getDrawableMasks(): Int32Array[]
const masks: Int32Array[] = this._model.drawables.masks;
return masks;
* Drawable
* @return Drawable
public getDrawableMaskCounts(): Int32Array
const maskCounts: Int32Array = this._model.drawables.maskCounts;
return maskCounts;
* 使
* @return true 使
* @return false 使
public isUsingMasking(): boolean
for(let d: number = 0; d < this._model.drawables.count; ++d)
if(this._model.drawables.maskCounts[d] <= 0)
return true;
return false;
* Drawable
* @param drawableIndex Drawable
* @return true Drawable
* @return false Drawable
public getDrawableDynamicFlagIsVisible(drawableIndex: number): boolean
const dynamicFlags: Uint8Array = this._model.drawables.dynamicFlags;
return Live2DCubismCore.Utils.hasIsVisibleBit(dynamicFlags[drawableIndex]);
* DrawableDrawOrder
* CubismModel.updatedrawabledrawOrder
* drawOrderartMesh01000
* @param drawableIndex drawable
* @return true drawableCubismModel.update
* @return false drawableCubismModel.update
public getDrawableDynamicFlagVisibilityDidChange(drawableIndex: number): boolean
const dynamicFlags: Uint8Array = this._model.drawables.dynamicFlags;
return Live2DCubismCore.Utils.hasVisibilityDidChangeBit(dynamicFlags[drawableIndex]);
* Drawable
* CubismModel.updatedrawable
* @param drawableIndex drawable
* @return true DrawableCubismModel.update
* @return false DrawableCubismModel.update
public getDrawableDynamicFlagOpacityDidChange(drawableIndex: number): boolean
const dynamicFlags: Uint8Array = this._model.drawables.dynamicFlags;
return Live2DCubismCore.Utils.hasOpacityDidChangeBit(dynamicFlags[drawableIndex]);
* Drawable
* CubismModel.updateDrawable
* @param drawableIndex Drawable
* @return true DrawableCubismModel.update
* @return false DrawableCubismModel.update
public getDrawableDynamicFlagRenderOrderDidChange(drawableIndex: number): boolean
const dynamicFlags: Uint8Array = this._model.drawables.dynamicFlags;
return Live2DCubismCore.Utils.hasRenderOrderDidChangeBit(dynamicFlags[drawableIndex]);
public loadParameters(): void
let parameterCount: number = this._model.parameters.count;
const savedParameterCount: number = this._savedParameters.getSize();
if(parameterCount > savedParameterCount)
parameterCount = savedParameterCount;
for(let i: number = 0; i < parameterCount; ++i)
this._parameterValues[i] =;
public initialize(): void
this._parameterValues = this._model.parameters.values;
this._partOpacities =;
this._parameterMaximumValues = this._model.parameters.maximumValues;
this._parameterMinimumValues = this._model.parameters.minimumValues;
const parameterIds: string[] = this._model.parameters.ids;
const parameterCount: number = this._model.parameters.count;
for(let i: number = 0; i < parameterCount; ++i)
const partIds: string[] =;
const partCount: number =;
for(let i: number = 0; i < partCount; ++i)
const drawableIds: string[] = this._model.drawables.ids;
const drawableCount: number = this._model.drawables.count;
for(let i: number = 0; i < drawableCount; ++i)
* @param model
public constructor(model: Live2DCubismCore.Model)
this._model = model;
this._parameterValues = null;
this._parameterMaximumValues = null;
this._parameterMinimumValues = null;
this._partOpacities = null;
this._savedParameters = new csmVector<number>();
this._parameterIds = new csmVector<CubismIdHandle>();
this._drawableIds = new csmVector<CubismIdHandle>();
this._partIds = new csmVector<CubismIdHandle>();
this._notExistPartId = new csmMap<CubismIdHandle, number>();
this._notExistParameterId = new csmMap<CubismIdHandle, number>();
this._notExistParameterValues = new csmMap<number, number>();
this._notExistPartOpacities = new csmMap<number, number>();
public release(): void
this._model = null;
private _notExistPartOpacities: csmMap<number, number>; // 存在していないパーツの不透明度のリスト
private _notExistPartId: csmMap<CubismIdHandle, number>; // 存在していないパーツIDのリスト
private _notExistParameterValues: csmMap<number, number>; // 存在していないパラメータの値のリスト
private _notExistParameterId: csmMap<CubismIdHandle, number>; // 存在していないパラメータIDのリスト
private _savedParameters: csmVector<number>; // 保存されたパラメータ
private _model: Live2DCubismCore.Model; // モデル
private _parameterValues: Float32Array; // パラメータの値のリスト
private _parameterMaximumValues: Float32Array; // パラメータの最大値のリスト
private _parameterMinimumValues: Float32Array; // パラメータの最小値のリスト
private _partOpacities: Float32Array; // パーツの不透明度のリスト
private _parameterIds: csmVector<CubismIdHandle>;
private _partIds: csmVector<CubismIdHandle>;
private _drawableIds: csmVector<CubismIdHandle>;

View File

@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmodeluserdatajson} from "./cubismmodeluserdatajson";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismid} from "../id/cubismid";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmstring} from "../type/csmstring";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmvector} from "../type/csmvector";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismframework} from "../live2dcubismframework";
import CubismFramework = cubismframework.CubismFramework;
import csmVector = csmvector.csmVector;
import csmString = csmstring.csmString;
import CubismIdHandle = cubismid.CubismIdHandle;
import CubismModelUserDataJson = cubismmodeluserdatajson.CubismModelUserDataJson;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
const ArtMesh: string = "ArtMesh";
* Json
export class CubismModelUserDataNode
targetType: CubismIdHandle; // ユーザーデータターゲットタイプ
targetId: CubismIdHandle; // ユーザーデータターゲットのID
value: csmString; // ユーザーデータ
export class CubismModelUserData
* @param buffer userdata3.json
* @param size
* @return
public static create(buffer: ArrayBuffer, size: number): CubismModelUserData
let ret: CubismModelUserData = new CubismModelUserData();
ret.parseUserData(buffer, size);
return ret;
* @param modelUserData
public static delete(modelUserData: CubismModelUserData): void
modelUserData = void 0;
modelUserData = null;
* ArtMesh
* @return
public getArtMeshUserDatas(): csmVector<CubismModelUserDataNode>
return this._artMeshUserDataNode;
* userdata3.json
* @param buffer userdata3.json
* @param size
public parseUserData(buffer: ArrayBuffer, size: number): void
let json: CubismModelUserDataJson = new CubismModelUserDataJson(buffer, size);
const typeOfArtMesh = CubismFramework.getIdManager().getId(ArtMesh);
const nodeCount: number = json.getUserDataCount();
for(let i: number = 0; i < nodeCount; i++)
let addNode: CubismModelUserDataNode = new CubismModelUserDataNode();
addNode.targetId = json.getUserDataId(i);
addNode.targetType = CubismFramework.getIdManager().getId(json.getUserDataTargetType(i));
addNode.value = new csmString(json.getUserDataValue(i));
if(addNode.targetType == typeOfArtMesh)
json = void 0;
public constructor()
this._userDataNodes = new csmVector<CubismModelUserDataNode>();
this._artMeshUserDataNode = new csmVector<CubismModelUserDataNode>();
public release(): void
for(let i: number = 0; i < this._userDataNodes.getSize(); ++i)
this._userDataNodes.set(i, void 0);
this._userDataNodes = null;
private _userDataNodes: csmVector<CubismModelUserDataNode>; // ユーザーデータ構造体配列
private _artMeshUserDataNode: csmVector<CubismModelUserDataNode>; // 閲覧リストの保持

View File

@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismjson} from "../utils/cubismjson";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismid} from "../id/cubismid";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismframework} from "../live2dcubismframework";
import CubismFramework = cubismframework.CubismFramework;
import CubismIdHandle = cubismid.CubismIdHandle;
import CubismJson = cubismjson.CubismJson;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
const Meta: string = "Meta";
const UserDataCount: string = "UserDataCount";
const TotalUserDataSize: string = "TotalUserDataSize";
const UserData: string = "UserData";
const Target: string = "Target";
const Id: string = "Id";
const Value: string = "Value";
export class CubismModelUserDataJson
* @param buffer userdata3.json
* @param size
public constructor(buffer: ArrayBuffer, size: number)
this._json = CubismJson.create(buffer, size);
public release(): void
* @return
public getUserDataCount(): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Meta).getMap().getValue(UserDataCount).toInt();
* @return
public getTotalUserDataSize(): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Meta).getMap().getValue(TotalUserDataSize).toInt();
* @return
public getUserDataTargetType(i: number): string
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(UserData).getVector().at(i).getMap().getValue(Target).getRawString();
* ID
* @param i
* @return ID
public getUserDataId(i: number): CubismIdHandle
return CubismFramework.getIdManager().getId(this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(UserData).getVector().at(i).getMap().getValue(Id).getRawString());
* @param i
* @return
public getUserDataValue(i: number): string
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(UserData).getVector().at(i).getMap().getValue(Value).getRawString();
private _json: CubismJson;

View File

@ -1,466 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismframework} from "../live2dcubismframework";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmotionmanager} from "../motion/cubismmotionmanager";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismtargetpoint} from "../math/cubismtargetpoint";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmodelmatrix} from "../math/cubismmodelmatrix";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmoc} from "./cubismmoc";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmodel} from "./cubismmodel";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as acubismmotion} from "../motion/acubismmotion";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmotion} from "../motion/cubismmotion";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismexpressionmotion} from "../motion/cubismexpressionmotion";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismpose} from "../effect/cubismpose";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmodeluserdata} from "./cubismmodeluserdata";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismphysics} from "../physics/cubismphysics";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismid} from "../id/cubismid";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmstring} from "../type/csmstring";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmotionqueuemanager} from "../motion/cubismmotionqueuemanager";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismbreath} from "../effect/cubismbreath";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismeyeblink} from "../effect/cubismeyeblink";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismrenderer_webgl} from "../rendering/cubismrenderer_WebGL";
import {CubismLogError, CubismLogInfo} from "../utils/cubismdebug";
import CubismRenderer_WebGL = cubismrenderer_webgl.CubismRenderer_WebGL;
import CubismEyeBlink = cubismeyeblink.CubismEyeBlink;
import CubismBreath = cubismbreath.CubismBreath;
import CubismMotionQueueManager = cubismmotionqueuemanager.CubismMotionQueueManager;
import csmString = csmstring.csmString;
import Constant = cubismframework.Constant;
import CubismIdHandle = cubismid.CubismIdHandle;
import CubismPhysics = cubismphysics.CubismPhysics;
import CubismModelUserData = cubismmodeluserdata.CubismModelUserData;
import CubismPose = cubismpose.CubismPose;
import CubismExpressionMotion = cubismexpressionmotion.CubismExpressionMotion;
import CubismMotion = cubismmotion.CubismMotion;
import ACubismMotion = acubismmotion.ACubismMotion;
import CubismModel = cubismmodel.CubismModel;
import CubismMoc = cubismmoc.CubismMoc;
import CubismModelMatrix = cubismmodelmatrix.CubismModelMatrix;
import CubismTargetPoint = cubismtargetpoint.CubismTargetPoint;
import CubismMotionManager = cubismmotionmanager.CubismMotionManager;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
* 使
* 使
export class CubismUserModel
* @return true
* @return false
public isInitialized(): boolean
return this._initialized;
* @param v
public setInitialized(v: boolean): void
this._initialized = v;
* @return true
* @return false
public isUpdating(): boolean
return this._updating;
* @param v
public setUpdating(v: boolean): void
this._updating = v;
* @param X
* @param Y
public setDragging(x: number, y: number): void
this._dragManager.set(x, y);
* @param x X
* @param y Y
* @param z Z
public setAcceleration(x: number, y: number, z: number): void
this._accelerationX = x;
this._accelerationY = y;
this._accelerationZ = z;
* @return
public getModelMatrix(): CubismModelMatrix
return this._modelMatrix;
* @param a
public setOpacity(a: number): void
this._opacity = a;
* @return
public getOpacity(): number
return this._opacity;
* @param buffer moc3
public loadModel(buffer: ArrayBuffer)
this._moc = CubismMoc.create(buffer);
this._model = this._moc.createModel();
if ((this._moc == null) || (this._model == null))
CubismLogError("Failed to CreateModel().");
this._modelMatrix = new CubismModelMatrix(this._model.getCanvasWidth(), this._model.getCanvasHeight());
* @param buffer motion3.json
* @param size
* @param name
* @return
public loadMotion(buffer: ArrayBuffer, size: number, name: string): ACubismMotion
return CubismMotion.create(buffer, size);
* @param buffer exp
* @param size
* @param name
public loadExpression(buffer: ArrayBuffer, size: number, name: string): ACubismMotion
return CubismExpressionMotion.create(buffer, size);
* @param buffer pose3.json
* @param size
public loadPose(buffer: ArrayBuffer, size: number): void
this._pose = CubismPose.create(buffer, size);
* @param buffer userdata3.json
* @param size
public loadUserData(buffer: ArrayBuffer, size: number): void
this._modelUserData = CubismModelUserData.create(buffer, size);
* @param buffer physics3.json
* @param size
public loadPhysics(buffer: ArrayBuffer, size: number): void
this._physics = CubismPhysics.create(buffer, size);
* @param drawableId DrawableID
* @param pointX X
* @param pointY Y
* @return true
* @return false
public isHit(drawableId: CubismIdHandle, pointX: number, pointY: number): boolean
const drawIndex: number = this._model.getDrawableIndex(drawableId);
if(drawIndex < 0)
return false; // 存在しない場合はfalse
const count: number = this._model.getDrawableVertexCount(drawIndex);
const vertices: Float32Array = this._model.getDrawableVertices(drawIndex);
let left: number = vertices[0];
let right: number = vertices[0];
let top: number = vertices[1];
let bottom: number = vertices[1];
for(let j: number = 1; j < count; ++j)
let x = vertices[Constant.vertexOffset + j * Constant.vertexStep];
let y = vertices[Constant.vertexOffset + j * Constant.vertexStep + 1];
if(x < left)
left = x; // Min x
if(x > right)
right = x; // Max x
if(y < top)
top = y; // Min y
if(y > bottom)
bottom = y; // Max y
const tx: number = this._modelMatrix.invertTransformX(pointX);
const ty: number = this._modelMatrix.invertTransformY(pointY);
return ((left <= tx) && (tx <= right) && (top <= ty) && (ty <= bottom));
* @return
public getModel(): CubismModel
return this._model;
* @return
public getRenderer(): CubismRenderer_WebGL
return this._renderer;
public createRenderer(): void
this._renderer = new CubismRenderer_WebGL();
public deleteRenderer(): void
this._renderer = void 0;
this._renderer = null;
* Event
* @param eventValue
public motionEventFired(eventValue: csmString): void
CubismLogInfo("{0}", eventValue.s);
* CubismMotionQueueManagerCallback
* CubismUserModelEventFired
* @param caller
* @param eventValue
* @param customData CubismUserModel
public static cubismDefaultMotionEventCallback(caller: CubismMotionQueueManager, eventValue: csmString, customData: CubismUserModel): void
let model: CubismUserModel = customData;
if(model != null)
public constructor()
// 各変数初期化
this._moc = null;
this._model = null;
this._motionManager = null;
this._expressionManager = null;
this._eyeBlink = null;
this._breath = null;
this._modelMatrix = null;
this._pose = null;
this._dragManager = null;
this._physics = null;
this._modelUserData = null;
this._initialized = false;
this._updating = false;
this._opacity = 1.0;
this._lipsync = true;
this._lastLipSyncValue = 0.0;
this._dragX = 0.0;
this._dragY = 0.0;
this._accelerationX = 0.0;
this._accelerationY = 0.0;
this._accelerationZ = 0.0;
this._debugMode = false;
this._renderer = null;
// モーションマネージャーを作成
this._motionManager = new CubismMotionManager();
this._motionManager.setEventCallback(CubismUserModel.cubismDefaultMotionEventCallback, this);
// 表情マネージャーを作成
this._expressionManager = new CubismMotionManager();
// ドラッグによるアニメーション
this._dragManager = new CubismTargetPoint();
public release()
this._motionManager = void 0;
this._motionManager = null;
this._expressionManager = void 0;
this._expressionManager = null;
this._moc = void 0;
this._moc = null;
this._modelMatrix = void 0;
this._modelMatrix = null;
this._dragManager = void 0;
this._dragManager = null;
protected _moc: CubismMoc; // Mocデータ
protected _model: CubismModel; // Modelインスタンス
protected _motionManager: CubismMotionManager; // モーション管理
protected _expressionManager: CubismMotionManager; // 表情管理
protected _eyeBlink: CubismEyeBlink; // 自動まばたき
protected _breath: CubismBreath; // 呼吸
protected _modelMatrix: CubismModelMatrix; // モデル行列
protected _pose: CubismPose; // ポーズ管理
protected _dragManager: CubismTargetPoint; // マウスドラッグ
protected _physics: CubismPhysics; // 物理演算
protected _modelUserData: CubismModelUserData; // ユーザーデータ
protected _initialized: boolean; // 初期化されたかどうか
protected _updating: boolean; // 更新されたかどうか
protected _opacity: number; // 不透明度
protected _lipsync: boolean; // リップシンクするかどうか
protected _lastLipSyncValue: number; // 最後のリップシンクの制御地
protected _dragX: number; // マウスドラッグのX位置
protected _dragY: number; // マウスドラッグのY位置
protected _accelerationX: number; // X軸方向の加速度
protected _accelerationY: number; // Y軸方向の加速度
protected _accelerationZ: number; // Z軸方向の加速度
protected _debugMode: boolean; // デバッグモードかどうか
private _renderer: CubismRenderer_WebGL; // レンダラ

View File

@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmath} from '../math/cubismmath';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmodel} from '../model/cubismmodel';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmotionqueueentry} from './cubismmotionqueueentry';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmstring} from '../type/csmstring';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmvector} from '../type/csmvector';
import { CSM_ASSERT } from '../utils/cubismdebug';
import csmVector = csmvector.csmVector;
import csmString = csmstring.csmString;
import CubismMotionQueueEntry = cubismmotionqueueentry.CubismMotionQueueEntry;
import CubismModel = cubismmodel.CubismModel;
import CubismMath = cubismmath.CubismMath;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
* MotionQueueManager
export abstract class ACubismMotion
public static delete(motion: ACubismMotion): void
motion = void 0;
motion = null;
public constructor()
this._fadeInSeconds = -1.0;
this._fadeOutSeconds = -1.0;
this._weight = 1.0;
this._offsetSeconds = 0.0; // 再生の開始時刻
this._firedEventValues = new csmVector<csmString>();
public release(): void
this._weight = 0.0;
* @param model
* @param motionQueueEntry CubismMotionQueueManager
* @param userTimeSeconds []
public updateParameters(model: CubismModel, motionQueueEntry: CubismMotionQueueEntry, userTimeSeconds: number): void
if(!motionQueueEntry.isAvailable() || motionQueueEntry.isFinished())
motionQueueEntry.setStartTime(userTimeSeconds - this._offsetSeconds); // モーションの開始時刻を記録
motionQueueEntry.setFadeInStartTime(userTimeSeconds); // フェードインの開始時刻
const duration: number = this.getDuration();
if(motionQueueEntry.getEndTime() < 0)
// 開始していないうちに終了設定している場合がある。
motionQueueEntry.setEndTime((duration <= 0) ? -1 : motionQueueEntry.getStartTime() + duration);
// duration == -1 の場合はループする
let fadeWeight: number = this._weight; // 現在の値と掛け合わせる割合
//---- フェードイン・アウトの処理 ----
// 単純なサイン関数でイージングする
const fadeIn: number = this._fadeInSeconds == 0.0
? 1.0
: CubismMath.getEasingSine((userTimeSeconds - motionQueueEntry.getFadeInStartTime()) / this._fadeInSeconds);
const fadeOut: number = (this._fadeOutSeconds == 0.0 || motionQueueEntry.getEndTime() < 0.0)
? 1.0
: CubismMath.getEasingSine((motionQueueEntry.getEndTime() - userTimeSeconds) / this._fadeOutSeconds);
fadeWeight = fadeWeight * fadeIn * fadeOut;
motionQueueEntry.setState(userTimeSeconds, fadeWeight);
CSM_ASSERT(0.0 <= fadeWeight && fadeWeight <= 1.0);
//---- 全てのパラメータIDをループする ----
this.doUpdateParameters(model, userTimeSeconds, fadeWeight, motionQueueEntry);
// 後処理
// 終了時刻を過ぎたら終了フラグを立てる(CubismMotionQueueManager)
if((motionQueueEntry.getEndTime() > 0) && (motionQueueEntry.getEndTime() < userTimeSeconds))
motionQueueEntry.setIsFinished(true); // 終了
* @param fadeInSeconds []
public setFadeInTime(fadeInSeconds: number): void
this._fadeInSeconds = fadeInSeconds;
* @param fadeOutSeconds []
public setFadeOutTime(fadeOutSeconds: number): void
this._fadeOutSeconds = fadeOutSeconds;
* @return []
public getFadeOutTime(): number
return this._fadeOutSeconds;
* @return []
public getFadeInTime(): number
return this._fadeInSeconds;
* @param weight 0.0 - 1.0
public setWeight(weight: number): void
this._weight = weight;
* @return 0.0 - 1.0
public getWeight(): number
return this._weight;
* @return []
* @note -1
* -1
public getDuration(): number
return -1.0;
* 1
* @return []
* @note getDuration()
* ()-1
public getLoopDuration(): number
return -1.0;
* @param offsetSeconds []
public setOffsetTime(offsetSeconds: number): void
this._offsetSeconds = offsetSeconds;
* @param beforeCheckTimeSeconds []
* @param motionTimeSeconds []
public getFiredEvent(beforeCheckTimeSeconds: number, motionTimeSeconds: number): csmVector<csmString>
return this._firedEventValues;
* @param model
* @param userTimeSeconds []
* @param weight
* @param motionQueueEntry CubismMotionQueueManager
* @return true
* @return false
public abstract doUpdateParameters(model: CubismModel, userTimeSeconds: number, weight: number, motionQueueEntry: CubismMotionQueueEntry): void;
public _fadeInSeconds: number; // フェードインにかかる時間[秒]
public _fadeOutSeconds: number; // フェードアウトにかかる時間[秒]
public _weight: number; // モーションの重み
public _offsetSeconds: number; // モーション再生の開始時間[秒]
public _firedEventValues: csmVector<csmString>;

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@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as acubismmotion} from './acubismmotion';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismjson} from '../utils/cubismjson';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismid} from '../id/cubismid';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismframework} from '../live2dcubismframework';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmodel} from '../model/cubismmodel';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmotionqueueentry} from './cubismmotionqueueentry';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmvector} from '../type/csmvector';
import JsonFloat = cubismjson.JsonFloat;
import csmVector = csmvector.csmVector;
import CubismMotionQueueEntry = cubismmotionqueueentry.CubismMotionQueueEntry;
import CubismModel = cubismmodel.CubismModel;
import CubismFramework = cubismframework.CubismFramework;
import CubismIdHandle = cubismid.CubismIdHandle;
import CubismJson = cubismjson.CubismJson;
import Value = cubismjson.Value;
import ACubismMotion = acubismmotion.ACubismMotion;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
// exp3.jsonのキーとデフォルト
const ExpressionKeyFadeIn: string = "FadeInTime";
const ExpressionKeyFadeOut: string = "FadeOutTime";
const ExpressionKeyParameters: string = "Parameters";
const ExpressionKeyId: string = "Id";
const ExpressionKeyValue: string = "Value";
const ExpressionKeyBlend: string = "Blend";
const BlendValueAdd: string = "Add";
const BlendValueMultiply: string = "Multiply";
const BlendValueOverwrite: string = "Overwrite";
const DefaultFadeTime: number = 1.0;
export class CubismExpressionMotion extends ACubismMotion
* @param buffer exp
* @param size
* @return
public static create(buffer: ArrayBuffer, size: number): CubismExpressionMotion
let expression: CubismExpressionMotion = new CubismExpressionMotion();
let json: CubismJson = CubismJson.create(buffer, size);
let root: Value = json.getRoot();
// typescriptではnullを許容していないため仮の値を入れる
if(root.getMap().getValue(ExpressionKeyFadeIn) == null)
root.getMap().setValue(ExpressionKeyFadeIn, new JsonFloat(DefaultFadeTime));
if(root.getMap().getValue(ExpressionKeyFadeOut) == null)
root.getMap().setValue(ExpressionKeyFadeOut, new JsonFloat(DefaultFadeTime));
expression.setFadeInTime(root.getMap().getValue(ExpressionKeyFadeIn).toFloat(DefaultFadeTime)); // フェードイン
expression.setFadeOutTime(root.getMap().getValue(ExpressionKeyFadeOut).toFloat(DefaultFadeTime)); // フェードアウト
// 各パラメータについて
const parameterCount = root.getMap().getValue(ExpressionKeyParameters).getSize();
for(let i: number = 0; i < parameterCount; ++i)
let param: Value = root.getMap().getValue(ExpressionKeyParameters).getVector().at(i);
const parameterId: CubismIdHandle = CubismFramework.getIdManager().getId(param.getMap().getValue(ExpressionKeyId).getRawString()); // パラメータID
const value: number = param.getMap().getValue(ExpressionKeyValue).toFloat(); // 値
// 計算方法の設定
let blendType: CubismExpressionMotion.ExpressionBlendType;
if(param.getMap().getValue(ExpressionKeyBlend).isNull() || param.getMap().getValue(ExpressionKeyBlend).getString() == BlendValueAdd)
blendType = this.ExpressionBlendType.ExpressionBlendType_Add;
else if(param.getMap().getValue(ExpressionKeyBlend).getString() == BlendValueMultiply)
blendType = this.ExpressionBlendType.ExpressionBlendType_Multiply;
else if(param.getMap().getValue(ExpressionKeyBlend).getString() == BlendValueOverwrite)
blendType = this.ExpressionBlendType.ExpressionBlendType_Overwrite;
// その他 仕様にない値を設定した時は加算モードにすることで復旧
blendType = this.ExpressionBlendType.ExpressionBlendType_Add;
// 設定オブジェクトを作成してリストに追加する
let item: CubismExpressionMotion.ExpressionParameter = new CubismExpressionMotion.ExpressionParameter();
item.parameterId = parameterId;
item.blendType = blendType;
item.value = value;
CubismJson.delete(json); // JSONデータは不要になったら削除する
return expression;
* @param model
* @param userTimeSeconds []
* @param weight
* @param motionQueueEntry CubismMotionQueueManager
public doUpdateParameters(model: CubismModel, userTimeSeconds: number, weight: number, motionQueueEntry: CubismMotionQueueEntry): void
for(let i: number = 0; i < this._parameters.getSize(); ++i)
let parameter: CubismExpressionMotion.ExpressionParameter =;
case CubismExpressionMotion.ExpressionBlendType.ExpressionBlendType_Add:
model.addParameterValueById(parameter.parameterId, parameter.value, weight);
case CubismExpressionMotion.ExpressionBlendType.ExpressionBlendType_Multiply:
model.multiplyParameterValueById(parameter.parameterId, parameter.value, weight);
case CubismExpressionMotion.ExpressionBlendType.ExpressionBlendType_Overwrite:
model.setParameterValueById(parameter.parameterId, parameter.value, weight)
// 仕様にない値を設定した時はすでに加算モードになっている
this._parameters = new csmVector<CubismExpressionMotion.ExpressionParameter>();
_parameters: csmVector<CubismExpressionMotion.ExpressionParameter>; // 表情のパラメータ情報リスト
export namespace CubismExpressionMotion
export enum ExpressionBlendType
ExpressionBlendType_Add = 0, // 加算
ExpressionBlendType_Multiply = 1, // 乗算
ExpressionBlendType_Overwrite = 2 // 上書き
export class ExpressionParameter
parameterId: CubismIdHandle; // パラメータID
blendType: ExpressionBlendType; // パラメータの演算種類
value: number; // 値

View File

@ -1,805 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmotionjson} from './cubismmotionjson';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmotioninternal} from './cubismmotioninternal';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as acubismmotion} from './acubismmotion';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmodel} from '../model/cubismmodel';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismframework} from '../live2dcubismframework';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmotionqueueentry} from './cubismmotionqueueentry';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmath} from '../math/cubismmath';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmvector} from '../type/csmvector';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismid} from '../id/cubismid';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmstring} from '../type/csmstring';
import {CubismLogDebug, CSM_ASSERT} from '../utils/cubismdebug';
import csmString = csmstring.csmString;
import CubismMotionData = cubismmotioninternal.CubismMotionData;
import CubismMotionSegment = cubismmotioninternal.CubismMotionSegment;
import CubismMotionPoint = cubismmotioninternal.CubismMotionPoint;
import CubismMotionEvent = cubismmotioninternal.CubismMotionEvent;
import CubismMotionSegmentType = cubismmotioninternal.CubismMotionSegmentType;
import CubismIdHandle = cubismid.CubismIdHandle;
import CubismMotionCurve = cubismmotioninternal.CubismMotionCurve;
import CubismMotionCurveTarget = cubismmotioninternal.CubismMotionCurveTarget;
import csmVector = csmvector.csmVector;
import CubismMath = cubismmath.CubismMath;
import CubismMotionQueueEntry = cubismmotionqueueentry.CubismMotionQueueEntry;
import CubismFramework = cubismframework.CubismFramework;
import CubismModel = cubismmodel.CubismModel;
import ACubismMotion = acubismmotion.ACubismMotion;
import CubismMotionJson = cubismmotionjson.CubismMotionJson;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
const EffectNameEyeBlink: string = "EyeBlink";
const EffectNameLipSync: string = "LipSync";
const TargetNameModel: string = "Model";
const TargetNameParameter: string = "Parameter";
const TargetNamePartOpacity: string = "PartOpacity";
function lerpPoints(a: CubismMotionPoint, b: CubismMotionPoint, t: number): CubismMotionPoint
let result: CubismMotionPoint = new CubismMotionPoint();
result.time = a.time + ((b.time - a.time) * t);
result.value = a.value + ((b.value - a.value) * t);
return result;
function linearEvaluate(points: CubismMotionPoint[], time: number): number
let t: number = (time - points[0].time) / (points[1].time - points[0].time);
if (t < 0.0)
t = 0.0;
return points[0].value + ((points[1].value - points[0].value) * t);
function bezierEvaluate(points: CubismMotionPoint[], time: number): number
let t: number = (time - points[0].time) / (points[3].time - points[0].time);
if (t < 0.0)
t = 0.0;
const p01: CubismMotionPoint = lerpPoints(points[0], points[1], t);
const p12: CubismMotionPoint = lerpPoints(points[1], points[2], t);
const p23: CubismMotionPoint = lerpPoints(points[2], points[3], t);
const p012: CubismMotionPoint = lerpPoints(p01, p12, t);
const p123: CubismMotionPoint = lerpPoints(p12, p23, t);
return lerpPoints(p012, p123, t).value;
function steppedEvaluate(points: CubismMotionPoint[], time: number): number
return points[0].value;
function inverseSteppedEvaluate(points: CubismMotionPoint[], time: number): number
return points[1].value;
function evaluateCurve(motionData: CubismMotionData, index: number, time: number): number
// Find segment to evaluate.
const curve: CubismMotionCurve =;
let target: number = -1;
const totalSegmentCount: number = curve.baseSegmentIndex + curve.segmentCount;
let pointPosition: number = 0;
for (let i: number = curve.baseSegmentIndex; i < totalSegmentCount; ++i)
// Get first point of next segment.
pointPosition =
+ ( == CubismMotionSegmentType.CubismMotionSegmentType_Bezier
? 3
: 1);
// Break if time lies within current segment.
if ( > time)
target = i;
if (target == -1)
const segment: CubismMotionSegment =;
return segment.evaluate(motionData.points.get(segment.basePointIndex), time);
export class CubismMotion extends ACubismMotion
* @param buffer motion3.json
* @param size
* @return
public static create(buffer: ArrayBuffer, size: number): CubismMotion
let ret: CubismMotion = new CubismMotion();
ret.parse(buffer, size);
ret._sourceFrameRate = ret._motionData.fps;
ret._loopDurationSeconds = ret._motionData.duration;
// NOTE: Editorではループありのモーション書き出しは非対応
// ret->_loop = (ret->_motionData->Loop > 0);
return ret;
* @param model
* @param userTimeSeconds []
* @param fadeWeight
* @param motionQueueEntry CubismMotionQueueManager
public doUpdateParameters(model: CubismModel, userTimeSeconds: number, fadeWeight: number, motionQueueEntry: CubismMotionQueueEntry): void
if (this._modelCurveIdEyeBlink == null)
this._modelCurveIdEyeBlink = CubismFramework.getIdManager().getId(EffectNameEyeBlink);
if (this._modelCurveIdLipSync == null)
this._modelCurveIdLipSync = CubismFramework.getIdManager().getId(EffectNameLipSync);
let timeOffsetSeconds: number = userTimeSeconds - motionQueueEntry.getStartTime();
if (timeOffsetSeconds < 0.0)
timeOffsetSeconds = 0.0; // エラー回避
let lipSyncValue: number = Number.MAX_VALUE;
let eyeBlinkValue: number = Number.MAX_VALUE;
const MaxTargetSize = 64;
let lipSyncFlags = 0;
let eyeBlinkFlags = 0;
if (this._eyeBlinkParameterIds.getSize() > MaxTargetSize)
CubismLogDebug("too many eye blink targets : {0}", this._eyeBlinkParameterIds.getSize());
if (this._lipSyncParameterIds.getSize() > MaxTargetSize)
CubismLogDebug("too many lip sync targets : {0}", this._lipSyncParameterIds.getSize());
const tmpFadeIn: number = (this._fadeInSeconds <= 0.0)
? 1.0
: CubismMath.getEasingSine((userTimeSeconds - motionQueueEntry.getFadeInStartTime()) / this._fadeInSeconds);
const tmpFadeOut: number = (this._fadeOutSeconds <= 0.0 || motionQueueEntry.getEndTime() < 0.0)
? 1.0
: CubismMath.getEasingSine((motionQueueEntry.getEndTime() - userTimeSeconds) / this._fadeOutSeconds);
let value: number;
let c: number, parameterIndex: number;
// 'Repeat' time as necessary.
let time: number = timeOffsetSeconds;
if (this._isLoop)
while (time > this._motionData.duration)
time -= this._motionData.duration;
let curves: csmVector<CubismMotionCurve> = this._motionData.curves;
// Evaluate model curves.
for (c = 0; c < this._motionData.curveCount && == CubismMotionCurveTarget.CubismMotionCurveTarget_Model; ++c)
// Evaluate curve and call handler.
value = evaluateCurve(this._motionData, c, time);
if ( == this._modelCurveIdEyeBlink)
eyeBlinkValue = value;
else if ( == this._modelCurveIdLipSync)
lipSyncValue = value;
let parameterMotionCurveCount: number = 0;
for (; c < this._motionData.curveCount && == CubismMotionCurveTarget.CubismMotionCurveTarget_Parameter; ++c)
// Find parameter index.
parameterIndex = model.getParameterIndex(;
// Skip curve evaluation if no value in sink.
if (parameterIndex == -1)
const sourceValue: number = model.getParameterValueByIndex(parameterIndex);
// Evaluate curve and apply value.
value = evaluateCurve(this._motionData, c, time);
if (eyeBlinkValue != Number.MAX_VALUE)
for (let i: number = 0; i < this._eyeBlinkParameterIds.getSize() && i < MaxTargetSize; ++i)
if ( ==
value *= eyeBlinkValue;
eyeBlinkFlags |= 1 << i;
if(lipSyncValue != Number.MAX_VALUE)
for(let i: number = 0; i < this._lipSyncParameterIds.getSize() && i < MaxTargetSize; ++i)
if( ==
value += lipSyncValue;
lipSyncFlags |= 1 << i;
let v: number;
// パラメータごとのフェード
if( < 0.0 && < 0.0)
// モーションのフェードを適用
v = sourceValue + (value - sourceValue) * fadeWeight;
// パラメータに対してフェードインかフェードアウトが設定してある場合はそちらを適用
let fin: number;
let fout: number;
if( < 0.0)
fin = tmpFadeIn;
fin = == 0.0
? 1.0
:CubismMath.getEasingSine((userTimeSeconds - motionQueueEntry.getFadeInStartTime()) /;
if( < 0.0)
fout = tmpFadeOut;
fout = ( == 0.0 || motionQueueEntry.getEndTime() < 0.0)
? 1.0
: CubismMath.getEasingSine((motionQueueEntry.getEndTime() - userTimeSeconds) /;
const paramWeight: number = this._weight * fin * fout;
// パラメータごとのフェードを適用
v = sourceValue + (value - sourceValue) * paramWeight;
model.setParameterValueByIndex(parameterIndex, v, 1.0);
if(eyeBlinkValue != Number.MAX_VALUE)
for(let i: number = 0; i < this._eyeBlinkParameterIds.getSize() && i < MaxTargetSize; ++i)
const sourceValue: number = model.getParameterValueById(;
// モーションでの上書きがあった時にはまばたきは適用しない
if((eyeBlinkFlags >> i) & 0x01)
const v: number = sourceValue + (eyeBlinkValue - sourceValue) * fadeWeight;
model.setParameterValueById(, v);
if(lipSyncValue != Number.MAX_VALUE)
for(let i: number = 0; i < this._lipSyncParameterIds.getSize() && i < MaxTargetSize; ++i)
const sourceValue: number = model.getParameterValueById(;
// モーションでの上書きがあった時にはリップシンクは適用しない
if((lipSyncFlags >> i) & 0x01)
const v: number = sourceValue + (lipSyncValue - sourceValue) * fadeWeight;
model.setParameterValueById(, v);
for(; c < this._motionData.curveCount && == CubismMotionCurveTarget.CubismMotionCurveTarget_PartOpacity; ++c)
// Find parameter index.
parameterIndex = model.getParameterIndex(;
// Skip curve evaluation if no value in sink.
if(parameterIndex == -1)
// Evaluate curve and apply value.
value = evaluateCurve(this._motionData, c, time);
model.setParameterValueByIndex(parameterIndex, value);
if(timeOffsetSeconds >= this._motionData.duration)
motionQueueEntry.setStartTime(userTimeSeconds); // 最初の状態へ
// ループ内でループ用フェードインが有効の時は、フェードイン設定し直し
this._lastWeight = fadeWeight;
* @param loop
public setIsLoop(loop: boolean): void
this._isLoop = loop;
* @return true
* @return false
public isLoop(): boolean
return this._isLoop;
* @param loopFadeIn
public setIsLoopFadeIn(loopFadeIn: boolean): void
this._isLoopFadeIn = loopFadeIn;
* @return true
* @return false
public isLoopFadeIn(): boolean
return this._isLoopFadeIn;
* @return []
public getDuration(): number
return this._isLoop ? -1.0 : this._loopDurationSeconds;
* @return []
public getLoopDuration(): number
return this._loopDurationSeconds;
* @param parameterId ID
* @param value []
public setParameterFadeInTime(parameterId: CubismIdHandle, value: number): void
let curves: csmVector<CubismMotionCurve> = this._motionData.curves;
for (let i: number = 0; i < this._motionData.curveCount; ++i)
if (parameterId ==
{ = value;
* @param parameterId ID
* @param value []
public setParameterFadeOutTime(parameterId: CubismIdHandle, value: number): void
let curves: csmVector<CubismMotionCurve> = this._motionData.curves;
for (let i: number = 0; i < this._motionData.curveCount; ++i)
if (parameterId ==
{ = value;
* @param parameterId ID
* @return []
public getParameterFadeInTime(parameterId: CubismIdHandle): number
let curves: csmVector<CubismMotionCurve> = this._motionData.curves;
for (let i: number = 0; i < this._motionData.curveCount; ++i)
if (parameterId ==
return -1;
* @param parameterId ID
* @return []
public getParameterFadeOutTime(parameterId: CubismIdHandle): number
let curves: csmVector<CubismMotionCurve> = this._motionData.curves;
for (let i: number = 0; i < this._motionData.curveCount; ++i)
if (parameterId ==
return -1;
* ID
* @param eyeBlinkParameterIds ID
* @param lipSyncParameterIds ID
public setEffectIds(eyeBlinkParameterIds: csmVector<CubismIdHandle>, lipSyncParameterIds: csmVector<CubismIdHandle>): void
this._eyeBlinkParameterIds = eyeBlinkParameterIds;
this._lipSyncParameterIds = lipSyncParameterIds;
public constructor()
this._sourceFrameRate = 30.0;
this._loopDurationSeconds = -1.0;
this._isLoop = false; // trueから false へデフォルトを変更
this._isLoopFadeIn = true; // ループ時にフェードインが有効かどうかのフラグ
this._lastWeight = 0.0;
this._motionData = null;
this._modelCurveIdEyeBlink = null;
this._modelCurveIdLipSync = null;
this._eyeBlinkParameterIds = null;
this._lipSyncParameterIds = null;
public release(): void
this._motionData = void 0;
this._motionData = null;
* motion3.json
* @param motionJson motion3.json
* @param size
public parse(motionJson: ArrayBuffer, size: number): void
this._motionData = new CubismMotionData();
let json: CubismMotionJson = new CubismMotionJson(motionJson, size);
this._motionData.duration = json.getMotionDuration();
this._motionData.loop = json.isMotionLoop();
this._motionData.curveCount = json.getMotionCurveCount();
this._motionData.fps = json.getMotionFps();
this._motionData.eventCount = json.getEventCount();
if (json.isExistMotionFadeInTime())
this._fadeInSeconds = (json.getMotionFadeInTime() < 0.0)
? 1.0
: json.getMotionFadeInTime();
this._fadeInSeconds = 1.0;
if (json.isExistMotionFadeOutTime())
this._fadeOutSeconds = (json.getMotionFadeOutTime() < 0.0)
? 1.0
: json.getMotionFadeOutTime();
this._fadeOutSeconds = 1.0;
this._motionData.curves.updateSize(this._motionData.curveCount, CubismMotionCurve, true);
this._motionData.segments.updateSize(json.getMotionTotalSegmentCount(), CubismMotionSegment, true);
this._motionData.points.updateSize(json.getMotionTotalPointCount(), CubismMotionPoint, true);, CubismMotionEvent, true);
let totalPointCount: number = 0;
let totalSegmentCount: number = 0;
// Curves
for (let curveCount: number = 0; curveCount < this._motionData.curveCount; ++curveCount)
if (json.getMotionCurveTarget(curveCount) == TargetNameModel)
{ = CubismMotionCurveTarget.CubismMotionCurveTarget_Model;
else if (json.getMotionCurveTarget(curveCount) == TargetNameParameter)
{ = CubismMotionCurveTarget.CubismMotionCurveTarget_Parameter;
else if (json.getMotionCurveTarget(curveCount) == TargetNamePartOpacity)
{ = CubismMotionCurveTarget.CubismMotionCurveTarget_PartOpacity;
} = json.getMotionCurveId(curveCount); = totalSegmentCount; =
? json.getMotionCurveFadeInTime(curveCount)
: -1.0 ; =
? json.getMotionCurveFadeOutTime(curveCount)
: -1.0;
// Segments
for (let segmentPosition: number = 0; segmentPosition < json.getMotionCurveSegmentCount(curveCount);)
if (segmentPosition == 0)
{ = totalPointCount; = json.getMotionCurveSegment(curveCount, segmentPosition); = json.getMotionCurveSegment(curveCount, segmentPosition + 1);
totalPointCount += 1;
segmentPosition += 2;
{ = totalPointCount - 1;
const segment: number = json.getMotionCurveSegment(curveCount, segmentPosition);
switch (segment)
case CubismMotionSegmentType.CubismMotionSegmentType_Linear:
{ = CubismMotionSegmentType.CubismMotionSegmentType_Linear; = linearEvaluate; = json.getMotionCurveSegment(curveCount, (segmentPosition + 1)); = json.getMotionCurveSegment(curveCount, (segmentPosition + 2));
totalPointCount += 1;
segmentPosition += 3;
case CubismMotionSegmentType.CubismMotionSegmentType_Bezier:
{ = CubismMotionSegmentType.CubismMotionSegmentType_Bezier; = bezierEvaluate; = json.getMotionCurveSegment(curveCount, (segmentPosition + 1)); = json.getMotionCurveSegment(curveCount, (segmentPosition + 2)); + 1).time = json.getMotionCurveSegment(curveCount, (segmentPosition + 3)); + 1).value = json.getMotionCurveSegment(curveCount, (segmentPosition + 4)); + 2).time = json.getMotionCurveSegment(curveCount, (segmentPosition + 5)); + 2).value = json.getMotionCurveSegment(curveCount, (segmentPosition + 6));
totalPointCount += 3;
segmentPosition += 7;
case CubismMotionSegmentType.CubismMotionSegmentType_Stepped:
{ = CubismMotionSegmentType.CubismMotionSegmentType_Stepped; = steppedEvaluate; = json.getMotionCurveSegment(curveCount, (segmentPosition + 1)); = json.getMotionCurveSegment(curveCount, (segmentPosition + 2));
totalPointCount += 1;
segmentPosition += 3;
case CubismMotionSegmentType.CubismMotionSegmentType_InverseStepped:
{ = CubismMotionSegmentType.CubismMotionSegmentType_InverseStepped; = inverseSteppedEvaluate; = json.getMotionCurveSegment(curveCount, (segmentPosition + 1)); = json.getMotionCurveSegment(curveCount, (segmentPosition + 2));
totalPointCount += 1;
segmentPosition += 3;
for (let userdatacount: number = 0; userdatacount < json.getEventCount(); ++userdatacount)
{ = json.getEventTime(userdatacount); = json.getEventValue(userdatacount);
json = void 0;
json = null;
* @param beforeCheckTimeSeconds []
* @param motionTimeSeconds []
public getFiredEvent(beforeCheckTimeSeconds: number, motionTimeSeconds: number): csmVector<csmString>
// イベントの発火チェック
for (let u: number = 0; u < this._motionData.eventCount; ++u)
if (( > beforeCheckTimeSeconds) &&
( <= motionTimeSeconds))
this._firedEventValues.pushBack(new csmString(;
return this._firedEventValues;
public _sourceFrameRate: number; // ロードしたファイルのFPS。記述が無ければデフォルト値15fpsとなる
public _loopDurationSeconds: number; // mtnファイルで定義される一連のモーションの長さ
public _isLoop: boolean; // ループするか?
public _isLoopFadeIn: boolean; // ループ時にフェードインが有効かどうかのフラグ。初期値では有効。
public _lastWeight: number; // 最後に設定された重み
public _motionData: CubismMotionData; // 実際のモーションデータ本体
public _eyeBlinkParameterIds: csmVector<CubismIdHandle>; // 自動まばたきを適用するパラメータIDハンドルのリスト。 モデル(モデルセッティング)とパラメータを対応付ける。
public _lipSyncParameterIds: csmVector<CubismIdHandle>; // リップシンクを適用するパラメータIDハンドルのリスト。 モデル(モデルセッティング)とパラメータを対応付ける。
public _modelCurveIdEyeBlink: CubismIdHandle; // モデルが持つ自動まばたき用パラメータIDのハンドル。 モデルとモーションを対応付ける。
public _modelCurveIdLipSync: CubismIdHandle; // モデルが持つリップシンク用パラメータIDのハンドル。 モデルとモーションを対応付ける。

View File

@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismid} from '../id/cubismid';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmstring} from '../type/csmstring';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmvector} from '../type/csmvector';
import csmVector = csmvector.csmVector;
import csmString = csmstring.csmString;
import CubismIdHandle = cubismid.CubismIdHandle;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
* @brief
export enum CubismMotionCurveTarget
CubismMotionCurveTarget_Model, // モデルに対して
CubismMotionCurveTarget_Parameter, // パラメータに対して
CubismMotionCurveTarget_PartOpacity // パーツの不透明度に対して
* @brief
export enum CubismMotionSegmentType
CubismMotionSegmentType_Linear = 0, // リニア
CubismMotionSegmentType_Bezier = 1, // ベジェ曲線
CubismMotionSegmentType_Stepped = 2, // ステップ
CubismMotionSegmentType_InverseStepped = 3 // インバースステップ
* @brief
export class CubismMotionPoint
time: number = 0.0; // 時間[秒]
value: number = 0.0; // 値
* @param points
* @param time []
export interface csmMotionSegmentEvaluationFunction
points: CubismMotionPoint[],
time: number
): number;
* @brief
export class CubismMotionSegment
* @brief
public constructor()
this.evaluate = null;
this.basePointIndex = 0;
this.segmentType = 0;
evaluate: csmMotionSegmentEvaluationFunction; // 使用する評価関数
basePointIndex: number; // 最初のセグメントへのインデックス
segmentType: number; // セグメントの種類
* @brief
export class CubismMotionCurve
public constructor()
this.type = CubismMotionCurveTarget.CubismMotionCurveTarget_Model;
this.segmentCount = 0;
this.baseSegmentIndex = 0;
this.fadeInTime = 0.0;
this.fadeOutTime = 0.0;
type: CubismMotionCurveTarget; // カーブの種類
id: CubismIdHandle; // カーブのID
segmentCount: number; // セグメントの個数
baseSegmentIndex: number; // 最初のセグメントのインデックス
fadeInTime: number; // フェードインにかかる時間[秒]
fadeOutTime: number; // フェードアウトにかかる時間[秒]
export class CubismMotionEvent
fireTime: number = 0.0;
value: csmString;
* @brief
export class CubismMotionData
public constructor()
this.duration = 0.0;
this.loop = false;
this.curveCount = 0;
this.eventCount = 0;
this.fps = 0.0;
this.curves = new csmVector<CubismMotionCurve>();
this.segments = new csmVector<CubismMotionSegment>();
this.points = new csmVector<CubismMotionPoint>(); = new csmVector<CubismMotionEvent>();
duration: number; // モーションの長さ[秒]
loop: boolean; // ループするかどうか
curveCount: number; // カーブの個数
eventCount: number; // UserDataの個数
fps: number; // フレームレート
curves: csmVector<CubismMotionCurve>; // カーブのリスト
segments: csmVector<CubismMotionSegment>; // セグメントのリスト
points: csmVector<CubismMotionPoint>; // ポイントのリスト
events: csmVector<CubismMotionEvent>; // イベントのリスト

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@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismjson} from '../utils/cubismjson';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismid} from '../id/cubismid';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismframework} from '../live2dcubismframework';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmstring} from '../type/csmstring';
import csmString = csmstring.csmString;
import CubismFramework = cubismframework.CubismFramework;
import CubismIdHandle = cubismid.CubismIdHandle;
import CubismJson = cubismjson.CubismJson;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
// JSON keys
const Meta: string = "Meta";
const Duration: string = "Duration";
const Loop: string = "Loop";
const CurveCount: string = "CurveCount";
const Fps: string = "Fps";
const TotalSegmentCount: string = "TotalSegmentCount";
const TotalPointCount: string = "TotalPointCount";
const Curves: string = "Curves";
const Target: string = "Target";
const Id: string = "Id";
const FadeInTime: string = "FadeInTime";
const FadeOutTime: string = "FadeOutTime";
const Segments: string = "Segments";
const UserData: string = "UserData";
const UserDataCount: string = "UserDataCount";
const TotalUserDataSize: string = "TotalUserDataSize";
const Time: string = "Time";
const Value: string = "Value";
* motion3.json
export class CubismMotionJson
* @param buffer motion3.json
* @param size
public constructor(buffer: ArrayBuffer, size: number)
this._json = CubismJson.create(buffer, size);
public release(): void
* @return []
public getMotionDuration(): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Meta).getMap().getValue(Duration).toFloat();
* @return true
* @return false
public isMotionLoop(): boolean
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Meta).getMap().getValue(Loop).toBoolean();
* @return
public getMotionCurveCount(): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Meta).getMap().getValue(CurveCount).toInt();
* @return [FPS]
public getMotionFps(): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Meta).getMap().getValue(Fps).toFloat();
* @return
public getMotionTotalSegmentCount(): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Meta).getMap().getValue(TotalSegmentCount).toInt();
* @return
public getMotionTotalPointCount(): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Meta).getMap().getValue(TotalPointCount).toInt();
* @return true
* @return false
public isExistMotionFadeInTime(): boolean
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Meta).getMap().isExist(FadeInTime);
* @return true
* @return false
public isExistMotionFadeOutTime(): boolean
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Meta).getMap().isExist(FadeOutTime);
* @return []
public getMotionFadeInTime(): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Meta).getMap().getValue(FadeInTime).toFloat();
* @return []
public getMotionFadeOutTime(): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Meta).getMap().getValue(FadeOutTime).toFloat();
* @param curveIndex
* @return
public getMotionCurveTarget(curveIndex: number): string
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Curves).getVector().at(curveIndex).getMap().getValue(Target).getRawString();
* ID
* @param curveIndex
* @return ID
public getMotionCurveId(curveIndex: number): CubismIdHandle
return CubismFramework.getIdManager().getId(this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Curves).getVector().at(curveIndex).getMap().getValue(Id).getRawString());
* @param curveIndex
* @return true
* @return false
public isExistMotionCurveFadeInTime(curveIndex: number): boolean
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Curves).getVector().at(curveIndex).getMap().isExist(FadeInTime);
* @param curveIndex
* @return true
* @return false
public isExistMotionCurveFadeOutTime(curveIndex: number): boolean
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Curves).getVector().at(curveIndex).getMap().isExist(FadeOutTime);
* @param curveIndex
* @return []
public getMotionCurveFadeInTime(curveIndex: number): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Curves).getVector().at(curveIndex).getMap().getValue(FadeInTime).toFloat();
* @param curveIndex
* @return []
public getMotionCurveFadeOutTime(curveIndex: number): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Curves).getVector().at(curveIndex).getMap().getValue(FadeOutTime).toFloat();
* @param curveIndex
* @return
public getMotionCurveSegmentCount(curveIndex: number): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Curves).getVector().at(curveIndex).getMap().getValue(Segments).getVector().getSize();
* @param curveIndex
* @param segmentIndex
* @return
public getMotionCurveSegment(curveIndex: number, segmentIndex: number): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Curves).getVector().at(curveIndex).getMap().getValue(Segments).getVector().at(segmentIndex).toFloat();
* @return
public getEventCount(): number
return 0;
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Meta).getMap().getValue(UserDataCount).toInt();
* @return
public getTotalEventValueSize(): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Meta).getMap().getValue(TotalUserDataSize).toInt();
* @param userDataIndex
* @return []
public getEventTime(userDataIndex: number): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(UserData).getVector().at(userDataIndex).getMap().getValue(Time).toInt();
* @param userDataIndex
* @return
public getEventValue(userDataIndex: number): csmString
return new csmString(this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(UserData).getVector().at(userDataIndex).getMap().getValue(Value).getRawString());
_json: CubismJson; // motion3.jsonのデータ

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@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmotionqueuemanager} from "./cubismmotionqueuemanager";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as acubismmotion} from './acubismmotion';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmodel} from '../model/cubismmodel';
import CubismMotionQueueEntryHandle = cubismmotionqueuemanager.CubismMotionQueueEntryHandle;
import CubismModel = cubismmodel.CubismModel;
import ACubismMotion = acubismmotion.ACubismMotion;
import CubismMotionQueueManager = cubismmotionqueuemanager.CubismMotionQueueManager;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
export class CubismMotionManager extends CubismMotionQueueManager
public constructor()
this._currentPriority = 0;
this._reservePriority = 0;
* @return
public getCurrentPriority(): number
return this._currentPriority;
* @return
public getReservePriority(): number
return this._reservePriority;
* @param val
public setReservePriority(val: number): void
this._reservePriority = val;
* @param motion
* @param autoDelete true
* @param priority
* @return IsFinished()使-1
public startMotionPriority(motion: ACubismMotion, autoDelete: boolean, priority: number): CubismMotionQueueEntryHandle
if(priority == this._reservePriority)
this._reservePriority = 0; // 予約を解除
this._currentPriority = priority; // 再生中モーションの優先度を設定
return super.startMotion(motion, autoDelete, this._userTimeSeconds);
* @param model
* @param deltaTimeSeconds []
* @return true
* @return false
public updateMotion(model: CubismModel, deltaTimeSeconds: number): boolean
this._userTimeSeconds += deltaTimeSeconds;
const updated: boolean = super.doUpdateMotion(model, this._userTimeSeconds);
this._currentPriority = 0; // 再生中のモーションの優先度を解除
return updated;
* @param priority
* @return true
* @return false
public reserveMotion(priority: number): boolean
if((priority <= this._reservePriority) || (priority <= this._currentPriority))
return false;
this._reservePriority = priority;
return true;
_currentPriority: number; // 現在再生中のモーションの優先度
_reservePriority: number; // 再生予定のモーションの優先度。再生中は0になる。モーションファイルを別スレッドで読み込むときの機能。

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@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as acubismmotion} from './acubismmotion';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmotionqueuemanager} from './cubismmotionqueuemanager';
import CubismMotionQueueEntryHandle = cubismmotionqueuemanager.CubismMotionQueueEntryHandle;
import ACubismMotion = acubismmotion.ACubismMotion;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
* CubismMotionQueueManager
export class CubismMotionQueueEntry
public constructor()
this._autoDelete = false;
this._motion = null;
this._available = true;
this._finished = false;
this._started = false;
this._startTimeSeconds = -1.0;
this._fadeInStartTimeSeconds = 0.0;
this._endTimeSeconds = -1.0;
this._stateTimeSeconds = 0.0;
this._stateWeight = 0.0;
this._lastEventCheckSeconds = 0.0;
this._motionQueueEntryHandle = this;
public release(): void
if(this._autoDelete && this._motion)
ACubismMotion.delete(this._motion); //
* @param fadeOutSeconds []
* @param userTimeSeconds []
public startFadeout(fadeoutSeconds: number, userTimeSeconds: number): void
const newEndTimeSeconds: number = userTimeSeconds + fadeoutSeconds;
if(this._endTimeSeconds < 0.0 || newEndTimeSeconds < this._endTimeSeconds)
this._endTimeSeconds = newEndTimeSeconds;
* @return true
* @return false
public isFinished(): boolean
return this._finished;
* @return true
* @return false
public isStarted(): boolean
return this._started;
* @return []
public getStartTime(): number
return this._startTimeSeconds;
* @return []
public getFadeInStartTime(): number
return this._fadeInStartTimeSeconds;
* @return
public getEndTime(): number
return this._endTimeSeconds;
* @param startTime
public setStartTime(startTime: number): void
this._startTimeSeconds = startTime;
* @param startTime []
public setFadeInStartTime(startTime: number): void
this._fadeInStartTimeSeconds = startTime;
* @param endTime []
public setEndTime(endTime: number): void
this._endTimeSeconds = endTime;
* @param f true
public setIsFinished(f: boolean): void
this._finished = f;
* @param f true
public setIsStarted(f: boolean): void
this._started = f;
* @return true
* @return false
public isAvailable(): boolean
return this._available;
* @param v true
public setIsAvailable(v: boolean): void
this._available = v;
* @param timeSeconds []
* @param weight
public setState(timeSeconds: number, weight: number): void
this._stateTimeSeconds = timeSeconds;
this._stateWeight = weight;
* @return []
public getStateTime(): number
return this._stateTimeSeconds;
* @return
public getStateWeight(): number
return this._stateWeight;
* @return []
public getLastCheckEventTime(): number
return this._lastEventCheckSeconds;
* @param checkTime []
public setLastCheckEventTime(checkTime: number): void
this._lastEventCheckSeconds = checkTime;
_autoDelete: boolean; // 自動削除
_motion: ACubismMotion; // モーション
_available: boolean; // 有効化フラグ
_finished: boolean; // 終了フラグ
_started: boolean; // 開始フラグ
_startTimeSeconds: number; // モーション再生開始時刻[秒]
_fadeInStartTimeSeconds: number; // フェードイン開始時刻(ループの時は初回のみ)[秒]
_endTimeSeconds: number; // 終了予定時刻[秒]
_stateTimeSeconds: number; // 時刻の状態[秒]
_stateWeight: number;  // 重みの状態
_lastEventCheckSeconds: number; // 最終のMotion側のチェックした時間
_motionQueueEntryHandle: CubismMotionQueueEntryHandle; // インスタンスごとに一意の値を持つ識別番号

View File

@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as acubismmotion} from './acubismmotion';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmotionqueueentry} from './cubismmotionqueueentry';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmvector} from '../type/csmvector';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmodel} from '../model/cubismmodel';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmstring} from '../type/csmstring';
import csmString = csmstring.csmString;
import CubismModel = cubismmodel.CubismModel;
import csmVector = csmvector.csmVector;
import CubismMotionQueueEntry = cubismmotionqueueentry.CubismMotionQueueEntry;
import ACubismMotion = acubismmotion.ACubismMotion;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
* CubismMotionACubismMotion使
* @note StartMotion()
* CubismMotionQueueManager使
export class CubismMotionQueueManager
public constructor()
this._userTimeSeconds = 0.0;
this._eventCallBack = null;
this._eventCustomData = null;
this._motions = new csmVector<CubismMotionQueueEntry>();
public release(): void
for(let i: number = 0; i < this._motions.getSize(); ++i)
this._motions.set(i, void 0);
this._motions.set(i, null);
this._motions = null;
* @param motion
* @param autoDelete true
* @param userTimeSeconds []
* @return IsFinished()使-1
public startMotion(motion: ACubismMotion, autoDelete: boolean, userTimeSeconds: number): CubismMotionQueueEntryHandle
if(motion == null)
return InvalidMotionQueueEntryHandleValue;
let motionQueueEntry: CubismMotionQueueEntry = null;
// 既にモーションがあれば終了フラグを立てる
for(let i: number = 0; i < this._motions.getSize(); ++i)
motionQueueEntry =;
if(motionQueueEntry == null)
motionQueueEntry.startFadeout(motionQueueEntry._motion.getFadeOutTime(), userTimeSeconds); // フェードアウトを開始し終了する
motionQueueEntry = new CubismMotionQueueEntry(); // 終了時に破棄する
motionQueueEntry._autoDelete = autoDelete;
motionQueueEntry._motion = motion;
return motionQueueEntry._motionQueueEntryHandle;
* @return true
* @return false
public isFinished(): boolean
// ------- 処理を行う -------
// 既にモーションがあれば終了フラグを立てる
for(let ite: csmVector.iterator<CubismMotionQueueEntry> = this._motions.begin(); ite.notEqual(this._motions.end());)
let motionQueueEntry: CubismMotionQueueEntry = ite.ptr();
if(motionQueueEntry == null)
ite = this._motions.erase(ite); // 削除
let motion: ACubismMotion = motionQueueEntry._motion;
if(motion == null)
motionQueueEntry = void 0;
motionQueueEntry = null;
ite = this._motions.erase(ite); // 削除
// ----- 終了済みの処理があれば削除する ------
return false;
return true;
* @param motionQueueEntryNumber
* @return true
* @return false
public isFinishedByHandle(motionQueueEntryNumber: CubismMotionQueueEntryHandle): boolean
// 既にモーションがあれば終了フラグを立てる
for(let ite: csmVector.iterator<CubismMotionQueueEntry> = this._motions.begin(); ite.notEqual(this._motions.end());ite.increment())
let motionQueueEntry: CubismMotionQueueEntry = ite.ptr();
if(motionQueueEntry == null)
if(motionQueueEntry._motionQueueEntryHandle == motionQueueEntryNumber && !motionQueueEntry.isFinished())
return false;
return true;
public stopAllMotions(): void
// ------- 処理を行う -------
// 既にモーションがあれば終了フラグを立てる
for(let ite: csmVector.iterator<CubismMotionQueueEntry> = this._motions.begin(); ite.notEqual(this._motions.end());)
let motionQueueEntry: CubismMotionQueueEntry = ite.ptr();
if(motionQueueEntry == null)
ite = this._motions.erase(ite);
// ----- 終了済みの処理があれば削除する ------
motionQueueEntry = void 0;
motionQueueEntry = null;
ite = this._motions.erase(ite); // 削除
* CubismMotionQueueEntry
* @param motionQueueEntryNumber
* @return CubismMotionQueueEntry
* @return null
public getCubismMotionQueueEntry(motionQueueEntryNumber: any): CubismMotionQueueEntry
//------- 処理を行う -------
// 既にモーションがあれば終了フラグを立てる
for(let ite: csmVector.iterator<CubismMotionQueueEntry> = this._motions.begin(); ite.notEqual(this._motions.end()); ite.preIncrement())
let motionQueueEntry: CubismMotionQueueEntry = ite.ptr();
if(motionQueueEntry == null)
if(motionQueueEntry._motionQueueEntryHandle == motionQueueEntryNumber)
return motionQueueEntry;
return null;
* Callback
* @param callback
* @param customData
public setEventCallback(callback: CubismMotionEventFunction, customData: any = null): void
this._eventCallBack = callback;
this._eventCustomData = customData;
* @param model
* @param userTimeSeconds []
* @return true
* @return false ()
public doUpdateMotion(model: CubismModel, userTimeSeconds: number): boolean
let updated: boolean = false;
// ------- 処理を行う --------
// 既にモーションがあれば終了フラグを立てる
for(let ite: csmVector.iterator<CubismMotionQueueEntry> = this._motions.begin(); ite.notEqual(this._motions.end());)
let motionQueueEntry: CubismMotionQueueEntry = ite.ptr();
if(motionQueueEntry == null)
ite = this._motions.erase(ite); // 削除
let motion: ACubismMotion = motionQueueEntry._motion;
if(motion == null)
motionQueueEntry = void 0;
motionQueueEntry = null;
ite = this._motions.erase(ite); // 削除
// ------ 値を反映する ------
motion.updateParameters(model, motionQueueEntry, userTimeSeconds);
updated = true;
// ------ ユーザトリガーイベントを検査する ----
const firedList: csmVector<csmString> = motion.getFiredEvent(
motionQueueEntry.getLastCheckEventTime() - motionQueueEntry.getStartTime(),
userTimeSeconds - motionQueueEntry.getStartTime()
for(let i: number = 0; i < firedList.getSize(); ++i)
this._eventCallBack(this,, this._eventCustomData);
// ------ 終了済みの処理があれば削除する ------
motionQueueEntry = void 0;
motionQueueEntry = null;
ite = this._motions.erase(ite); // 削除
return updated;
_userTimeSeconds: number; // デルタ時間の積算値[秒]
_motions: csmVector<CubismMotionQueueEntry>; // モーション
_eventCallBack: CubismMotionEventFunction; // コールバック関数
_eventCustomData: any; // コールバックに戻されるデータ
* @param caller CubismMotionQueueManager
* @param eventValue
* @param customData
export interface CubismMotionEventFunction
caller: CubismMotionQueueManager,
eventValue: csmString,
customData: any
): void;
export declare type CubismMotionQueueEntryHandle = any;
export const InvalidMotionQueueEntryHandleValue: CubismMotionQueueEntryHandle = -1;

View File

@ -1,826 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismphysicsinternal} from './cubismphysicsinternal';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmodel} from '../model/cubismmodel';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismvector2} from '../math/cubismvector2';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmath} from '../math/cubismmath';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismphysicsjson} from './cubismphysicsjson';
import CubismPhysicsJson = cubismphysicsjson.CubismPhysicsJson;
import CubismMath = cubismmath.CubismMath;
import CubismPhysicsRig = cubismphysicsinternal.CubismPhysicsRig;
import CubismPhysicsSubRig = cubismphysicsinternal.CubismPhysicsSubRig;
import CubismPhysicsInput = cubismphysicsinternal.CubismPhysicsInput;
import CubismPhysicsOutput = cubismphysicsinternal.CubismPhysicsOutput;
import CubismPhysicsParticle = cubismphysicsinternal.CubismPhysicsParticle;
import CubismPhysicsSource = cubismphysicsinternal.CubismPhysicsSource;
import CubismPhysicsTargetType = cubismphysicsinternal.CubismPhysicsTargetType;
import CubismPhysicsNormalization = cubismphysicsinternal.CubismPhysicsNormalization;
import CubismVector2 = cubismvector2.CubismVector2;
import CubismModel = cubismmodel.CubismModel;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
/// physics types tags.
const PhysicsTypeTagX: string = "X";
const PhysicsTypeTagY: string = "Y";
const PhysicsTypeTagAngle: string = "Angle";
/// Constant of air resistance.
const AirResistance: number = 5.0;
/// Constant of maximum weight of input and output ratio.
const MaximumWeight: number = 100.0;
/// Constant of threshold of movement.
const MovementThreshold: number = 0.001;
export class CubismPhysics
* @param buffer physics3.json
* @param size
* @return
public static create(buffer: ArrayBuffer, size: number): CubismPhysics
let ret: CubismPhysics = new CubismPhysics();
ret.parse(buffer, size);
ret._physicsRig.gravity.y = 0;
return ret;
* @param physics
public static delete(physics: CubismPhysics): void
physics = void 0;
physics = null;
* @param model
* @param deltaTimeSeconds []
public evaluate(model: CubismModel, deltaTimeSeconds: number): void
let totalAngle: {angle: number};
let weight: number;
let radAngle: number;
let outputValue: number;
let totalTranslation: CubismVector2 = new CubismVector2();
let currentSetting: CubismPhysicsSubRig;
let currentInput: CubismPhysicsInput[];
let currentOutput: CubismPhysicsOutput[];
let currentParticles: CubismPhysicsParticle[];
let parameterValue: Float32Array;
let parameterMaximumValue: Float32Array;
let parameterMinimumValue: Float32Array;
let parameterDefaultValue: Float32Array;
parameterValue = model.getModel().parameters.values;
parameterMaximumValue = model.getModel().parameters.maximumValues;
parameterMinimumValue = model.getModel().parameters.minimumValues;
parameterDefaultValue = model.getModel().parameters.defaultValues;
for(let settingIndex: number = 0; settingIndex < this._physicsRig.subRigCount; ++settingIndex)
totalAngle = {angle: 0.0};
totalTranslation.x = 0.0;
totalTranslation.y = 0.0;
currentSetting =;
currentInput = this._physicsRig.inputs.get(currentSetting.baseInputIndex);
currentOutput = this._physicsRig.outputs.get(currentSetting.baseOutputIndex);
currentParticles = this._physicsRig.particles.get(currentSetting.baseParticleIndex);
// Load input parameters
for(let i: number = 0; i < currentSetting.inputCount; ++i)
weight = currentInput[i].weight / MaximumWeight;
if(currentInput[i].sourceParameterIndex == -1)
currentInput[i].sourceParameterIndex = model.getParameterIndex(currentInput[i];
radAngle = CubismMath.degreesToRadian(-totalAngle.angle);
totalTranslation.x = (totalTranslation.x * CubismMath.cos(radAngle) - totalTranslation.y * CubismMath.sin(radAngle));
totalTranslation.y = (totalTranslation.x * CubismMath.sin(radAngle) + totalTranslation.y * CubismMath.cos(radAngle));
// Calculate particles position.
MovementThreshold * currentSetting.normalizationPosition.maximum,
// Update output parameters.
for (let i: number = 0; i < currentSetting.outputCount; ++i)
let particleIndex = currentOutput[i].vertexIndex;
if(particleIndex < 1 || particleIndex >= currentSetting.particleCount)
if(currentOutput[i].destinationParameterIndex == -1)
currentOutput[i].destinationParameterIndex = model.getParameterIndex(currentOutput[i];
let translation: CubismVector2 = new CubismVector2();
translation.x = currentParticles[particleIndex].position.x - currentParticles[particleIndex - 1].position.x;
translation.y = currentParticles[particleIndex].position.y - currentParticles[particleIndex - 1].position.y;
outputValue = currentOutput[i].getValue(
let destinationParameterIndex = currentOutput[i].destinationParameterIndex;
let outParameterValue = parameterValue.slice(destinationParameterIndex);
// 値を反映
for(let offset: number = destinationParameterIndex, outParamIndex: number = 0; offset < parameterValue.length; offset++, outParamIndex++)
parameterValue[offset] = outParameterValue[outParamIndex];
* @param options
public setOptions(options: CubismPhysics.Options): void
this._options = options;
* @return
public getOption(): CubismPhysics.Options
return this._options;
public constructor()
this._physicsRig = null;
// set default options
this._options = new CubismPhysics.Options();
this._options.gravity.y = -1.0;
this._options.gravity.x = 0;
this._options.wind.x = 0;
this._options.wind.y = 0;
public release(): void
this._physicsRig = void 0;
this._physicsRig = null;
* physics3.json
* @param physicsJson physics3.json
* @param size
public parse(physicsJson: ArrayBuffer, size: number): void
this._physicsRig = new CubismPhysicsRig();
let json: CubismPhysicsJson = new CubismPhysicsJson(physicsJson, size);
this._physicsRig.gravity = json.getGravity();
this._physicsRig.wind = json.getWind();
this._physicsRig.subRigCount = json.getSubRigCount();
this._physicsRig.settings.updateSize(this._physicsRig.subRigCount, CubismPhysicsSubRig, true);
this._physicsRig.inputs.updateSize(json.getTotalInputCount(), CubismPhysicsInput, true);
this._physicsRig.outputs.updateSize(json.getTotalOutputCount(), CubismPhysicsOutput, true);
this._physicsRig.particles.updateSize(json.getVertexCount(), CubismPhysicsParticle, true);
let inputIndex: number = 0, outputIndex: number = 0, particleIndex: number = 0;
for(let i: number = 0; i < this._physicsRig.settings.getSize(); ++i)
{ = json.getNormalizationPositionMinimumValue(i); = json.getNormalizationPositionMaximumValue(i); = json.getNormalizationPositionDefaultValue(i); = json.getNormalizationAngleMinimumValue(i); = json.getNormalizationAngleMaximumValue(i); = json.getNormalizationAngleDefaultValue(i);
// Input = json.getInputCount(i); = inputIndex;
for(let j: number = 0; j <; ++j)
{ + j).sourceParameterIndex = -1; + j).weight = json.getInputWeight(i, j); + j).reflect = json.getInputReflect(i, j);
if(json.getInputType(i, j) == PhysicsTypeTagX)
{ + j).type = CubismPhysicsSource.CubismPhysicsSource_X; + j).getNormalizedParameterValue = getInputTranslationXFromNormalizedParameterValue;
else if(json.getInputType(i, j) == PhysicsTypeTagY)
{ + j).type = CubismPhysicsSource.CubismPhysicsSource_Y; + j).getNormalizedParameterValue = getInputTranslationYFromNormalizedParamterValue;
else if(json.getInputType(i, j) == PhysicsTypeTagAngle)
{ + j).type = CubismPhysicsSource.CubismPhysicsSource_Angle; + j).getNormalizedParameterValue = getInputAngleFromNormalizedParameterValue;
} + j).source.targetType = CubismPhysicsTargetType.CubismPhysicsTargetType_Parameter; + j) = json.getInputSourceId(i, j);
inputIndex +=;
// Output = json.getOutputCount(i); = outputIndex;
for(let j: number = 0; j <; ++j)
{ + j).destinationParameterIndex = -1; + j).vertexIndex = json.getOutputVertexIndex(i, j); + j).angleScale = json.getOutputAngleScale(i, j); + j).weight = json.getOutputWeight(i, j); + j).destination.targetType = CubismPhysicsTargetType.CubismPhysicsTargetType_Parameter; + j) = json.getOutputDestinationId(i, j);
if(json.getOutputType(i, j) == PhysicsTypeTagX)
{ + j).type = CubismPhysicsSource.CubismPhysicsSource_X; + j).getValue = getOutputTranslationX; + j).getScale = getOutputScaleTranslationX;
else if(json.getOutputType(i, j) == PhysicsTypeTagY)
{ + j).type = CubismPhysicsSource.CubismPhysicsSource_Y; + j).getValue = getOutputTranslationY; + j).getScale = getOutputScaleTranslationY;
else if(json.getOutputType(i, j) == PhysicsTypeTagAngle)
{ + j).type = CubismPhysicsSource.CubismPhysicsSource_Angle; + j).getValue = getOutputAngle; + j).getScale = getOutputScaleAngle;
} + j).reflect = json.getOutputReflect(i, j);
outputIndex +=;
// Particle = json.getParticleCount(i); = particleIndex;
for(let j: number = 0; j <; ++j)
{ + j).mobility = json.getParticleMobility(i, j); + j).delay = json.getParticleDelay(i, j); + j).acceleration = json.getParticleAcceleration(i, j); + j).radius = json.getParticleRadius(i, j); + j).position = json.getParticlePosition(i, j);
particleIndex +=;
json = void 0;
json = null;
public initialize(): void
let strand: CubismPhysicsParticle[];
let currentSetting: CubismPhysicsSubRig;
let radius: CubismVector2;
for (let settingIndex: number = 0; settingIndex < this._physicsRig.subRigCount; ++settingIndex)
currentSetting =;
strand = this._physicsRig.particles.get(currentSetting.baseParticleIndex);
// Initialize the top of particle.
strand[0].initialPosition = new CubismVector2(0.0, 0.0);
strand[0].lastPosition = new CubismVector2(strand[0].initialPosition.x, strand[0].initialPosition.y);
strand[0].lastGravity = new CubismVector2(0.0, -1.0);
strand[0].lastGravity.y *= -1.0;
strand[0].velocity = new CubismVector2(0.0, 0.0);
strand[0].force = new CubismVector2(0.0, 0.0);
// Initialize paritcles.
for (let i: number = 1; i < currentSetting.particleCount; ++i)
radius = new CubismVector2(0.0, 0.0);
radius.y = strand[i].radius;
strand[i].initialPosition = new CubismVector2(strand[i - 1].initialPosition.x + radius.x, strand[i - 1].initialPosition.y + radius.y);
strand[i].position = new CubismVector2(strand[i].initialPosition.x, strand[i].initialPosition.y);
strand[i].lastPosition = new CubismVector2(strand[i].initialPosition.x, strand[i].initialPosition.y);
strand[i].lastGravity = new CubismVector2(0.0, -1.0);
strand[i].lastGravity.y *= -1.0;
strand[i].velocity = new CubismVector2(0.0, 0.0);
strand[i].force = new CubismVector2(0.0, 0.0);
_physicsRig: CubismPhysicsRig; // 物理演算のデータ
_options: CubismPhysics.Options; // オプション
export namespace CubismPhysics
export class Options
this.gravity = new CubismVector2(0, 0);
this.wind = new CubismVector2(0, 0);
gravity: CubismVector2; // 重力方向
wind: CubismVector2; // 風の方向
* Gets sign.
* @param value Evaluation target value.
* @return Sign of value.
function sign(value: number): number
let ret: number = 0;
if(value > 0.0)
ret = 1;
else if(value < 0.0)
ret = -1;
return ret;
function getInputTranslationXFromNormalizedParameterValue(
targetTranslation: CubismVector2,
targetAngle: {angle: number},
value: number,
parameterMinimumValue: number,
parameterMaximumValue: number,
parameterDefaultValue: number,
normalizationPosition: CubismPhysicsNormalization,
normalizationAngle: CubismPhysicsNormalization,
isInverted: boolean,
weight: number): void
targetTranslation.x += normalizeParameterValue(
) * weight;
function getInputTranslationYFromNormalizedParamterValue(
targetTranslation: CubismVector2,
targetAngle: {angle: number},
value: number,
parameterMinimumValue: number,
parameterMaximumValue: number,
parameterDefaultValue: number,
normalizationPosition: CubismPhysicsNormalization,
normalizationAngle: CubismPhysicsNormalization,
isInverted: boolean,
weight: number): void
targetTranslation.y += normalizeParameterValue(
) * weight;
function getInputAngleFromNormalizedParameterValue(
targetTranslation: CubismVector2,
targetAngle: {angle: number},
value: number,
parameterMinimumValue: number,
parameterMaximumValue: number,
parameterDefaultValue: number,
normalizaitionPosition: CubismPhysicsNormalization,
normalizationAngle: CubismPhysicsNormalization,
isInverted: boolean,
weight: number): void
targetAngle.angle += normalizeParameterValue(
) * weight;
function getOutputTranslationX(
translation: CubismVector2,
particles: CubismPhysicsParticle[],
particleIndex: number,
isInverted: boolean,
parentGravity: CubismVector2): number
let outputValue: number = translation.x;
outputValue *= -1.0;
return outputValue;
function getOutputTranslationY(
translation: CubismVector2,
particles: CubismPhysicsParticle[],
particleIndex: number,
isInverted: boolean,
parentGravity: CubismVector2): number
let outputValue: number = translation.y;
outputValue *= -1.0;
return outputValue;
function getOutputAngle(
translation: CubismVector2,
particles: CubismPhysicsParticle[],
particleIndex: number,
isInverted: boolean,
parentGravity: CubismVector2): number
let outputValue: number;
if(particleIndex >= 2)
parentGravity = particles[particleIndex - 1].position.substract(particles[particleIndex - 2].position);
parentGravity = parentGravity.multiplyByScaler(-1.0);
outputValue = CubismMath.directionToRadian(parentGravity, translation);
outputValue *= -1.0;
return outputValue;
function getRangeValue(min: number, max: number): number
let maxValue: number = CubismMath.max(min, max);
let minValue: number = CubismMath.min(min, max);
return CubismMath.abs(maxValue - minValue);
function getDefaultValue(min: number, max: number): number
const minValue: number = CubismMath.min(min, max);
return minValue + (getRangeValue(min, max) / 2.0);
function getOutputScaleTranslationX(translationScale: CubismVector2, angleScale: number): number
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(translationScale.x));
function getOutputScaleTranslationY(translationScale: CubismVector2, angleScale: number): number
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(translationScale.y));
function getOutputScaleAngle(translationScale: CubismVector2, angleScale: number): number
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(angleScale));
* Updates particles.
* @param strand Target array of particle.
* @param strandCount Count of particle.
* @param totalTranslation Total translation value.
* @param totalAngle Total angle.
* @param windDirection Direction of Wind.
* @param thresholdValue Threshold of movement.
* @param deltaTimeSeconds Delta time.
* @param airResistance Air resistance.
function updateParticles(
strand: CubismPhysicsParticle[],
strandCount: number,
totalTranslation: CubismVector2,
totalAngle: number,
windDirection: CubismVector2,
thresholdValue: number,
deltaTimeSeconds: number,
airResistance: number)
let totalRadian: number;
let delay: number;
let radian: number;
let currentGravity: CubismVector2;
let direction: CubismVector2 = new CubismVector2(0.0, 0.0);
let velocity: CubismVector2 = new CubismVector2(0.0, 0.0);
let force: CubismVector2 = new CubismVector2(0.0, 0.0);
let newDirection: CubismVector2 = new CubismVector2(0.0, 0.0);
strand[0].position = new CubismVector2(totalTranslation.x, totalTranslation.y);
totalRadian = CubismMath.degreesToRadian(totalAngle);
currentGravity = CubismMath.radianToDirection(totalRadian);
for(let i: number = 1; i < strandCount; ++i)
strand[i].force = currentGravity.multiplyByScaler(strand[i].acceleration).add(windDirection);
strand[i].lastPosition = new CubismVector2(strand[i].position.x, strand[i].position.y);
delay = strand[i].delay * deltaTimeSeconds * 30.0;
direction = strand[i].position.substract(strand[i - 1].position);
radian = CubismMath.directionToRadian(strand[i].lastGravity, currentGravity) / airResistance;
direction.x = ((CubismMath.cos(radian) * direction.x) - (direction.y * CubismMath.sin(radian)));
direction.y = ((CubismMath.sin(radian) * direction.x) + (direction.y * CubismMath.cos(radian)));
strand[i].position = strand[i - 1].position.add(direction);
velocity = strand[i].velocity.multiplyByScaler(delay);
force = strand[i].force.multiplyByScaler(delay).multiplyByScaler(delay);
strand[i].position = strand[i].position.add(velocity).add(force);
newDirection = strand[i].position.substract(strand[i - 1].position);
strand[i].position = strand[i - 1].position.add(newDirection.multiplyByScaler(strand[i].radius));
if (CubismMath.abs(strand[i].position.x) < thresholdValue)
strand[i].position.x = 0.0;
if (delay != 0.0)
strand[i].velocity = strand[i].position.substract(strand[i].lastPosition);
strand[i].velocity = strand[i].velocity.divisionByScalar(delay);
strand[i].velocity = strand[i].velocity.multiplyByScaler(strand[i].mobility);
strand[i].force = new CubismVector2(0.0, 0.0);
strand[i].lastGravity = new CubismVector2(currentGravity.x, currentGravity.y);
* Updates output parameter value.
* @param parameterValue Target parameter value.
* @param parameterValueMinimum Minimum of parameter value.
* @param parameterValueMaximum Maximum of parameter value.
* @param translation Translation value.
function updateOutputParameterValue(
parameterValue: Float32Array,
parameterValueMinimum: number,
parameterValueMaximum: number,
translation: number,
output: CubismPhysicsOutput): void
let outputScale: number;
let value: number;
let weight: number;
outputScale = output.getScale(output.translationScale, output.angleScale);
value = translation * outputScale;
if (value < parameterValueMinimum)
if (value < output.valueBelowMinimum)
output.valueBelowMinimum = value;
value = parameterValueMinimum;
else if (value > parameterValueMaximum)
if (value > output.valueExceededMaximum)
output.valueExceededMaximum = value;
value = parameterValueMaximum;
weight = (output.weight / MaximumWeight);
if (weight >= 1.0)
parameterValue[0] = value;
value = (parameterValue[0] * (1.0 - weight)) + (value * weight);
parameterValue[0] = value;
function normalizeParameterValue(
value: number,
parameterMinimum: number,
parameterMaximum: number,
parameterDefault: number,
normalizedMinimum: number,
normalizedMaximum: number,
normalizedDefault: number,
isInverted: boolean)
let result: number = 0.0;
const maxValue: number = CubismMath.max(parameterMaximum, parameterMinimum);
if(maxValue < value)
return result;
const minValue: number = CubismMath.min(parameterMaximum, parameterMinimum);
if(minValue > value)
return result;
const minNormValue: number = CubismMath.min(normalizedMinimum, normalizedMaximum);
const maxNormValue: number = CubismMath.max(normalizedMinimum, normalizedMaximum);
const middleNormValue: number = normalizedDefault;
const middleValue: number = getDefaultValue(minValue, maxValue);
const paramValue: number = value - middleValue;
case 1:
const nLength: number = maxNormValue - middleNormValue;
const pLength: number = maxValue - middleValue;
if(pLength != 0.0)
result = paramValue * (nLength / pLength);
result += middleNormValue;
case -1:
const nLength: number = minNormValue - middleNormValue;
const pLength: number = minValue - middleValue;
if(pLength != 0.0)
result = paramValue * (nLength / pLength);
result += middleNormValue;
case 0:
result = middleNormValue;
return (isInverted)
? result
: (result * -1.0);

View File

@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismvector2} from '../math/cubismvector2';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismid} from '../id/cubismid';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmvector} from '../type/csmvector';
import csmVector = csmvector.csmVector;
import CubismIdHandle = cubismid.CubismIdHandle;
import CubismVector2 = cubismvector2.CubismVector2;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
export enum CubismPhysicsTargetType
CubismPhysicsTargetType_Parameter, // パラメータに対して適用
export enum CubismPhysicsSource
CubismPhysicsSource_X, // X軸の位置から
CubismPhysicsSource_Y, // Y軸の位置から
CubismPhysicsSource_Angle, // 角度から
* @brief 使
* 使
export class PhysicsJsonEffectiveForces
this.gravity = new CubismVector2(0, 0);
this.wind = new CubismVector2(0, 0);
gravity: CubismVector2; ///< 重力
wind: CubismVector2; ///< 風
export class CubismPhysicsParameter
id: CubismIdHandle; // パラメータ
targetType: CubismPhysicsTargetType; // 適用先の種類
export class CubismPhysicsNormalization
minimum: number; // 最大値
maximum: number; // 最小値
defalut: number; // デフォルト値
* 使
export class CubismPhysicsParticle
this.initialPosition = new CubismVector2(0, 0);
this.position = new CubismVector2(0, 0);
this.lastPosition = new CubismVector2(0, 0);
this.lastGravity = new CubismVector2(0, 0);
this.force = new CubismVector2(0, 0);
this.velocity = new CubismVector2(0, 0);
initialPosition: CubismVector2; // 初期位置
mobility: number; // 動きやすさ
delay: number; // 遅れ
acceleration: number; // 加速度
radius: number; // 距離
position: CubismVector2; // 現在の位置
lastPosition: CubismVector2; // 最後の位置
lastGravity: CubismVector2; // 最後の重力
force: CubismVector2; // 現在かかっている力
velocity: CubismVector2; // 現在の速度
export class CubismPhysicsSubRig
this.normalizationPosition = new CubismPhysicsNormalization();
this.normalizationAngle = new CubismPhysicsNormalization();
inputCount: number; // 入力の個数
outputCount: number; // 出力の個数
particleCount: number; // 物理点の個数
baseInputIndex: number; // 入力の最初のインデックス
baseOutputIndex: number; // 出力の最初のインデックス
baseParticleIndex: number; // 物理点の最初のインデックス
normalizationPosition: CubismPhysicsNormalization; // 正規化された位置
normalizationAngle: CubismPhysicsNormalization; // 正規化された角度
* @param targetTranslation // 演算結果の移動値
* @param targetAngle // 演算結果の角度
* @param value // パラメータの値
* @param parameterMinimunValue // パラメータの最小値
* @param parameterMaximumValue // パラメータの最大値
* @param parameterDefaultValue // パラメータのデフォルト値
* @param normalizationPosition // 正規化された位置
* @param normalizationAngle // 正規化された角度
* @param isInverted // 値が反転されているか?
* @param weight // 重み
export interface normalizedPhysicsParameterValueGetter
targetTranslation: CubismVector2,
targetAngle: {angle: number},
value: number,
parameterMinimunValue: number,
parameterMaximumValue: number,
parameterDefaultValue: number,
normalizationPosition: CubismPhysicsNormalization,
normalizationAngle: CubismPhysicsNormalization,
isInverted: boolean,
weight: number
): void
* @param translation
* @param particles
* @param isInverted
* @param parentGravity
* @return
export interface physicsValueGetter
translation: CubismVector2,
particles: CubismPhysicsParticle[],
particleIndex: number,
isInverted: boolean,
parentGravity: CubismVector2
): number
* @param translationScale
* @param angleScale
* @return
export interface physicsScaleGetter
translationScale: CubismVector2,
angleScale: number
): number;
export class CubismPhysicsInput
this.source = new CubismPhysicsParameter();
source: CubismPhysicsParameter; // 入力元のパラメータ
sourceParameterIndex: number; // 入力元のパラメータのインデックス
weight: number; // 重み
type: number; // 入力の種類
reflect: boolean; // 値が反転されているかどうか
getNormalizedParameterValue: normalizedPhysicsParameterValueGetter; // 正規化されたパラメータ値の取得関数
* @brief
export class CubismPhysicsOutput
this.destination = new CubismPhysicsParameter();
this.translationScale = new CubismVector2(0, 0);
destination: CubismPhysicsParameter; ///< 出力先のパラメータ
destinationParameterIndex: number; ///< 出力先のパラメータのインデックス
vertexIndex: number; ///< 振り子のインデックス
translationScale: CubismVector2; ///< 移動値のスケール
angleScale: number; ///< 角度のスケール
weight: number; /// 重み
type: CubismPhysicsSource; ///< 出力の種類
reflect: boolean; ///< 値が反転されているかどうか
valueBelowMinimum: number; ///< 最小値を下回った時の値
valueExceededMaximum: number; ///< 最大値をこえた時の値
getValue: physicsValueGetter; ///< 物理演算の値の取得関数
getScale: physicsScaleGetter; ///< 物理演算のスケール値の取得関数
* @brief
export class CubismPhysicsRig
this.settings = new csmVector<CubismPhysicsSubRig>();
this.inputs = new csmVector<CubismPhysicsInput>();
this.outputs = new csmVector<CubismPhysicsOutput>();
this.particles = new csmVector<CubismPhysicsParticle>();
this.gravity = new CubismVector2(0, 0);
this.wind = new CubismVector2(0, 0);
subRigCount: number; ///< 物理演算の物理点の個数
settings: csmVector<CubismPhysicsSubRig>; ///< 物理演算の物理点の管理のリスト
inputs: csmVector<CubismPhysicsInput>; ///< 物理演算の入力のリスト
outputs: csmVector<CubismPhysicsOutput>; ///< 物理演算の出力のリスト
particles: csmVector<CubismPhysicsParticle>; ///< 物理演算の物理点のリスト
gravity: CubismVector2; ///< 重力
wind: CubismVector2; ///< 風

View File

@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismjson} from '../utils/cubismjson';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismvector2} from '../math/cubismvector2';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismid} from '../id/cubismid';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismframework} from '../live2dcubismframework';
import CubismFramework = cubismframework.CubismFramework;
import CubismIdHandle = cubismid.CubismIdHandle;
import CubismVector2 = cubismvector2.CubismVector2;
import CubismJson = cubismjson.CubismJson;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
// JSON keys
const Position: string = "Position";
const X: string = "X";
const Y: string = "Y";
const Angle: string = "Angle";
const Type: string = "Type";
const Id: string = "Id";
// Meta
const Meta: string = "Meta";
const EffectiveForces: string = "EffectiveForces";
const TotalInputCount: string = "TotalInputCount";
const TotalOutputCount: string = "TotalOutputCount";
const PhysicsSettingCount: string = "PhysicsSettingCount";
const Gravity: string = "Gravity";
const Wind: string = "Wind";
const VertexCount: string = "VertexCount";
// PhysicsSettings
const PhysicsSettings: string = "PhysicsSettings";
const Normalization: string = "Normalization";
const Minimum: string = "Minimum";
const Maximum: string = "Maximum";
const Default: string = "Default";
const Reflect: string = "Reflect";
const Weight: string = "Weight";
// Input
const Input: string = "Input";
const Source: string = "Source";
// Output
const Output: string = "Output";
const Scale: string = "Scale";
const VertexIndex: string = "VertexIndex";
const Destination: string = "Destination";
// Particle
const Vertices: string = "Vertices";
const Mobility: string = "Mobility";
const Delay: string = "Delay";
const Radius: string = "Radius";
const Acceleration: string = "Acceleration";
* physics3.json
export class CubismPhysicsJson
* @param buffer physics3.json
* @param size
public constructor(buffer: ArrayBuffer, size: number)
this._json = CubismJson.create(buffer, size);
public release(): void
* @return
public getGravity(): CubismVector2
let ret: CubismVector2 = new CubismVector2(0, 0);
ret.x = this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Meta).getMap().getValue(EffectiveForces).getMap().getValue(Gravity).getMap().getValue(X).toFloat();
ret.y = this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Meta).getMap().getValue(EffectiveForces).getMap().getValue(Gravity).getMap().getValue(Y).toFloat();
return ret;
* @return
public getWind(): CubismVector2
let ret: CubismVector2 = new CubismVector2(0, 0);
ret.x = this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Meta).getMap().getValue(EffectiveForces).getMap().getValue(Wind).getMap().getValue(X).toFloat();
ret.y = this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Meta).getMap().getValue(EffectiveForces).getMap().getValue(Wind).getMap().getValue(Y).toFloat();
return ret;
* @return
public getSubRigCount(): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Meta).getMap().getValue(PhysicsSettingCount).toInt();
* @return
public getTotalInputCount(): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Meta).getMap().getValue(TotalInputCount).toInt();
* @return
public getTotalOutputCount(): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Meta).getMap().getValue(TotalOutputCount).toInt();
* @return
public getVertexCount(): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(Meta).getMap().getValue(VertexCount).toInt();
* @param physicsSettingIndex
* @return
public getNormalizationPositionMinimumValue(physicsSettingIndex: number): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(PhysicsSettings).getVector().at(physicsSettingIndex).getMap().getValue(Normalization).getMap().getValue(Position).getMap().getValue(Minimum).toFloat();
* @param physicsSettingIndex
* @return
public getNormalizationPositionMaximumValue(physicsSettingIndex: number): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(PhysicsSettings).getVector().at(physicsSettingIndex).getMap().getValue(Normalization).getMap().getValue(Position).getMap().getValue(Maximum).toFloat();
* @param physicsSettingIndex
* @return
public getNormalizationPositionDefaultValue(physicsSettingIndex: number): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(PhysicsSettings).getVector().at(physicsSettingIndex).getMap().getValue(Normalization).getMap().getValue(Position).getMap().getValue(Default).toFloat();
* @param physicsSettingIndex
* @return
public getNormalizationAngleMinimumValue(physicsSettingIndex: number): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(PhysicsSettings).getVector().at(physicsSettingIndex).getMap().getValue(Normalization).getMap().getValue(Angle).getMap().getValue(Minimum).toFloat();
* @param physicsSettingIndex
* @return
public getNormalizationAngleMaximumValue(physicsSettingIndex: number): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(PhysicsSettings).getVector().at(physicsSettingIndex).getMap().getValue(Normalization).getMap().getValue(Angle).getMap().getValue(Maximum).toFloat();
* @param physicsSettingIndex
* @return
public getNormalizationAngleDefaultValue(physicsSettingIndex: number): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(PhysicsSettings).getVector().at(physicsSettingIndex).getMap().getValue(Normalization).getMap().getValue(Angle).getMap().getValue(Default).toFloat();
* @param physicsSettingIndex
* @return
public getInputCount(physicsSettingIndex: number): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(PhysicsSettings).getVector().at(physicsSettingIndex).getMap().getValue(Input).getVector().getSize();
* @param physicsSettingIndex
* @param inputIndex
* @return
public getInputWeight(physicsSettingIndex: number, inputIndex: number): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(PhysicsSettings).getVector().at(physicsSettingIndex).getMap().getValue(Input).getVector().at(inputIndex).getMap().getValue(Weight).toFloat();
* @param physicsSettingIndex
* @param inputIndex
* @return
public getInputReflect(physicsSettingIndex: number, inputIndex: number): boolean
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(PhysicsSettings).getVector().at(physicsSettingIndex).getMap().getValue(Input).getVector().at(inputIndex).getMap().getValue(Reflect).toBoolean();
* @param physicsSettingIndex
* @param inputIndex
* @return
public getInputType(physicsSettingIndex: number, inputIndex: number): string
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(PhysicsSettings).getVector().at(physicsSettingIndex).getMap().getValue(Input).getVector().at(inputIndex).getMap().getValue(Type).getRawString();
* ID
* @param physicsSettingIndex
* @param inputIndex
* @return ID
public getInputSourceId(physicsSettingIndex: number, inputIndex: number): CubismIdHandle
return CubismFramework.getIdManager().getId(this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(PhysicsSettings).getVector().at(physicsSettingIndex).getMap().getValue(Input).getVector().at(inputIndex).getMap().getValue(Source).getMap().getValue(Id).getRawString());
* @param physicsSettingIndex
* @return
public getOutputCount(physicsSettingIndex: number): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(PhysicsSettings).getVector().at(physicsSettingIndex).getMap().getValue(Output).getVector().getSize();
* @param physicsSettingIndex
* @param outputIndex
* @return
public getOutputVertexIndex(physicsSettingIndex: number, outputIndex: number): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(PhysicsSettings).getVector().at(physicsSettingIndex).getMap().getValue(Output).getVector().at(outputIndex).getMap().getValue(VertexIndex).toInt();
* @param physicsSettingIndex
* @param outputIndex
* @return
public getOutputAngleScale(physicsSettingIndex: number, outputIndex: number): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(PhysicsSettings).getVector().at(physicsSettingIndex).getMap().getValue(Output).getVector().at(outputIndex).getMap().getValue(Scale).toFloat();
* @param physicsSettingIndex
* @param outputIndex
* @return
public getOutputWeight(physicsSettingIndex: number, outputIndex: number): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(PhysicsSettings).getVector().at(physicsSettingIndex).getMap().getValue(Output).getVector().at(outputIndex).getMap().getValue(Weight).toFloat();
* ID
* @param physicsSettingIndex
* @param outputIndex 
* @return ID
public getOutputDestinationId(physicsSettingIndex: number, outputIndex: number): CubismIdHandle
return CubismFramework.getIdManager().getId(this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(PhysicsSettings).getVector().at(physicsSettingIndex).getMap().getValue(Output).getVector().at(outputIndex).getMap().getValue(Destination).getMap().getValue(Id).getRawString());
* @param physicsSettingIndex
* @param outputIndex
* @return
public getOutputType(physicsSettingIndex: number, outputIndex: number): string
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(PhysicsSettings).getVector().at(physicsSettingIndex).getMap().getValue(Output).getVector().at(outputIndex).getMap().getValue(Type).getRawString();
* @param physicsSettingIndex
* @param outputIndex
* @return
public getOutputReflect(physicsSettingIndex: number, outputIndex: number): boolean
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(PhysicsSettings).getVector().at(physicsSettingIndex).getMap().getValue(Output).getVector().at(outputIndex).getMap().getValue(Reflect).toBoolean();
* @param physicsSettingIndex
* @return
public getParticleCount(physicsSettingIndex: number): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(PhysicsSettings).getVector().at(physicsSettingIndex).getMap().getValue(Vertices).getVector().getSize();
* @param physicsSettingIndex
* @param vertexIndex
* @return
public getParticleMobility(physicsSettingIndex: number, vertexIndex: number): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(PhysicsSettings).getVector().at(physicsSettingIndex).getMap().getValue(Vertices).getVector().at(vertexIndex).getMap().getValue(Mobility).toFloat();
* @param physicsSettingIndex
* @param vertexIndex
* @return
public getParticleDelay(physicsSettingIndex: number, vertexIndex: number): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(PhysicsSettings).getVector().at(physicsSettingIndex).getMap().getValue(Vertices).getVector().at(vertexIndex).getMap().getValue(Delay).toFloat();
* @param physicsSettingIndex
* @param vertexIndex
* @return
public getParticleAcceleration(physicsSettingIndex: number, vertexIndex: number): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(PhysicsSettings).getVector().at(physicsSettingIndex).getMap().getValue(Vertices).getVector().at(vertexIndex).getMap().getValue(Acceleration).toFloat();
* @param physicsSettingIndex
* @param vertexIndex
* @return
public getParticleRadius(physicsSettingIndex: number, vertexIndex: number): number
return this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(PhysicsSettings).getVector().at(physicsSettingIndex).getMap().getValue(Vertices).getVector().at(vertexIndex).getMap().getValue(Radius).toInt();
* @param physicsSettingIndex
* @param vertexInde
* @return
public getParticlePosition(physicsSettingIndex: number, vertexIndex: number): CubismVector2
let ret: CubismVector2 = new CubismVector2(0, 0);
ret.x = this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(PhysicsSettings).getVector().at(physicsSettingIndex).getMap().getValue(Vertices).getVector().at(vertexIndex).getMap().getValue(Position).getMap().getValue(X).toFloat();
ret.y = this._json.getRoot().getMap().getValue(PhysicsSettings).getVector().at(physicsSettingIndex).getMap().getValue(Vertices).getVector().at(vertexIndex).getMap().getValue(Position).getMap().getValue(Y).toFloat();
return ret;
_json: CubismJson; // physics3.jsonデータ

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@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmatrix44} from '../math/cubismmatrix44';
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmodel} from '../model/cubismmodel';
import CubismModel = cubismmodel.CubismModel;
import CubismMatrix44 = cubismmatrix44.CubismMatrix44;
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
export abstract class CubismRenderer
* @return
public static create(): CubismRenderer
return null;
public static delete(renderer: CubismRenderer): void
renderer = void 0;
renderer = null;
public static StaticRelease(): void
* @param model
public initialize(model: CubismModel): void
this._model = model;
public drawModel(): void
if(this.getModel() == null) return;
* doDrawModel
* saveProfile();
* restoreProfile();
* Model-View-Projection
* @param matrix44 Model-View-Projection
public setMvpMatrix(matrix44: CubismMatrix44): void
* Model-View-Projection
* @return Model-View-Projection
public getMvpMatrix(): CubismMatrix44
return this._mvpMatrix4x4;
* 0.0~1.01.0
* @param red
* @param green
* @param blue
* @param alpha α
public setModelColor(red: number, green: number, blue: number, alpha: number): void
if(red < 0.0)
red = 0.0;
else if(red > 1.0)
red = 1.0;
if(green < 0.0)
green = 0.0;
else if(green > 1.0)
green = 1.0;
if(blue < 0.0)
blue = 0.0;
else if(blue > 1.0)
blue = 1.0;
if(alpha < 0.0)
alpha = 0.0;
else if(alpha > 1.0)
alpha = 1.0;
this._modelColor.R = red;
this._modelColor.G = green;
this._modelColor.B = blue;
this._modelColor.A = alpha;
* 0.0~1.0(1.0)
* @return RGBA
public getModelColor(): CubismRenderer.CubismTextureColor
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this._modelColor));
* α
* truefalse
public setIsPremultipliedAlpha(enable: boolean): void
this._isPremultipliedAlpha = enable;
* α
* @return true α
* @return false α
public isPremultipliedAlpha(): boolean
return this._isPremultipliedAlpha;
* truefalse
public setIsCulling(culling: boolean): void
this._isCulling = culling;
* @return true
* @return false
public isCulling(): boolean
return this._isCulling;
* @param n
public setAnisotropy(n: number): void
this._anisortopy = n;
* @return
public getAnisotropy(): number
return this._anisortopy;
* @return
public getModel(): CubismModel
return this._model;
protected constructor()
this._isCulling = false;
this._isPremultipliedAlpha = false;
this._anisortopy = 0.0;
this._model = null;
this._modelColor = new CubismRenderer.CubismTextureColor();
// 単位行列に初期化
this._mvpMatrix4x4 = new CubismMatrix44();
public abstract doDrawModel(): void;
* @param textureNo
* @param indexCount
* @param vertexCount
* @param indexArray
* @param vertexArray
* @param uvArray uv
* @param opacity
* @param colorBlendMode
public abstract drawMesh(textureNo: number, indexCount: number, vertexCount: number,
indexArray: Uint16Array, vertexArray: Float32Array, uvArray: Float32Array,
opacity: number, colorBlendMode: CubismRenderer.CubismBlendMode): void;
public abstract saveProfile(): void;
public abstract restoreProfile(): void;
protected _mvpMatrix4x4: CubismMatrix44; // Model-View-Projection 行列
protected _modelColor: CubismRenderer.CubismTextureColor; // モデル自体のカラーRGBA
protected _isCulling: boolean; // カリングが有効ならtrue
protected _isPremultipliedAlpha: boolean; // 乗算済みαならtrue
protected _anisortopy: any; // テクスチャの異方性フィルタリングのパラメータ
protected _model: CubismModel; // レンダリング対象のモデル
export namespace CubismRenderer
export enum CubismBlendMode
CubismBlendMode_Normal = 0, // 通常
CubismBlendMode_Additive = 1, // 加算
CubismBlendMode_Multiplicative = 2, // 乗算
export class CubismTextureColor
this.R = 1.0;
this.G = 1.0;
this.B = 1.0;
this.A = 1.0;
R: number; // 赤チャンネル
G: number; // 緑チャンネル
B: number; // 青チャンネル
A: number; // αチャンネル

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
"compilerOptions": {
"sourceMap": true,
"target": "es5",
"module": "es2015",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"lib": [
"noImplicitAny": true

View File

@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import { CubismLogDebug } from "../utils/cubismdebug";
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
* Key-Value
* csmMap使
export class csmPair<_KeyT, _ValT>
* @param key Key
* @param value Value
public constructor(key?: _KeyT, value?: _ValT)
this.first = (key == undefined)
? null
: key;
this.second = (value == undefined)
? null
: value;
public first: _KeyT; // keyとして用いる変数
public second: _ValT; // valueとして用いる変数
export class csmMap<_KeyT, _ValT>
* @param size
public constructor(size?: number)
if(size != undefined)
if(size < 1)
this._keyValues = new Array();
this._dummyValue = null;
this._size = 0;
this._keyValues = new Array(size);
this._size = size;
this._keyValues = new Array();
this._dummyValue = null;
this._size = 0;
public release()
* @param key
public appendKey(key: _KeyT): void
// 新しくKey/Valueのペアを作る
this.prepareCapacity(this._size + 1, false); // 1つ以上入る隙間を作る
// 新しいkey/valueのインデックスは_size
this._keyValues[this._size] = new csmPair<_KeyT, _ValT>(key);
this._size += 1;
* [key](get)
* @param key Value
public getValue(key: _KeyT): _ValT
let found = -1;
for(let i: number = 0; i < this._size; i++)
if(this._keyValues[i].first == key)
found = i;
if(found >= 0)
return this._keyValues[found].second;
this.appendKey(key); // 新規キーを追加
return this._keyValues[this._size - 1].second;
* [key](set)
* @param key Value
* @param value Value
public setValue(key: _KeyT, value: _ValT): void
let found = -1;
for(let i: number = 0; i < this._size; i++)
if(this._keyValues[i].first == key)
found = i;
if(found >= 0)
this._keyValues[found].second = value;
this.appendKey(key); // 新規キーを追加
this._keyValues[this._size - 1].second = value;
* Key
* @param key key
* @return true key
* @return false key
public isExist(key: _KeyT): boolean
for(let i: number = 0; i < this._size; i++)
if(this._keyValues[i].first == key)
return true;
return false;
* keyValue
public clear(): void
this._keyValues = void 0;
this._keyValues = null;
this._keyValues = new Array();
this._size = 0;
* @return
public getSize(): number
return this._size;
* @param newSize
* @param fitToSize truefalse2
public prepareCapacity(newSize: number, fitToSize: boolean): void
if(newSize > this._keyValues.length)
if(this._keyValues.length == 0)
if(!fitToSize && newSize < csmMap.DefaultSize) newSize = csmMap.DefaultSize;
this._keyValues.length = newSize;
if(!fitToSize && newSize < this._keyValues.length * 2) newSize = this._keyValues.length * 2;
this._keyValues.length = newSize;
public begin(): csmMap.iterator<_KeyT, _ValT>
let ite: csmMap.iterator<_KeyT, _ValT> = new csmMap.iterator<_KeyT, _ValT>(this, 0);
return ite;
public end(): csmMap.iterator<_KeyT, _ValT>
let ite: csmMap.iterator<_KeyT, _ValT> = new csmMap.iterator<_KeyT, _ValT>(this, this._size); // 終了
return ite;
* @param ite
public erase(ite: csmMap.iterator<_KeyT, _ValT>): csmMap.iterator<_KeyT, _ValT>
let index: number = ite._index;
if(index < 0 || this._size <= index)
return ite; // 削除範囲外
// 削除
this._keyValues.splice(index, 1);
let ite2: csmMap.iterator<_KeyT, _ValT> = new csmMap.iterator<_KeyT, _ValT>(this, index); // 終了
return ite2;
* 32
public dumpAsInt()
for(let i = 0; i < this._size; i++)
CubismLogDebug("{0} ,", this._keyValues[i]);
public static readonly DefaultSize = 10; // コンテナの初期化のデフォルトサイズ
public _keyValues: csmPair<_KeyT, _ValT>[];// key-valueペアの配列
public _dummyValue: _ValT; // 空の値を返す為のダミー
public _size: number; // コンテナの要素数
export namespace csmMap
* csmMap<T>
export class iterator<_KeyT, _ValT>
constructor(v?: csmMap<_KeyT, _ValT>, idx?: number)
this._map = (v != undefined)
? v
: new csmMap<_KeyT, _ValT>();
this._index = (idx != undefined)
? idx
: 0;
* =
public set(ite: iterator<_KeyT, _ValT>): iterator<_KeyT, _ValT>
this._index = ite._index;
this._map = ite._map;
return this;
* ++
public preIncrement(): iterator<_KeyT, _ValT>
return this;
* --
public preDecrement(): iterator<_KeyT, _ValT>
return this;
* ++
public increment(): iterator<_KeyT, _ValT>
let iteold = new iterator<_KeyT, _ValT>(this._map, this._index++); // 古い値を保存
this._map = iteold._map;
this._index = iteold._index;
return this;
* --
public decrement(): iterator<_KeyT, _ValT>
let iteold = new iterator<_KeyT, _ValT>(this._map, this._index); // 古い値を保存
this._map = iteold._map;
this._index = iteold._index;
return this;
* *
public ptr(): csmPair<_KeyT, _ValT>
return this._map._keyValues[this._index];
* !=
public notEqual(ite: iterator<_KeyT, _ValT>): boolean
return (this._index != ite._index) || (this._map != ite._map);
_index: number; // コンテナのインデックス値
_map: csmMap<_KeyT, _ValT>; // コンテナ

View File

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
* float
export class csmRect
* @param x X
* @param y Y
* @param w
* @param h
public constructor(x?: number, y?: number, w?: number, h?: number)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.width = w;
this.height = h;
* X
public getCenterX(): number
return this.x + 0.5 * this.width;
* Y
public getCenterY(): number
return this.y + 0.5 * this.height;
* X
public getRight(): number
return this.x + this.width;
* Y
public getBottom(): number
return this.y + this.height;
* @param r
public setRect(r: csmRect): void
this.x = r.x;
this.y = r.y;
this.width = r.width;
this.height = r.height;
* @param w
* @param h
public expand(w: number, h: number)
this.x -= w;
this.y -= h;
this.width += w * 2.0;
this.height += h * 2.0;
public x: number; // 左端X座標
public y: number; // 上端Y座標
public width: number; // 幅
public height: number; // 高さ

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@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
export class csmString
* @param c
* @return
public append(c: string, length?: number): csmString
this.s += (length !== undefined)
? c.substr(0, length)
: c;
return this;
* @param length
* @param v
* @return
public expansion(length: number, v: string): csmString
let ret: csmString = this;
for(let i = 0; i < length; i++)
return ret;
public getBytes(): number
return encodeURIComponent(this.s) .replace(/%../g, "x").length;
public getLength(): number
return this.s.length;
*  <
* @param s
* @return true:
* @return false:
public isLess(s: csmString): boolean
return this.s < s.s;
* >
* @param s
* @return true:
* @return false:
public isGreat(s: csmString): boolean
return this.s > s.s;
* ==
* @param s
* @return true:
* @return false:
public isEqual(s: string): boolean
return this.s == s;
* @return true:
* @return false:
public isEmpty(): boolean
return this.s.length == 0;
public constructor(s: string)
this.s = s;
s: string;

View File

@ -1,396 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
export class csmVector<T>
* @param iniitalCapacity _capacity * sizeof(T)
* @param zeroClear true0
constructor(initialCapacity: number = 0)
if(initialCapacity < 1)
this._ptr = new Array();
this._capacity = 0;
this._size = 0;
this._ptr = new Array(initialCapacity);
this._capacity = initialCapacity;
this._size = 0;
public at(index: number): T
return this._ptr[index];
* @param index
* @param value
public set(index: number, value: T): void
this._ptr[index] = value;
public get(offset: number = 0): T[]
let ret: T[] = new Array<T>();
for(let i = offset; i < this._size; i++)
return ret;
* pushBack
* @param value PushBack
public pushBack(value: T): void
if(this._size >= this._capacity)
this.prepareCapacity(this._capacity == 0 ? csmVector.s_defaultSize : this._capacity * 2);
this._ptr[this._size++] = value;
public clear(): void
this._ptr.length = 0;
this._size = 0;
* @return
public getSize(): number
return this._size;
* @param newSize
* @param value
public assign(newSize: number, value: T): void
let curSize = this._size;
if(curSize < newSize)
this.prepareCapacity(newSize); // capacity更新
for(let i: number = 0; i < newSize; i++)
this._ptr[i] = value;
this._size = newSize;
public resize(newSize: number, value: T = null): void
this.updateSize(newSize, value, true);
public updateSize(newSize: number, value: any = null, callPlacementNew: boolean = true): void
let curSize: number = this._size;
if(curSize < newSize)
this.prepareCapacity(newSize); // capacity更新
for(let i: number = this._size; i < newSize; i++)
if(typeof value == 'function') // new
this._ptr[i] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(new value()));
else // プリミティブ型なので値渡し
this._ptr[i] = value;
for(let i: number = this._size; i < newSize; i++)
this._ptr[i] = value;
// newSize <= this._size
let sub = this._size - newSize;
this._ptr.splice(this._size - sub, sub); // 不要なので破棄する
this._size = newSize;
* @param position
* @param begin 
* @param end
public insert(position: csmVector.iterator<T>, begin: csmVector.iterator<T>, end: csmVector.iterator<T>): void
let dstSi: number = position._index;
let srcSi: number = begin._index;
let srcEi: number = end._index;
let addCount: number = srcEi - srcSi;
this.prepareCapacity(this._size + addCount);
// 挿入用の既存データをシフトして隙間を作る
let addSize = this._size - dstSi;
if(addSize > 0)
for(let i: number = 0; i < addSize; i++)
this._ptr.splice(dstSi + i, 0, null);
for(let i: number = srcSi; i < srcEi; i++, dstSi++)
this._ptr[dstSi] = begin._vector._ptr[i];
this._size = this._size + addCount;
* @param index
* @return true
* @return false
public remove(index: number): boolean
if(index < 0 || this._size <= index)
return false; // 削除範囲外
this._ptr.splice(index, 1);
return true;
* @param ite
public erase(ite: csmVector.iterator<T>): csmVector.iterator<T>
let index: number = ite._index;
if(index < 0 || this._size <= index)
return ite; // 削除範囲外
// 削除
this._ptr.splice(index, 1);
let ite2: csmVector.iterator<T> = new csmVector.iterator<T>(this, index); // 終了
return ite2;
* @param newSize .
public prepareCapacity(newSize: number): void
if(newSize > this._capacity)
if(this._capacity == 0)
this._ptr = new Array(newSize);
this._capacity = newSize;
this._ptr.length = newSize;
this._capacity = newSize;
public begin(): csmVector.iterator<T>
let ite: csmVector.iterator<T> = (this._size == 0)
? this.end()
: new csmVector.iterator<T>(this, 0);
return ite;
public end(): csmVector.iterator<T>
let ite: csmVector.iterator<T> = new csmVector.iterator<T>(this, this._size);
return ite;
public getOffset(offset: number): csmVector<T>
let newVector = new csmVector<T>();
newVector._ptr = this.get(offset);
newVector._size = this.get(offset).length;
newVector._capacity = this.get(offset).length;
return newVector;
_ptr: T[]; // コンテナの先頭アドレス
_size: number; // コンテナの要素数
_capacity: number; // コンテナのキャパシティ
static readonly s_defaultSize = 10; // コンテナ初期化のデフォルトサイズ
export namespace csmVector
export class iterator<T>
public constructor(v?: csmVector<T>, index?: number)
this._vector = (v != undefined) ? v : null;
this._index = (index != undefined) ? index : 0;
public set(ite: iterator<T>): iterator<T>
this._index = ite._index;
this._vector = ite._vector;
return this;
* ++
public preIncrement(): iterator<T>
return this;
* --
public preDecrement(): iterator<T>
return this;
* ++
public increment(): iterator<T>
let iteold = new iterator<T>(this._vector, this._index++);
this._vector = iteold._vector;
this._index = iteold._index;
return this;
* --
public decrement(): iterator<T>
let iteold = new iterator<T>(this._vector, this._index--); // 古い値を保存
this._vector = iteold._vector;
this._index = iteold._index;
return this;
* ptr
public ptr(): T
return this._vector._ptr[this._index];
* =
public substitution(ite: iterator<T>): iterator<T>
this._index = ite._index;
this._vector = ite._vector;
return this;
* !=
public notEqual(ite: iterator<T>): boolean
return (this._index != ite._index) || (this._vector != ite._vector);
_index: number; // コンテナのインデックス値
_vector: csmVector<T>; // コンテナ

View File

@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as live2dcubismframework, Option} from "../live2dcubismframework";
import CubismFramework = live2dcubismframework.CubismFramework;
export const CubismLogPrint = (level: Option.LogLevel, fmt: string, ... args: any[]) =>
Live2DCubismFramework.CubismDebug.print(level, "[CSM]" + fmt, args);
export const CubismLogPrintIn = (level: Option.LogLevel, fmt: string, ... args: any[]) =>
CubismLogPrint(level, fmt + "\n", args);
export let CSM_ASSERT = (expr: any) =>
export let CubismLogVerbose = (fmt: string, ... args: any[]) => {};
export let CubismLogDebug = (fmt: string, ... args: any[]) => {};
export let CubismLogInfo = (fmt: string, ... args: any[]) => {};
export let CubismLogWarning = (fmt: string, ... args: any[]) => {};
export let CubismLogError = (fmt: string, ... args: any[]) => {};
CubismLogVerbose = (fmt: string, ... args: any[]) =>
CubismLogPrintIn(Option.LogLevel.LogLevel_Verbose, "[V]" + fmt, args);
CubismLogDebug = (fmt: string, ... args: any[]) =>
CubismLogPrintIn(Option.LogLevel.LogLevel_Debug, "[D]" + fmt, args);
CubismLogInfo = (fmt: string, ... args: any[]) =>
CubismLogPrintIn(Option.LogLevel.LogLevel_Info, "[I]" + fmt, args);
CubismLogWarning = (fmt: string, ... args: any[]) =>
CubismLogPrintIn(Option.LogLevel.LogLevel_Warning, "[W]" + fmt, args);
CubismLogError = (fmt: string, ... args: any[]) =>
CubismLogPrintIn(Option.LogLevel.LogLevel_Error, "[E]" + fmt, args);
CubismLogDebug = (fmt: string, ... args: any[]) =>
CubismLogPrintIn(Option.LogLevel.LogLevel_Debug, "[D]" + fmt, args);
CubismLogInfo = (fmt: string, ... args: any[]) =>
CubismLogPrintIn(Option.LogLevel.LogLevel_Info, "[I]" + fmt, args);
CubismLogWarning = (fmt: string, ... args: any[]) =>
CubismLogPrintIn(Option.LogLevel.LogLevel_Warning, "[W]" + fmt, args);
CubismLogError = (fmt: string, ... args: any[]) =>
CubismLogPrintIn(Option.LogLevel.LogLevel_Error, "[E]" + fmt, args);
CubismLogInfo = (fmt: string, ... args: any[]) =>
CubismLogPrintIn(Option.LogLevel.LogLevel_Info, "[I]" + fmt, args);
CubismLogWarning = (fmt: string, ... args: any[]) =>
CubismLogPrintIn(Option.LogLevel.LogLevel_Warning, "[W]" + fmt, args);
CubismLogError = (fmt: string, ... args: any[]) =>
CubismLogPrintIn(Option.LogLevel.LogLevel_Error, "[E]" + fmt, args);
CubismLogWarning = (fmt: string, ... args: any[]) =>
CubismLogPrintIn(Option.LogLevel.LogLevel_Warning, "[W]" + fmt, args);
CubismLogError = (fmt: string, ... args: any[]) =>
CubismLogPrintIn(Option.LogLevel.LogLevel_Error, "[E]" + fmt, args);
CubismLogError = (fmt: string, ... args: any[]) =>
CubismLogPrintIn(Option.LogLevel.LogLevel_Error, "[E]" + fmt, args);
//------------ LIVE2D NAMESPACE ------------
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
export class CubismDebug
* CubismFramework.initialize()
* @param logLevel
* @param format
* @param ... args
public static print(logLevel: Option.LogLevel, format: string, ... args: any[]): void
// オプションで設定されたログ出力レベルを下回る場合はログに出さない
// if(logLevel < CubismFramework.getLoggingLevel())
// {
// return;
// }
// const Core::csmLogFunction logPrint = CubismFramework::CoreLogFunction;
// if (!logPrint)
// return;
let buffer: string = format;
buffer = buffer.replace(
(m, k) => // m="{0}", k="0"
return args[k];
// logPrint(buffer);
* CubismFramework.initialize()
* @param logLevel
* @param data
* @param length
public static dumpBytes(logLevel: Option.LogLevel, data: Uint8Array, length: number): void
for (let i: number = 0; i < length; i++)
if (i % 16 == 0 && i > 0) this.print(logLevel, "\n");
else if (i % 8 == 0 && i > 0) this.print(logLevel, " ");
this.print(logLevel, "{0} ", (data[i] & 0xFF));
this.print(logLevel, "\n");
* private
private constructor()
//------------ LIVE2D NAMESPACE ------------

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
export namespace Live2DCubismFramework
export class CubismString
* @param format
* @param ...args
* @return
public static getFormatedString(format: string, ... args: any[]): string
let ret: string = format;
return ret.replace(
(m, k) => // m="{0}", k="0"
return args[k];
* textstartWord
* @param test
* @param startWord
* @return true textstartWord
* @return false textstartWord
public static isStartWith(text: string, startWord: string): boolean
let textIndex = 0;
let startWordIndex = 0;
while(startWord[startWordIndex] != '\0')
if(text[textIndex] == '\0' || text[textIndex++] != startWord[startWordIndex++])
return false;
return false;
* position
* @param string
* @param length
* @param position
* @param outEndPos (-1)
* @return
public static stringToFloat(string: string, length: number, position: number, outEndPos: number[]): number
let i: number = position;
let minus: boolean = false; // マイナスフラグ
let period: boolean = false;
let v1: number = 0;
let c: number = parseInt(string[i]);
if (c < 0)
minus = true;
for (; i < length; i++)
let c = string[i];
if (0 <= parseInt(c) && parseInt(c) <= 9)
v1 = v1 * 10 + (parseInt(c) - 0);
else if (c == '.')
period = true;
if (period)
let mul: number = 0.1;
for (; i < length; i++)
c = parseFloat(string[i]) & 0xFF;
if (0 <= c && c <= 9)
v1 += mul * (c - 0);
mul *= 0.1; //一桁下げる
if (!c) break;
if (i == position)
outEndPos[0] = -1; //エラー値が入るので呼び出し元で適切な処理を行う
return 0;
if (minus) v1 = -v1;
outEndPos[0] = i;
return v1;
private constructor()

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@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as live2dcubismframework, Option} from "../../../../Framework/live2dcubismframework";
import Csm_CubismFramework_Option = Option;
* Sample App使
export namespace LAppDefine
// 画面
export const ViewMaxScale: number = 2.0;
export const ViewMinScale: number = 0.8;
export const ViewLogicalLeft: number = -1.0;
export const ViewLogicalRight: number = 1.0;
export const ViewLogicalMaxLeft: number = -2.0;
export const ViewLogicalMaxRight: number = 2.0;
export const ViewLogicalMaxBottom: number = -2.0;
export const ViewLogicalMaxTop: number = 2.0;
// 相対パス
export const ResourcesPath: string = "./Resources/";
// モデルの後ろにある背景の画像ファイル
export const BackImageName: string = "back_class_normal.png";
// 歯車
export const GearImageName: string = "icon_gear.png";
// 終了ボタン
export const PowerImageName: string = "CloseNormal.png";
// モデル定義---------------------------------------------
// モデルを配置したディレクトリ名の配列
// ディレクトリ名とmodel3.jsonの名前を一致させておくこと
export const ModelDir: string[] = [
export const ModelDirSize: number = ModelDir.length;
// 外部定義ファイルjsonと合わせる
export const MotionGroupIdle: string = "Idle"; // アイドリング
export const MotionGroupTapBody: string = "TapBody"; // 体をタップしたとき
// 外部定義ファイルjsonと合わせる
export const HitAreaNameHead: string = "Head";
export const HitAreaNameBody: string = "Body";
// モーションの優先度定数
export const PriorityNone: number = 0;
export const PriorityIdle: number = 1;
export const PriorityNormal: number = 2;
export const PriorityForce: number = 3;
// デバッグ用ログの表示オプション
export const DebugLogEnable: boolean = true;
export const DebugTouchLogEnable: boolean = false;
// Frameworkから出力するログのレベル設定
export const CubismLoggingLevel: Csm_CubismFramework_Option.LogLevel = Csm_CubismFramework_Option.LogLevel.LogLevel_Verbose;

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@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as live2dcubismframework, Option} from "../../../../Framework/live2dcubismframework";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmatrix44} from "../../../../Framework/math/cubismmatrix44";
import Csm_CubismMatrix44 = cubismmatrix44.CubismMatrix44;
import Csm_CubismFramework = live2dcubismframework.CubismFramework;
import Csm_Option = Option;
import { LAppView } from "./lappview";
import { LAppPal } from "./lapppal";
import { LAppTextureManager } from "./lapptexturemanager";
import { LAppLive2DManager } from "./lapplive2dmanager";
export let canvas: HTMLCanvasElement = null;
export let s_instance: LAppDelegate = null;
export let gl: WebGLRenderingContext = null;
* Cubism3
export class LAppDelegate
* @return
public static getInstance(): LAppDelegate
if(s_instance == null)
s_instance = new LAppDelegate();
return s_instance;
public static releaseInstance(): void
if(s_instance != null)
s_instance = void 0;
s_instance = null;
public initialize(): boolean
// キャンバスの取得
canvas = <HTMLCanvasElement>document.getElementById("SAMPLE");
// glコンテキストを初期化
gl = canvas.getContext("webgl") || canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl");
gl = null;
// gl初期化失敗
return false;
// 透過設定
gl.blendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
// マウス関連コールバック関数登録
canvas.onmousedown = onClickBegan;
canvas.onmousemove = onMouseMoved;
canvas.onmouseup = onClickEnded;
// AppViewの初期化
// Cubism3の初期化
return true;
public release(): void
this._textureManager = void 0;
this._view = void 0;
// リソースを解放
// Cubism3の解放
public run(): void
// メインループ
let loop = () =>
// 時間更新
// 画面の初期化
gl.clearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
// 深度テストを有効化
// 近くにある物体は、遠くにある物体を覆い隠す
// カラーバッファや深度バッファをクリアする
// 描画更新
// ループのために再帰呼び出し
setTimeout(loop, 1000.0/60);
public createShader(): WebGLProgram
// バーテックスシェーダーのコンパイル
let vertexShaderId = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER);
if(vertexShaderId == null)
console.log("failed to create vertexShader");
return null;
const vertexShader: string =
"precision mediump float;" +
"attribute vec3 position;" +
"attribute vec2 uv;" +
"varying vec2 vuv;" +
"void main(void)" +
"{" +
" gl_Position = vec4(position, 1.0);" +
" vuv = uv;" +
gl.shaderSource(vertexShaderId, vertexShader);
// フラグメントシェーダのコンパイル
let fragmentShaderId = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
if(fragmentShaderId == null)
console.log("failed to create fragmentShader");
return null;
const fragmentShader: string =
"precision mediump float;" +
"varying vec2 vuv;" +
"uniform sampler2D texture;" +
"void main(void)" +
"{" +
" gl_FragColor = texture2D(texture, vuv);" +
gl.shaderSource(fragmentShaderId, fragmentShader);
// プログラムオブジェクトの作成
let programId = gl.createProgram();
gl.attachShader(programId, vertexShaderId);
gl.attachShader(programId, fragmentShaderId);
// リンク
return programId;
* View
public getView(): LAppView
return this._view;
public getIsEnd(): boolean
return this._isEnd;
public appEnd(): void
this._isEnd = true;
public getTextureManager(): LAppTextureManager
return this._textureManager;
this._captured = false;
this._mouseX = 0.0;
this._mouseY = 0.0;
this._isEnd = false;
this._cubismOption = new Csm_Option();
this._view = new LAppView();
this._textureManager = new LAppTextureManager();
* Cubism3
public initializeCubism(): void
// setup cubism
// initialize cubism
// load model
// default proj
let projection: Csm_CubismMatrix44 = new Csm_CubismMatrix44();
_cubismOption: Csm_Option; // Cubism3 Option
_view: LAppView; // View情報
_captured: boolean; // クリックしているか
_mouseX: number; // マウスX座標
_mouseY: number; // マウスY座標
_isEnd: boolean; // APP終了しているか
_textureManager: LAppTextureManager;// テクスチャマネージャー
function onClickBegan(e: MouseEvent): void
LAppDelegate.getInstance()._captured = true;
console.log("view notfound");
let posX: number = e.pageX;
let posY: number = e.pageY;
LAppDelegate.getInstance()._view.onTouchesBegan(posX, posY);
function onMouseMoved(e: MouseEvent): void
let rect = e.toElement.getBoundingClientRect();
let posX: number = e.clientX - rect.left;
let posY: number = e.clientY -;
console.log("view notfound");
LAppDelegate.getInstance()._view.onTouchesMoved(posX, posY);
function onClickEnded(e: MouseEvent): void
LAppDelegate.getInstance()._captured = false;
let rect = e.toElement.getBoundingClientRect();
let posX: number = e.clientX - rect.left;
let posY: number = e.clientY -;
console.log("view notfound");
LAppDelegate.getInstance()._view.onTouchesEnded(posX, posY);

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@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmatrix44} from "../../../../Framework/math/cubismmatrix44";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmvector} from "../../../../Framework/type/csmvector";
import Csm_csmVector = csmvector.csmVector;
import Csm_CubismMatrix44 = cubismmatrix44.CubismMatrix44;
import { LAppModel } from "./lappmodel";
import { LAppDefine } from "./lappdefine";
import { LAppPal } from "./lapppal";
import { canvas } from "./lappdelegate";
export let s_instance: LAppLive2DManager = null;
* CubismModel
export class LAppLive2DManager
* @return
public static getInstance(): LAppLive2DManager
if(s_instance == null)
s_instance = new LAppLive2DManager();
return s_instance;
public static releaseInstance(): void
if(s_instance != null)
s_instance = void 0;
s_instance = null;
* @param no
* @return NULL
public getModel(no: number): LAppModel
if(no < this._models.getSize())
return null;
public releaseAllModel(): void
for(let i: number = 0; i < this._models.getSize(); i++)
this._models.set(i, void 0);
* @param x X
* @param y Y
public onDrag(x: number, y: number): void
for(let i: number = 0; i < this._models.getSize(); i++)
let model: LAppModel = this.getModel(i);
model.setDragging(x, y);
* @param x X
* @param y Y
public onTap(x: number, y: number): void
LAppPal.printLog("[APP]tap point: {x: {0} y: {1}}", x.toFixed(2), y.toFixed(2));
for(let i: number = 0; i < this._models.getSize(); i++)
if(, x, y))
LAppPal.printLog("[APP]hit area: [{0}]", LAppDefine.HitAreaNameHead);
else if(, x, y))
LAppPal.printLog("[APP]hit area: [{0}]", LAppDefine.HitAreaNameBody);
}, LAppDefine.PriorityNormal);
public onUpdate(): void
let projection: Csm_CubismMatrix44 = new Csm_CubismMatrix44();
let width: number, height: number;
width = canvas.width;
height = canvas.height;
projection.scale(1.0, width / height);
if(this._viewMatrix != null)
const saveProjection: Csm_CubismMatrix44 = projection;
let modelCount: number = this._models.getSize();
for(let i: number = 0; i < modelCount; ++i)
let model: LAppModel = this.getModel(i);
projection = saveProjection;
model.draw(projection); // 参照渡しなのでprojectionは変質する。
public nextScene(): void
let no: number = (this._sceneIndex + 1) % LAppDefine.ModelDirSize;
public changeScene(index: number): void
this._sceneIndex = index;
LAppPal.printLog("[APP]model index: {0}", this._sceneIndex);
// ModelDir[]に保持したディレクトリ名から
// model3.jsonのパスを決定する。
// ディレクトリ名とmodel3.jsonの名前を一致させておくこと。
let model: string = LAppDefine.ModelDir[index];
let modelPath: string = LAppDefine.ResourcesPath + model + "/";
let modelJsonName: string = LAppDefine.ModelDir[index];
modelJsonName += ".model3.json";
this._models.pushBack(new LAppModel());, modelJsonName);
this._viewMatrix = new Csm_CubismMatrix44();
this._models = new Csm_csmVector<LAppModel>();
this._sceneIndex = 0;
_viewMatrix: Csm_CubismMatrix44; // モデル描画に用いるview行列
_models: Csm_csmVector<LAppModel>; // モデルインスタンスのコンテナ
_sceneIndex: number; // 表示するシーンのインデックス値

View File

@ -1,993 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as live2dcubismframework} from "../../../../Framework/live2dcubismframework";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismid} from "../../../../Framework/id/cubismid";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismusermodel} from "../../../../Framework/model/cubismusermodel";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as icubismmodelsetting} from "../../../../Framework/icubismmodelsetting";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmodelsettingjson} from "../../../../Framework/cubismmodelsettingjson";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismdefaultparameterid} from "../../../../Framework/cubismdefaultparameterid";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as acubismmotion} from "../../../../Framework/motion/acubismmotion";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismeyeblink} from "../../../../Framework/effect/cubismeyeblink";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismbreath} from "../../../../Framework/effect/cubismbreath";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmvector} from "../../../../Framework/type/csmvector";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmmap} from "../../../../Framework/type/csmmap";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmatrix44} from "../../../../Framework/math/cubismmatrix44";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismstring} from "../../../../Framework/utils/cubismstring";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmotion} from "../../../../Framework/motion/cubismmotion";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismmotionqueuemanager} from "../../../../Framework/motion/cubismmotionqueuemanager";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmstring} from "../../../../Framework/type/csmstring";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmrect} from "../../../../Framework/type/csmrectf";
import {CubismLogInfo} from "../../../../Framework/utils/cubismdebug";
import csmRect = csmrect.csmRect;
import csmString = csmstring.csmString;
import InvalidMotionQueueEntryHandleValue = cubismmotionqueuemanager.InvalidMotionQueueEntryHandleValue;
import CubismMotionQueueEntryHandle = cubismmotionqueuemanager.CubismMotionQueueEntryHandle;
import CubismMotion = cubismmotion.CubismMotion;
import CubismString = cubismstring.CubismString;
import CubismMatrix44 = cubismmatrix44.CubismMatrix44;
import csmMap = csmmap.csmMap;
import csmVector = csmvector.csmVector;
import CubismBreath = cubismbreath.CubismBreath;
import CubismEyeBlink = cubismeyeblink.CubismEyeBlink;
import ACubismMotion = acubismmotion.ACubismMotion;
import CubismFramework = live2dcubismframework.CubismFramework;
import CubismIdHandle = cubismid.CubismIdHandle;
import CubismUserModel = cubismusermodel.CubismUserModel;
import ICubismModelSetting = icubismmodelsetting.ICubismModelSetting;
import CubismModelSettingJson = cubismmodelsettingjson.CubismModelSettingJson;
import CubismDefaultParameterId = cubismdefaultparameterid;
import {LAppDefine} from "./lappdefine";
import {LAppPal} from "./lapppal";
import {gl} from "./lappdelegate";
function createBuffer(path: string, callBack: any): void
LAppPal.loadFileAsBytes(path, callBack);
function deleteBuffer(buffer: ArrayBuffer, path: string = "")
enum LoadStep
* 使<br>
export class LAppModel extends CubismUserModel {
* model3.json
* @param dir
* @param fileName
public loadAssets(dir: string, fileName: string): void
this._modelHomeDir = dir;
const path: string = dir + fileName;
(response) =>
return response.arrayBuffer();
(arrayBuffer) =>
let buffer: ArrayBuffer = arrayBuffer;
let size = buffer.byteLength;
let setting: ICubismModelSetting = new CubismModelSettingJson(buffer, size);
// ステートを更新
this._state = LoadStep.LoadModel;
// 結果を保存
* model3.json
* model3.json
* @param setting ICubismModelSetting
private setupModel(setting: ICubismModelSetting): void
this._updating = true;
this._initialized = false;
this._modelSetting = setting;
let buffer: ArrayBuffer;
let size: number;
// CubismModel
if (this._modelSetting.getModelFileName() != "")
let path: string = this._modelSetting.getModelFileName();
path = this._modelHomeDir + path;
(response) =>
return response.arrayBuffer();
(arrayBuffer) =>
buffer = arrayBuffer;
deleteBuffer(buffer, path);
this._state = LoadStep.LoadExpression;
// callback
this._state = LoadStep.WaitLoadModel;
console.log("ModelData is not exist");
// Expression
let loadCubismExpression = () =>
if(this._modelSetting.getExpressionCount() > 0)
const count: number = this._modelSetting.getExpressionCount();
for(let i: number = 0; i < count; i++)
let name: string = this._modelSetting.getExpressionName(i);
let path: string = this._modelSetting.getExpressionFileName(i);
path = this._modelHomeDir + path;
(response) =>
return response.arrayBuffer();
(arrayBuffer) =>
let buffer: ArrayBuffer = arrayBuffer;
let size: number = buffer.byteLength;
let motion: ACubismMotion = this.loadExpression(buffer, size, name);
if(this._expressions.getValue(name) != null)
this._expressions.setValue(name, null);
this._expressions.setValue(name, motion);
deleteBuffer(buffer, path);
if(this._expressionCount >= count)
this._state = LoadStep.LoadPhysics;
// callback
this._state = LoadStep.WaitLoadExpression;
this._state = LoadStep.LoadPhysics;
// callback
// Physics
let loadCubismPhysics = () =>
if(this._modelSetting.getPhysicsFileName() != "")
let path: string = this._modelSetting.getPhysicsFileName();
path = this._modelHomeDir + path;
(response) =>
return response.arrayBuffer();
(arrayBuffer) =>
let buffer: ArrayBuffer = arrayBuffer;
let size: number = buffer.byteLength;
this.loadPhysics(buffer, size);
deleteBuffer(buffer, path);
this._state = LoadStep.LoadPose;
// callback
this._state = LoadStep.WaitLoadPhysics;
this._state = LoadStep.LoadPose;
// callback
// Pose
let loadCubismPose = () =>
if(this._modelSetting.getPoseFileName() != "")
let path: string = this._modelSetting.getPoseFileName();
path = this._modelHomeDir + path;
(response) =>
return response.arrayBuffer();
(arrayBuffer) =>
let buffer: ArrayBuffer = arrayBuffer;
let size: number = buffer.byteLength;
this.loadPose(buffer, size);
deleteBuffer(buffer, path);
this._state = LoadStep.SetupEyeBlink;
// callback
this._state = LoadStep.WaitLoadPose;
this._state = LoadStep.SetupEyeBlink;
// callback
// EyeBlink
let setupEyeBlink = () =>
if(this._modelSetting.getEyeBlinkParameterCount() > 0)
this._eyeBlink = CubismEyeBlink.create(this._modelSetting);
this._state = LoadStep.SetupBreath;
// callback
// Breath
let setupBreath = () =>
this._breath = CubismBreath.create();
let breathParameters: csmVector<CubismBreath.BreathParameterData> = new csmVector();
breathParameters.pushBack(new CubismBreath.BreathParameterData(this._idParamAngleX, 0.0, 15.0, 6.5345, 0.5));
breathParameters.pushBack(new CubismBreath.BreathParameterData(this._idParamAngleY, 0.0, 8.0, 3.5345, 0.5));
breathParameters.pushBack(new CubismBreath.BreathParameterData(this._idParamAngleZ, 0.0, 10.0, 5.5345, 0.5));
breathParameters.pushBack(new CubismBreath.BreathParameterData(this._idParamBodyAngleX, 0.0, 4.0, 15.5345, 0.5));
breathParameters.pushBack(new CubismBreath.BreathParameterData(CubismFramework.getIdManager().getId(CubismDefaultParameterId.ParamBreath), 0.0, 0.5, 3.2345, 0.5));
this._state = LoadStep.LoadUserData;
// callback
// UserData
let loadUserData = () =>
if(this._modelSetting.getUserDataFile() != "")
let path: string = this._modelSetting.getUserDataFile();
path = this._modelHomeDir + path;
(response) =>
return response.arrayBuffer();
(arrayBuffer) =>
let buffer: ArrayBuffer = arrayBuffer;
let size: number = buffer.byteLength;
this.loadUserData(buffer, size);
deleteBuffer(buffer, path);
this._state = LoadStep.SetupEyeBlinkIds;
// callback
this._state = LoadStep.WaitLoadUserData;
this._state = LoadStep.SetupEyeBlinkIds;
// callback
// EyeBlinkIds
let setupEyeBlinkIds = () =>
let eyeBlinkIdCount: number = this._modelSetting.getEyeBlinkParameterCount();
for(let i: number = 0; i < eyeBlinkIdCount; ++i)
this._state = LoadStep.SetupLipSyncIds;
// callback
// LipSyncIds
let setupLipSyncIds = () =>
let lipSyncIdCount = this._modelSetting.getLipSyncParameterCount();
for(let i: number = 0; i < lipSyncIdCount; ++i)
this._state = LoadStep.SetupLayout;
// callback
// Layout
let setupLayout = () =>
let layout: csmMap<string, number> = new csmMap<string, number>();
this._state = LoadStep.LoadMotion;
// callback
// Motion
let loadCubismMotion = () =>
this._state = LoadStep.WaitLoadMotion;
this._allMotionCount = 0;
this._motionCount = 0;
let group: string[] = [];
let motionGroupCount: number = this._modelSetting.getMotionGroupCount();
// モーションの総数を求める
for(let i: number = 0; i < motionGroupCount; i++)
group[i] = this._modelSetting.getMotionGroupName(i);
this._allMotionCount += this._modelSetting.getMotionCount(group[i]);
// モーションの読み込み
for(let i: number = 0; i < motionGroupCount; i++)
// モーションがない場合
if(motionGroupCount == 0)
this._state = LoadStep.LoadTexture;
// 全てのモーションを停止する
this._updating = false;
this._initialized = true;
private setupTextures(): void
if(this._state == LoadStep.LoadTexture)
// テクスチャ読み込み用
let textureCount: number = this._modelSetting.getTextureCount();
let img: HTMLImageElement[] = new Array(textureCount);
for(let modelTextureNumber = 0; modelTextureNumber < textureCount; modelTextureNumber++)
// テクスチャ名が空文字だった場合はロード・バインド処理をスキップ
if(this._modelSetting.getTextureFileName(modelTextureNumber) == "")
console.log("getTextureFileName null");
// WebGLのテクスチャユニットにテクスチャをロードする
let texturePath = this._modelSetting.getTextureFileName(modelTextureNumber);
texturePath = this._modelHomeDir + texturePath;
// データのオンロードをトリガーにする
img[modelTextureNumber] = new Image();
img[modelTextureNumber].onload = () =>
// テクスチャオブジェクトの作成
let tex: WebGLTexture = gl.createTexture();
// テクスチャを選択
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, tex);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
// テクスチャにピクセルを書き込む
gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, img[modelTextureNumber]);
// ミップマップを生成
this.getRenderer().bindTexture(modelTextureNumber, tex);
if(this._textureCount >= textureCount)
// ロード完了
this._state = LoadStep.CompleteSetup;
img[modelTextureNumber].src = texturePath;
this._state = LoadStep.WaitLoadTexture;
public reloadRenderer(): void
public update(): void
if(this._state != LoadStep.CompleteSetup) return;
const deltaTimeSeconds: number = LAppPal.getDeltaTime();
this._userTimeSeconds += deltaTimeSeconds;
this._dragX = this._dragManager.getX();
this._dragY = this._dragManager.getY();
// モーションによるパラメータ更新の有無
let motionUpdated = false;
this._model.loadParameters(); // 前回セーブされた状態をロード
// モーションの再生がない場合、待機モーションの中からランダムで再生する
this.startRandomMotion(LAppDefine.MotionGroupIdle, LAppDefine.PriorityIdle);
motionUpdated = this._motionManager.updateMotion(this._model, deltaTimeSeconds); // モーションを更新
this._model.saveParameters(); // 状態を保存
// まばたき
if(this._eyeBlink != null)
// メインモーションの更新がないとき
this._eyeBlink.updateParameters(this._model, deltaTimeSeconds); // 目パチ
if(this._expressionManager != null)
this._expressionManager.updateMotion(this._model, deltaTimeSeconds); // 表情でパラメータ更新(相対変化)
// ドラッグによる変化
// ドラッグによる顔の向きの調整
this._model.addParameterValueById(this._idParamAngleX, this._dragX * 30); // -30から30の値を加える
this._model.addParameterValueById(this._idParamAngleY, this._dragY * 30);
this._model.addParameterValueById(this._idParamAngleZ, this._dragX * this._dragY * -30);
// ドラッグによる体の向きの調整
this._model.addParameterValueById(this._idParamBodyAngleX, this._dragX * 10); // -10から10の値を加える
// ドラッグによる目の向きの調整
this._model.addParameterValueById(this._idParamEyeBallX, this._dragX); // -1から1の値を加える
this._model.addParameterValueById(this._idParamEyeBallY, this._dragY);
// 呼吸など
if(this._breath != null)
this._breath.updateParameters(this._model, deltaTimeSeconds);
// 物理演算の設定
if(this._physics != null)
this._physics.evaluate(this._model, deltaTimeSeconds);
// リップシンクの設定
let value: number = 0; // リアルタイムでリップシンクを行う場合、システムから音量を取得して、0~1の範囲で値を入力します。
for(let i: number = 0; i < this._lipSyncIds.getSize(); ++i)
this._model.addParameterValueById(, value, 0.8);
// ポーズの設定
if(this._pose != null)
this._pose.updateParameters(this._model, deltaTimeSeconds);
* @param group
* @param no
* @param priority
* @return isFinished()使[-1]
public startMotion(group: string, no: number, priority: number): CubismMotionQueueEntryHandle
if(priority == LAppDefine.PriorityForce)
else if(!this._motionManager.reserveMotion(priority))
LAppPal.printLog("[APP]can't start motion.");
return InvalidMotionQueueEntryHandleValue;
const fileName: string = this._modelSetting.getMotionFileName(group, no);
// ex) idle_0
let name: string = CubismString.getFormatedString("{0}_{1}", group, no);
let motion: CubismMotion = <CubismMotion>this._motions.getValue(name);
let autoDelete: boolean = false;
if(motion == null)
let path: string = fileName;
path = this._modelHomeDir + path;
(response) =>
return response.arrayBuffer();
(arrayBuffer) =>
let buffer: ArrayBuffer = arrayBuffer;
let size = buffer.byteLength;
motion = <CubismMotion>this.loadMotion(buffer, size, null);
let fadeTime: number = this._modelSetting.getMotionFadeInTimeValue(group, no);
if(fadeTime >= 0.0)
fadeTime = this._modelSetting.getMotionFadeOutTimeValue(group, no);
if(fadeTime >= 0.0)
motion.setEffectIds(this._eyeBlinkIds, this._lipSyncIds);
autoDelete = true; // 終了時にメモリから削除
deleteBuffer(buffer, path);
LAppPal.printLog("[APP]start motion: [{0}_{1}", group, no);
return this._motionManager.startMotionPriority(motion, autoDelete, priority);
* @param group
* @param priority
* @return isFinished()使[-1]
public startRandomMotion(group: string, priority: number): CubismMotionQueueEntryHandle
if(this._modelSetting.getMotionCount(group) == 0)
return InvalidMotionQueueEntryHandleValue;
let no: number = Math.floor(Math.random() * this._modelSetting.getMotionCount(group));
return this.startMotion(group, no, priority);
* @param expressionId ID
public setExpression(expressionId: string): void
let motion: ACubismMotion = this._expressions.getValue(expressionId);
LAppPal.printLog("[APP]expression: [{0}]", expressionId);
if(motion != null)
this._expressionManager.startMotionPriority(motion, false, LAppDefine.PriorityForce);
LAppPal.printLog("[APP]expression[{0}] is null", expressionId);
public setRandomExpression(): void
if(this._expressions.getSize() == 0)
let no: number = Math.floor(Math.random() * this._expressions.getSize());
for(let i: number = 0; i < this._expressions.getSize(); i++)
if(i == no)
let name: string = this._expressions._keyValues[i].first;
public motionEventFired(eventValue: csmString): void
CubismLogInfo("{0} is fired on LAppModel!!", eventValue.s);
* @param hitArenaName ID
* @param x X
* @param y Y
public hitTest(hitArenaName: string, x: number, y: number): boolean
// 透明時は当たり判定無し。
if(this._opacity < 1)
return false;
const count: number = this._modelSetting.getHitAreasCount();
for(let i: number = 0; i < count; i++)
if(this._modelSetting.getHitAreaName(i) == hitArenaName)
const drawId: CubismIdHandle = this._modelSetting.getHitAreaId(i);
return this.isHit(drawId, x, y);
return false;
* ModelSetting
* @param group
public preLoadMotionGroup(group: string): void
for(let i: number = 0; i < this._modelSetting.getMotionCount(group); i++)
// ex) idle_0
let name: string = CubismString.getFormatedString("{0}_{1}", group, i);
let path = this._modelSetting.getMotionFileName(group, i);
path = this._modelHomeDir + path;
LAppPal.printLog("[APP]load motion: {0} => [{1}_{2}]", path, group, i);
(response) =>
return response.arrayBuffer();
(arrayBuffer) =>
let buffer: ArrayBuffer = arrayBuffer;
let size = buffer.byteLength;
let tmpMotion: CubismMotion = <CubismMotion>this.loadMotion(buffer, size, name);
let fadeTime = this._modelSetting.getMotionFadeInTimeValue(group, i);
if(fadeTime >= 0.0)
fadeTime = this._modelSetting.getMotionFadeOutTimeValue(group, i);
if(fadeTime >= 0.0)
tmpMotion.setEffectIds(this._eyeBlinkIds, this._lipSyncIds);
if(this._motions.getValue(name) != null)
this._motions.setValue(name, tmpMotion);
deleteBuffer(buffer, path);
if(this._motionCount >= this._allMotionCount)
this._state = LoadStep.LoadTexture;
// 全てのモーションを停止する
this._updating = false;
this._initialized = true;
public releaseMotions(): void
public releaseExpressions(): void
* View-Projection
public doDraw(): void
if(this._model == null) return;
* View-Projection
public draw(matrix: CubismMatrix44): void
if(this._model == null)
// 各読み込み終了後
if(this._state == LoadStep.CompleteSetup)
public constructor()
this._modelSetting = null;
this._modelHomeDir = null;
this._userTimeSeconds = 0.0;
this._eyeBlinkIds = new csmVector<CubismIdHandle>();
this._lipSyncIds = new csmVector<CubismIdHandle>();
this._motions = new csmMap<string, ACubismMotion>();
this._expressions = new csmMap<string, ACubismMotion>();
this._hitArea = new csmVector<csmRect>();
this._userArea = new csmVector<csmRect>();
this._idParamAngleX = CubismFramework.getIdManager().getId(CubismDefaultParameterId.ParamAngleX);
this._idParamAngleY = CubismFramework.getIdManager().getId(CubismDefaultParameterId.ParamAngleY);
this._idParamAngleZ = CubismFramework.getIdManager().getId(CubismDefaultParameterId.ParamAngleZ);
this._idParamEyeBallX = CubismFramework.getIdManager().getId(CubismDefaultParameterId.ParamEyeBallX);
this._idParamEyeBallY = CubismFramework.getIdManager().getId(CubismDefaultParameterId.ParamEyeBallY);
this._idParamBodyAngleX = CubismFramework.getIdManager().getId(CubismDefaultParameterId.ParamBodyAngleX);
this._state = LoadStep.LoadAssets;
this._expressionCount = 0;
this._textureCount = 0;
this._motionCount = 0;
this._allMotionCount = 0;
_modelSetting: ICubismModelSetting; // モデルセッティング情報
_modelHomeDir: string; // モデルセッティングが置かれたディレクトリ
_userTimeSeconds: number; // デルタ時間の積算値[秒]
_eyeBlinkIds: csmVector<CubismIdHandle>; // モデルに設定された瞬き機能用パラメータID
_lipSyncIds: csmVector<CubismIdHandle>; // モデルに設定されたリップシンク機能用パラメータID
_motions: csmMap<string, ACubismMotion>; // 読み込まれているモーションのリスト
_expressions: csmMap<string, ACubismMotion>; // 読み込まれている表情のリスト
_hitArea: csmVector<csmRect>;
_userArea: csmVector<csmRect>;
_idParamAngleX: CubismIdHandle; // パラメータID: ParamAngleX
_idParamAngleY: CubismIdHandle; // パラメータID: ParamAngleY
_idParamAngleZ: CubismIdHandle; // パラメータID: ParamAngleZ
_idParamEyeBallX: CubismIdHandle; // パラメータID: ParamEyeBallX
_idParamEyeBallY: CubismIdHandle; // パラメータID: ParamEyeBAllY
_idParamBodyAngleX: CubismIdHandle; // パラメータID: ParamBodyAngleX
_state: number; // 現在のステータス管理用
_expressionCount: number; // 表情データカウント
_textureCount: number; // テクスチャカウント
_motionCount: number; // モーションデータカウント
_allMotionCount: number; // モーション総数

View File

@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
* Cubism Platform Abstraction Layer.
export class LAppPal
* @param filePath
* @return
* {
* buffer,
* size
* }
public static loadFileAsBytes(filePath: string, callback: any): void
const path: string = filePath;
let size = 0;
(response) =>
return response.arrayBuffer();
(arrayBuffer) =>
size = arrayBuffer.byteLength;
callback(arrayBuffer, size);
* @param byteData
public static releaseBytes(byteData: ArrayBuffer): void
byteData = void 0;
* @return [ms]
public static getDeltaTime(): number
return this.s_deltaTime;
public static updateTime(): void
this.s_currentFrame =;
this.s_deltaTime = (this.s_currentFrame - this.s_lastFrame) / 1000;
this.s_lastFrame = this.s_currentFrame;
* @param format
* @param ... args
public static printLog(format: string, ... args: any[]): void
(m, k) =>
return args[k];
* @param message
public static printMessage(message: string): void
static lastUpdate =;
static s_currentFrame = 0.0;
static s_lastFrame = 0.0;
static s_deltaTime = 0.0;

View File

@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import { gl, canvas } from "./lappdelegate";
* Rect
export class LAppSprite
* @param x x
* @param y y
* @param width
* @param height
* @param textureId
constructor(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, textureId: WebGLTexture)
this._rect = new Rect();
this._rect.left = (x - width * 0.5);
this._rect.right = (x + width * 0.5);
this._rect.up = (y + height * 0.5);
this._rect.down = (y - height * 0.5);
this._texture = textureId;
public getTexture(): WebGLTexture
return this._texture;
* @param programId
* @param canvas
public render(programId: WebGLProgram): void
// 何番目のattribute変数か
let positionLocation = gl.getAttribLocation(programId, "position");
let uvLocation = gl.getAttribLocation(programId, "uv");
let textureLocation: WebGLUniformLocation = null;
textureLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(programId, "texture");
// attribute属性を有効にする
// uniform属性の登録
gl.uniform1i(textureLocation, 0);
const uvVertex: Float32Array = new Float32Array([
1.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0,
1.0, 1.0
let vuv: WebGLBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vuv);
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, uvVertex, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
// attribute属性を登録
gl.vertexAttribPointer(uvLocation, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
// 画面サイズを取得する。
let maxWidth, maxHeight;
maxWidth = canvas.width;
maxHeight = canvas.height;
// 頂点データ
let positionVertex: Float32Array = new Float32Array([
(this._rect.right - maxWidth * 0.5) / (maxWidth * 0.5), (this._rect.up - maxHeight * 0.5) / (maxHeight * 0.5),
(this._rect.left - maxWidth * 0.5) / (maxWidth * 0.5), (this._rect.up - maxHeight * 0.5) / (maxHeight * 0.5),
(this._rect.left - maxWidth * 0.5) / (maxWidth * 0.5), (this._rect.down - maxHeight * 0.5) / (maxHeight * 0.5),
(this._rect.right - maxWidth * 0.5) / (maxWidth * 0.5), (this._rect.down - maxHeight * 0.5) / (maxHeight * 0.5)
let vposition: WebGLBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vposition);
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, positionVertex, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
// attribute属性を登録
gl.vertexAttribPointer(positionLocation, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
// モデルの描画
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, this._texture);
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4);
* @param pointX x
* @param pointY y
public isHit(pointX: number, pointY: number): boolean
// 画面サイズを取得する。
let maxWidth, maxHeight;
maxWidth = canvas.width;
maxHeight = canvas.height;
// Y座標は変換する必要あり
let y = maxHeight - pointY;
return (pointX >= this._rect.left && pointX <= this._rect.right && y <= this._rect.up && y >= this._rect.down);
_texture: WebGLTexture; // テクスチャ
_rect: Rect; // 矩形
export class Rect
public left: number; // 左辺
public right: number; // 右辺
public up: number; // 上辺
public down: number; // 下辺

View File

@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as csmvector} from "../../../../Framework/type/csmvector";
import Csm_csmVector = csmvector.csmVector;
import { gl } from "./lappdelegate";
export class LAppTextureManager
this._textures = new Csm_csmVector<TextureInfo>();
* @param red Red
* @param green Green
* @param blue Blue
* @param alpha Alpha
public premultiply(red: number, green: number, blue: number, alpha: number): number
return (
(red * (alpha + 1) >> 8) |
((green * (alpha + 1) >> 8) << 8) |
((blue * (alpha + 1) >> 8) << 16) |
(((alpha)) << 24)
* @param fileName
* @return null
public createTextureFromPngFile(fileName: string, callback: any): TextureInfo
// search loaded texture already
for(let i: number = 0; i < this._textures.getSize(); i++)
if( == fileName)
// データのオンロードをトリガーにする
let img = new Image();
img.onload = () =>
// テクスチャオブジェクトの作成
let tex: WebGLTexture = gl.createTexture();
// テクスチャを選択
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, tex);
// テクスチャにピクセルを書き込む
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);
// テクスチャにピクセルを書き込む
gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, img);
// ミップマップを生成
// テクスチャをバインド
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, tex);
let textureInfo: TextureInfo = new TextureInfo();
if(textureInfo != null)
textureInfo.fileName = fileName;
textureInfo.width = img.width;
textureInfo.height = img.height; = tex;
img.src = fileName;
return null;
public releaseTextures(): void
for(let i: number = 0; i < this._textures.getSize(); i++)
this._textures.set(i, void 0);
* @param texture
public releaseTextureByTexture(texture: WebGLTexture)
for(let i: number = 0; i < this._textures.getSize(); i++)
if( != texture)
this._textures.set(i, void 0);
* @param fileName
public releaseTextureByFilePath(fileName: string): void
for(let i: number = 0; i < this._textures.getSize(); i++)
if( == fileName)
this._textures.set(i, void 0);
_textures: Csm_csmVector<TextureInfo>;
export class TextureInfo
id: WebGLTexture = null; // テクスチャ
width: number = 0; // 横幅
height: number = 0; // 高さ
fileName: string; // ファイル名

View File

@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismMatrix44} from "../../../../Framework/math/cubismmatrix44";
import {Live2DCubismFramework as cubismviewmatrix} from "../../../../Framework/math/cubismviewmatrix";
import Csm_CubismViewMatrix = cubismviewmatrix.CubismViewMatrix;
import Csm_CubismMatrix44 = cubismMatrix44.CubismMatrix44;
import { TouchManager } from "./touchmanager";
import { LAppDefine } from "./lappdefine";
import { LAppLive2DManager } from "./lapplive2dmanager";
import { LAppDelegate, canvas} from "./lappdelegate";
import { LAppSprite } from "./lappsprite";
import { TextureInfo } from "./lapptexturemanager";
import { LAppPal } from "./lapppal";
enum LoadStep
export class LAppView
this._loadStep = LoadStep.BackImage;
this._programId = null;
this._back = null;
this._gear = null;
// タッチ関係のイベント管理
this._touchManager = new TouchManager();
// デバイス座標からスクリーン座標に変換するための
this._deviceToScreen = new Csm_CubismMatrix44();
// 画面の表示の拡大縮小や移動の変換を行う行列
this._viewMatrix = new Csm_CubismViewMatrix();
public initialize(): void
let width: number, height: number;
width = canvas.width;
height = canvas.height;
let ratio: number = height / width;
let left: number = LAppDefine.ViewLogicalLeft;
let right: number = LAppDefine.ViewLogicalRight;
let bottom: number = -ratio;
let top: number = ratio;
this._viewMatrix.setScreenRect(left, right, bottom, top); // デバイスに対応する画面の範囲。 Xの左端、Xの右端、Yの下端、Yの上端
let screenW: number = Math.abs(left - right);
this._deviceToScreen.scaleRelative(screenW / width, -screenW / width);
this._deviceToScreen.translateRelative(-width * 0.5, -height * 0.5);
// 表示範囲の設定
this._viewMatrix.setMaxScale(LAppDefine.ViewMaxScale); // 限界拡張率
this._viewMatrix.setMinScale(LAppDefine.ViewMinScale); // 限界縮小率
// 表示できる最大範囲
public render(): void
if(this._loadStep != LoadStep.CompleteLoad)
let live2DManager: LAppLive2DManager = LAppLive2DManager.getInstance();
public initializeSprite(): void
let width: number, height: number;
width = canvas.width;
height = canvas.height;
let textureManager = LAppDelegate.getInstance().getTextureManager();
const resourcesPath = LAppDefine.ResourcesPath;
let imageName: string = "";
// 背景画像初期化
if(this._loadStep == LoadStep.BackImage)
imageName = LAppDefine.BackImageName;
// 非同期なのでコールバック関数を作成
let initBackGroundTexture = (textureInfo: TextureInfo): void =>
let x: number = width * 0.5;
let y: number = height * 0.5;
let fwidth = textureInfo.width * 2.0;
let fheight = height * 0.95;
this._back = new LAppSprite(x, y, fwidth, fheight,;
this._loadStep = LoadStep.GearImage;
let backGroundTexture: TextureInfo = textureManager.createTextureFromPngFile(resourcesPath + imageName, initBackGroundTexture);
// 既に画像があれば直接初期化
if(backGroundTexture != null)
// 歯車画像初期化
if(this._loadStep == LoadStep.GearImage)
imageName = LAppDefine.GearImageName;
let initGearTexture = (textureInfo: TextureInfo): void =>
let x = width - textureInfo.width * 0.5;
let y = height - textureInfo.height * 0.5;
let fwidth = textureInfo.width;
let fheight = textureInfo.height;
this._gear = new LAppSprite(x, y, fwidth, fheight,;
this._loadStep = LoadStep.CompleteLoad;
let gearTexture: TextureInfo = textureManager.createTextureFromPngFile(resourcesPath + imageName, initGearTexture);
// 既に画像があれば直接初期化
if(gearTexture != null)
if(this._loadStep == LoadStep.CompleteLoad)
this._programId = LAppDelegate.getInstance().createShader();
* @param pointX X
* @param pointY Y
public onTouchesBegan(pointX: number, pointY: number): void
this._touchManager.touchesBegan(pointX, pointY);
* @param pointX X
* @param pointY Y
public onTouchesMoved(pointX: number, pointY: number): void
let viewX: number = this.transformViewX(this._touchManager.getX());
let viewY: number = this.transformViewY(this._touchManager.getY());
this._touchManager.touchesMoved(pointX, pointY);
let live2DManager: LAppLive2DManager = LAppLive2DManager.getInstance();
live2DManager.onDrag(viewX, viewY);
* @param pointX X
* @param pointY Y
public onTouchesEnded(pointX: number, pointY: number): void
// タッチ終了
let live2DManager: LAppLive2DManager = LAppLive2DManager.getInstance();
live2DManager.onDrag(0.0, 0.0);
// シングルタップ
let x: number = this._deviceToScreen.transformX(this._touchManager.getX()); // 論理座標変換した座標を取得。
let y: number = this._deviceToScreen.transformY(this._touchManager.getY()); // 論理座標変化した座標を取得。
LAppPal.printLog("[APP]touchesEnded x: {0} y: {1}", x, y);
live2DManager.onTap(x, y);
// 歯車にタップしたか
if(this._gear.isHit(pointX, pointY))
* XView
* @param deviceX X
public transformViewX(deviceX: number): number
let screenX: number = this._deviceToScreen.transformX(deviceX); // 論理座標変換した座標を取得。
return this._viewMatrix.invertTransformX(screenX); // 拡大、縮小、移動後の値。
* YView
* @param deviceY Y
public transformViewY(deviceY: number): number
let screenY: number = this._deviceToScreen.transformY(deviceY); // 論理座標変換した座標を取得。
return this._viewMatrix.invertTransformY(screenY);
* XScreen
* @param deviceX X
public transformScreenX(deviceX: number): number
return this._deviceToScreen.transformX(deviceX);
* YScreen
* @param deviceY Y
public transformScreenY(deviceY: number): number
return this._deviceToScreen.transformY(deviceY);
_touchManager: TouchManager; // タッチマネージャー
_deviceToScreen: Csm_CubismMatrix44; // デバイスからスクリーンへの行列
_viewMatrix: Csm_CubismViewMatrix; // viewMatrix
_programId: WebGLProgram; // シェーダID
_back: LAppSprite; // 背景画像
_gear: LAppSprite; // ギア画像
_changeModel: boolean; // モデル切り替えフラグ
_isClick: boolean; // クリック中
_loadStep: number;

View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
import { LAppDelegate } from "./lappdelegate";
let main: any = () =>
// create the application instance
if(LAppDelegate.getInstance().initialize() == false)
console.log("application iniitalize");
window.onbeforeunload = () =>

View File

@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
* Copyright(c) Live2D Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Live2D Open Software license
* that can be found at
export class TouchManager
this._startX = 0.0;
this._startY = 0.0;
this._lastX = 0.0;
this._lastY = 0.0;
this._lastX1 = 0.0;
this._lastY1 = 0.0;
this._lastX2 = 0.0;
this._lastY2 = 0.0;
this._lastTouchDistance = 0.0;
this._deltaX = 0.0;
this._deltaY = 0.0;
this._scale = 1.0;
this._touchSingle = false;
this._flipAvailable = false;
public getCenterX(): number
return this._lastX;
public getCenterY(): number
return this._lastY;
public getDeltaX(): number
return this._deltaX;
public getDeltaY(): number
return this._deltaY;
public getStartX(): number
return this._startX;
public getStartY(): number
return this._startY;
public getScale(): number
return this._scale;
public getX(): number
return this._lastX;
public getY(): number
return this._lastY;
public getX1(): number
return this._lastX1;
public getY1(): number
return this._lastY1;
public getX2(): number
return this._lastX2;
public getY2(): number
return this._lastY2;
public isSingleTouch(): boolean
return this._touchSingle;
public isFlickAvailable(): boolean
return this._flipAvailable;
public disableFlick(): void
this._flipAvailable = false;
* @param deviceX x
* @param deviceY y
public touchesBegan(deviceX: number, deviceY: number): void
this._lastX = deviceX;
this._lastY = deviceY;
this._startX = deviceX;
this._startY = deviceY;
this._lastTouchDistance = -1.0;
this._flipAvailable = true;
this._touchSingle = true;
* @param deviceX x
* @param deviceY y
public touchesMoved(deviceX: number, deviceY: number): void
this._lastX = deviceX;
this._lastY = deviceY;
this._lastTouchDistance = -1.0;
this._touchSingle = true;
* @return
public getFlickDistance(): number
return this.calculateDistance(this._startX, this._startY, this._lastX, this._lastY)
* @param x1 x
* @param y1 y
* @param x2 x
* @param y2 y
public calculateDistance(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): number
return Math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2));
* @param v1
* @param v2
* @return
public calculateMovingAmount(v1: number, v2: number): number
if ((v1 > 0.0) != (v2 > 0.0))
return 0.0;
let sign: number = v1 > 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0;
let absoluteValue1 = Math.abs(v1);
let absoluteValue2 = Math.abs(v2);
return sign * ((absoluteValue1 < absoluteValue2) ? absoluteValue1: absoluteValue2);
_startY: number; // タッチを開始した時のxの値
_startX: number; // タッチを開始した時のyの値
_lastX: number; // シングルタッチ時のxの値
_lastY: number; // シングルタッチ時のyの値
_lastX1: number; // ダブルタッチ時の一つ目のxの値
_lastY1: number; // ダブルタッチ時の一つ目のyの値
_lastX2: number; // ダブルタッチ時の二つ目のxの値
_lastY2: number; // ダブルタッチ時の二つ目のyの値
_lastTouchDistance: number; // 2本以上でタッチしたときの指の距離
_deltaX: number; // 前回の値から今回の値へのxの移動距離。
_deltaY: number; // 前回の値から今回の値へのyの移動距離。
_scale: number; // このフレームで掛け合わせる拡大率。拡大操作中以外は1。
_touchSingle: boolean; // シングルタッチ時はtrue
_flipAvailable: boolean; // フリップが有効かどうか